Are You Suffering In Unforgiveness? Part 2


“Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow.”

2 Corinthians 2:7

Before Christ went to the cross, He resounded the importance of forgiveness all through His ministry – this was His purpose so He knew best how important forgiveness was. I mean, it was important enough for Him to lay His life for it, so how can we fail to see how important it is to forgive?

So, what was it? what is it? what was done to you? what was said about you? what was that offense that has struck the cord of unforgiveness for so long?

Friend, It is time to uncover that wound that you’ve buried under anger. Please, I urge you to look your pain in the eyes and tell it that the time has come for you two to part. God wants to restore and renew you! Tell that hurt that it can no longer stay in your heart because it has built an haven for unforgiveness.

I know it is difficult to consider releasing the anger that you have carried with you for so long. Far as you know, you are convinced that it is actually a part of you because the voices of the enemy has told you over and over that you are your pain.

But consider this, how heavy has the weight of unforgiveness been on your shoulders?

How long have you dragged unforgiveness along in your life’s journey?

Have you carried your unforgiveness in and out of work? in and out of relationships? in and out of business deals? in and out of friendships? in and out of churches? in and out of alliances? in and out of your home?

Ask yourself, how far as unforgiveness taken you on your path to purpose? And how much farther has it drifted you away from the path of purpose?

Where is the unforgiveness in your life? Point it out! Lord knows that you have carried it long enough!

Christ says to come to Him in your weariness and pain. Friend, I urge you not to stay away. Stop suffering in unforgiveness.

Unforgiveness has cost you more than you will ever be willingly admit. Think of the time, joy, and peace that unforgiveness has stolen away from you. Think of the life that unforgiveness has attempted to rob you of. But we serve a God of restoration!

God will give you beauty for the ashes. HE will give you tenfold of all that you thought you lost. But you have to make room for God to clean up house first. And it begins with you changing your mind about unforgiveness. God is love. HE will bless that very place of suffering and pain that hate threatened to keep you in. God will comfort you. I am saying this because I know first hand just how God wraps you in HIS loving arms to bring you comfort and to reassure you that it is exactly where you always need to be.

Yes, it has been a long rough road. But you are not alone. The Spirit says you will no longer carry this heavy load of unforgiveness. You will lay it down and be freed from the chains of unforgiveness in Jesus name!

May our Sovereign God heal our broken hearts and grant us the will to change our hearts and minds forever about unforgiveness in Jesus name. Amen.

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Nigeria author and speaker. Grace is a good enough reason to remain thankful!

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