“So What Is Your Weakness?” – Part 1

“…So to keep me from becoming proud, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from becoming proud. Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

2 Corinthians 12:7-9 NLT 


“So what is your weakness?”

A dear sister in Christ asked me this profound question as we dined over good food and awesome conversation. At first I stopped, because I was not sure how to answer the question.

I thought in my head, “weakness as in a flaw in my character that I know of? According to others? Or a way I know I fall short according to what I believe God expects of me and has called me to in the name of Christ?”

In my silence, my sister expanded her inquiry and (at least from what I recall in the conversation) referred to a weakness, a weak point where I know the enemy can use as an opening…

I did not let her finish and proceeded to explaining what areas I naturally worry about when it comes to weak points that the enemy has used to torment me recently.

I answered, “Family. My family is certainly a weak point…” As I proceeded to break down the things I worry about when it comes to my loved ones, my sis interrupted again to redirect my response…

“…But what is YOUR weakness?”

Then it dawned on me that I had misinterpreted her question. I thought of weakness as in a place of vulnerability that the enemy has attempted to use to cause me to worry and fret and even lack faith in sometimes. But she was referring to a place in me I knew I fell short that most people would probably not guess without me telling them myself.

I went on to tell my sis of the guilt that lingered and occasionally lingers about the harm I caused others when I was young and ignorant of the impact of my actions. I also shared the guilt about the person I was when brokenness, anger, un-forgiveness, and disappointment ruled my heart.

At the end of my response, my lovely dinner companion was touched and appreciated my willingness to share deeper parts of my past with her. We embraced at the end of dinner and talked about the next time we can sit and speak again in love and in truth about many matters.

It was after I reached home that the Spirit of God whispered some truths to me that I did not readily recall during dinner…

“What is my weakness, Lord?”


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Nigeria author and speaker. Grace is a good enough reason to remain thankful!

One thought on ““So What Is Your Weakness?” – Part 1”

  1. Wow. Amazing.

    You know, although I know and understand why your sister redirected you I also understand the weak place you spoke about regarding your family.

    I often times have to redirect my mind from being anxious about my family also. Making sure I don’t fall into the lie or trap of thinking I will fall into the same intanglement they sometimes fall back into. Instead submitting my honest thoughts then chainbreaking prayers to Daddy for clarity. Clarity not only regarding them but as to why I have these worries, so that I can better shut the mouth of the wicked deceived. I love you on to part ✌🏾

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