No Longer A Slave To Fear (II)


“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, “Abba! Father!”

Romans 8:15

It means that when the sovereign God created you, HE did not make room for you to be fearful of anything or anyone, but HIS GREAT NAME.

And this same God tells us in Proverbs chpt 9 vs 10, that,

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Friend, the fear of the Lord empowers you! So any other kind of fear can only try to enslave or shackle you. But glory be to God that no weapon formed against you shall prosper in Jesus name!

I wonder how much room you have allowed fear in your life, in your territory, and in the lives of your loved ones. I wonder how much permission you have given for fear to reside in your mind and in your spirit.

Don’t you know that you serve a God of angel armies?! Don’t you know that the God of Elijah, daily surrounds you with His chariots of fire?! If God be for you, who or what can be against you?!!!

One of the most powerful songs I have ever heard is titled, No Longer A slave by Bethel Music, here are some of its words,

You unravel me with a melody
You surround me with a song
Of deliverance from my enemies
‘Til all my fears are gone

I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God

From my mother’s womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I’ve been born again
Into your family
Your blood flows through my veins

I am surrounded
By the arms of the father
I am surrounded
By songs of deliverance

We’ve been liberated
From our bondage
We’re the sons and the daughters
Let us sing our freedom…

And I am grateful to God for the Spirit of truth to help us receive the truth as sons and daughters of the Almighty God.

Friend, I decree today that you are no longer a slave to fear in Jesus name. I declare it today in the mighty name of God that the strongholds of fear in every crevice of your life break free in Jesus name! May you shake off the spirit of fear and arise as the fearless child of God that you were created to be in Jesus name! Amen!

No Longer A Slave To Fear (I)


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7


It is one of the most dangerous emotions any man can ever know. Anyone can attest to the chaos that goes on in their minds when they feel trampled by fear. Fear is so powerful and can be just as destructive as anger.

Especially for a believer, fear is king in deception. Fear can make you see what is not there. It can make you think yourself out of logic and truth. Fear can make you feel or hear things that do not exist. And then take you even a step further, fear will make you do things you cannot explain. Fear takes your control away.

Fear is the enemy’s most lethal weapon. As long as you are afraid, the enemy thinks he can have you and control you, making you do things that are not in alignment with your faith in the One who is All-powerful.

Fear has been used from the beginning of time by the wicked to enslave and conquer.

You see, when you have the spirit of fear, your enemy does not need to do much to make you come to your knees because it is really your own fear that has the power to make you crumble. But I give thanks to our Father for revealing His truth to us.

The scripture above testifies to God’s truth when He Alone formed you and I in our mother’s wombs. God DID NOT create you with the spirit of fear!

I’ll say that again. GOD. DID. NOT. CREATE. YOU. WITH. THE. SPIRIT. OF. FEAR.

Rather, you and I have been created with the spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.

Friend, do you understand what that means?!!! FINISH READING HERE