Altar Of Excuses


“Teach us what we shall say unto him; for we cannot order our speech by reason of darkness.”

Job 37:19

I have always believed that as long as there is breath, there ought to be praise. In the blessed words of  Psalm 150 vs 6,

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.”

Have you praised God today?

I am sure many of us thank God absent-mindedly when we find that parking spot we were hoping and silently praying for, or when a news of discomfort turns around, or when we encounter a near-harmful situation but walk out of it untouched and unscathed. We say ‘thank God.’

For many years I personally thought that thanking God in those random times for his unconditional favors, should suffice for praising Him who gave us new life and salvation from the wrath of sin and death.

Admittedly, I was misguided.

Have you ever been misguided? Do you feel misguided even now?

Friend, I urge you to seek guidance from the One who is aware of the dreams you only thought  you’ve lost and the hope you’ve been fighting tooth and nail to keep.

There are so many reasons, well excuses really, that we come up with that keeps a distance between us and the full glory of God.

Whether it be the “lack of trust in churches,” or “the lack of trust in preachers,” or the belief that “religion is a business,” or “the fact that the bible has been revised,” or “there are many religions,” or “I don’t believe you need to go to church to worship,” or “I have a busy life,” or simply, “I don’t know what to believe in anymore,” an altar of excuses have been built.

And that altar is worshiped daily as we try to navigate our way through life as though we orchestrated our life’s plan and God is just a powerful witness who is called on to intervene from time to time.

Lord help me, I’m still counting mine. What are your excuses? Or what is your great excuse?

Is your faith, hope, strength, and courage as good as they will ever get? Is your worship as powerful as it can ever be?

Have you committed to God? Your mind, your body, your soul, all of your heart?! Or are you saving some of it for a world that is only but a vapor?

What altar have you built overtime, adding more and more reasons daily to keep you from getting closer to God? Or do you really believe that you are close enough to your Maker? Have you received all of your blessings from the King of kings? Is your cup running over yet? Or are you settling for the cup half full?

How tall and mighty does the altar have to be before you realize it is even there?!…

May the altar of excuses shatter by the powerful name of God. May the Spirit use our own hands to tear down that altar piece by piece, brick by brick, layer by layer, in Jesus name.

I pray over our spirits today, yours and mine, that the Lord renew our minds, hearts, and souls like never before to yearn and thirst for Him alone. May God fill our mouths with praise, our hands with strength to lift His name up, and our thoughts with the wisdom of his divine counsel. May God’s altar of grace and mercy be the only one we worship in Jesus name. Amen.