Living In Unending Worship


“They were also to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD. They were to do the same in the evening.”

1 Chronicles 20:30

If you asked me a year ago if I had a worship life, I would have said, “of course.” But that response would have been the biggest tale and truth ever told.

I used to be in a mental, non-spiritual state of enjoying music and displays that worshiped and glorified God. I loved the sound of praise. I loved the sounds of instruments coming together in adoration for God.

But, I was not living in unending worship.

I existed in a state that was yet to transcend into worship.

But the spirit of God is so amazing, so convicting, that when you feel the shift that elevates you to a realm that you have never been, you know the difference.

Friend, are you living in unending worship?…

Or does your worship begin and end with the worship of another? Are you content with being a witness? Or is there a yearning for more with God?

If you are anything like I once was, you have intermingled praise and worship so often that you forget to acknowledge that they are not the same thing. See, anyone can praise God. Anyone can utter the goodness of God. It’s easy to praise God for all that He is and more for what He does, but friend, have you ever had an encounter with God for yourself?

That’s worship.

When you worship, do you feel the touch of the One you worship? Do you feel His presence? His warmth? His power? His majesty? His glory? His light?……well, do you?

Because if you did, you would know to want to feel that un-explainable peace, intimacy, and confirmation ALL THE TIME!

Worship is your disciplined praise. Worship is your secret place within you between you and your Father. It is that sacred space between you and your truest Friend. Worship is that time of communion where you knock, and you see the door open in spiritual realms. Worship is the moment you choose to lift your spirit and all that you are, yet lay your burden down at the feet of the One who knows and can do all things.

Friend, true worship never ends.

The praise break at church, or on your radio, or on your music player may have a time limit, but worship is the unending praise and oneness in your spirit with God that goes on and on and on.

Your time with God, ingesting His Word, meditating in His wisdom and direction, walking by the light of His orders, quieting yourself to feel more of Him, putting Him before your plans and not the other way around, living in love… that is worship.

I’m telling you as a testimony that living in unending worship is a place you want to be, a place you yearn to be. You know it, and I know it.

You adore God. You love God. You praise God. You try like me, to honor God. But do you live in unending worship to God?

I pray for you today. I pray against every mighty thought, person, or thing in your life, or your spiritual place that dares to exalt itself above your unending worship to the Most High God. May they fall down to their knees and make way for your unending worship in Jesus name. May dry bones of the spirit come to live through your unending worship in Jesus name. May you receive a fresh dose of anointing to worship like you were created to do in Jesus name. Amen.