Mediated By Meditation – II


“I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.”

Psalm 119:99

Think of meditation as a practice of alignment with God.

Your meditation is a search, a plea even to be taken to ‘another place’ even while still physically in one place. A true believer wants to go to that place, that realm, that state, where everything is clearer, where every sign is visible, where every movement is felt.

Friend, can you imagine the renewal of mind that takes place in this greater realm?

King David attested to that in the scripture above, confessing that he found wisdom and truth even greater than that of all his teachers by meditating on the Word of God for himself.

And if we are still un-convinced by the power of meditation, let’s examine the life of meditation that Christ our Savior lived?

HE was on a mission. HE had a purpose. HE was to save the world through crucifixion. But on His way to that cross, the journey of His life mirrored that of a meditating man.

And how wonderful is it that the Son of Man then became the mediator between God and mankind. It says in 1 Timothy chpt 2 vs 5, that

there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.”

Even our Great mediator lived in meditation.

Why shouldn’t we?

Our alignment with the Spirit comes through meditating on the Word of God, who in His sovereign wisdom imparted that Spirit on you and I.

So if not for the discipline that becomes of character by the practice alone, consider the other gains of meditation.

The fruits of the spirit flows through meditation. Love, patience, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We need every last one of these fruits in our lives.

Friend, I urge you today to be mediated by meditation. God’s Word is all we have that is unchangeable and un-shakeable, and the purpose on your life depends on HIS Word.

I pray today that we are convicted by the Holy Spirit to seek after the One who knows our beginning, middle, and end. May we be elevated yet again to meditate on the sweet Word of the Most High God and be equipped to stand firm on it when all that is shakeable begins to shake in Jesus name. Amen.

Mediated By Meditation – I


“I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.”

Psalm 119:99

To the one who is unfamiliar with the spiritual realm, it is peculiar to hear of another person meditating on the Word. Or simply spending an ample amount of time seeking God’s direction through sincere meditation.

But I give glory to God that you and I have been lifted by the Holy Spirit to peek into the greater realm of Glory even in the land of the living.

Take for example the difference in aura of someone who meditates in the natural sense. A yoga instructor, or ballet expert, or a practiced magician. The one thing that separates the air of these individuals with the common person, is the degree of meditation that each gives to the craft.

There is a noticeable calm, focus, or discipline about those that meditate. There is a visible distinct stronger sense of power and control within the meditating individual.

Meditation changes things.

And for you and me, in the walk with the Most High, meditation changes everything!

Don’t you know that meditation mediates between the natural and spiritual? Are you not aware that your devoted time to meditate on God’s word is what elevates you into His Holy presence? How do you know when God is present if your spirit is not opened to receive Him?

Friend, this is what meditation is all about.

Often times, we hear preachers and spiritual leaders go on and on about studying the Word and ‘spending time’ with God. I have come to find that this is the realm of meditation.

When we bring ourselves into a place of attentiveness, when we begin to control the reception that comes through our senses, this is when we are able to leave the realm of the natural and rise into the realm of the spiritual.

The scripture tells us to keep our mind on higher things, on the things of God. Reading a book might be an attempt for some to keep their mind or interest on higher things, but it is the meditation on what has been absorbed that elevates the mind to remain at that higher realm of understanding.

There are visions awaiting us through meditation. There are assignments waiting on us through meditation. There is power waiting to be released through meditation.

So why then are we not eager to be mediated by meditation? Why do we continue to ignore wisdom standing at the gates of meditation?