When Stars Become Idols

“You shall have no other gods before Me… For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God”

Exodus 20:3-5

At 12 and 13, the wisdom of discernment is often not cemented by the teachings of your youth in the House of God.

I remember the young craze for my favorite idol on American Idol. Then it was just a show about singing hopefuls who longed to be stars, and eventually with the help of voters became stars.

What never occurred to me was how these aspiring musicians did receive worship and honor by the millions of audiences all over the world. They indeed were American idols.

I wonder if like me, with what you know now of the Lord, if that idea in itself, as entertaining, and supposedly harmless as it seemed, introduced an awe and reverence for something or someone else aside from God Almighty. Or is that ‘too extreme’ to consider?

Fast forward to over a decade later, the historical show may have seen its last season, but the legacy of stars being worshipped did not begin with American Idol, thus it didn’t end when the show ended either.

Before, a person was highlighted for achieving something significant, reaching a milestone in their career, or doing something heroic. Now, a star or rising star is often worshipped by the magazines and social media for irrelevant public stunts or who they are copulating with and romancing.

Everywhere you look, there is a celebrity being worshipped, hailed, and celebrated for simply breathing. The Kardashians may be the most popular reality TV stars our generation has ever seen just for being.

Friend, when did stars become idols in our eyes?

Or does it not relate to you?

I for one remember a season not too long ago when the Lord called me to be in solitude and showed me the errors of my mind.

“All hail Queen Bee!” “Long lives the King of Pop!” Yes, I loved MJ and Beyonce. I was in company with friends who greatly favored popular musicians like them. Every album had to be downloaded, whether I enjoyed the songs or not, it wasn’t about the music, it was about the star! I blogged about them, I researched about them, and even aspired to be like them.

At one point, it was my job in a social media internship to know everything new that was happening with today’s ‘celebrities’!

Do you know how much time, effort, and dedication goes into the gossip columns and celebrity news that you long to hear about each day?!!!

When friend, did that star, that thing, that job, become your idol?

I have witnessed many close to me follow the journey of one successful person after another, misplacing the inspiration they feel with a form of idolatry they don’t even realize. Somehow along the line of appreciating talent and skill in man, we forget to guard that place where we love GOD with all of our heart, all of our mind, and all of our soul.

I believe it’s time for us to take inventory and consider our ways. I mean, a true introspection that leads to discovery.

What or whom have you been worshiping rather than God?

What or whom has been occupying your mind and heart in place of your Most High Father who calls you His beloved?

Yes, ideas and goals can be the idols too. Yes, that relationship or friendship can be the idol too.

Forgive us O Lord for not loving you as we should. Forgive us O Lord for not honoring you as we should. Forgive us O Lord for putting anything and anyone before You over and over again. Father please forgive us. Show us the error of our ways Lord. May the Lord open our eyes today, and our hearts be renewed with the right Spirit. May we begin to walk in truth and give all the honor and adoration to WHOM it belongs in Jesus name. AMEN.