Less Worry, More Worship


“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Matthew 6:27

If I were to ask you to make a list of all the things you are currently worried about, how long and unending would that list be?

But if I asked you how many times you have worshiped and devoted some quality time to God today, would the list of times match the list above?

Naturally, the many demands in our lives cause us to respond with worry and concern as we face uncertainties daily. But does the Spirit of God have a say at all in your life in how you respond to the demands before you?

If it did, you would hear it say in its unshaken and comforting voice, “less worry, more worship.”

Friend, you cannot worry and worship at the same time!

One has to trump the other. Undoubtedly, one mindset will inevitably trample the other.

If you choose worry, how is there room for true worship and intimacy with the One who can do all things?

If you choose, WHEN you choose worship, your growing faith and hope in the One who controls heaven and earth, will wipe away the worries.

How so?

Don’t you know that your worship is an act of faith in itself alone? When you come to God, commune with Him, and lay your burdens before Him in complete trust of His All-knowing Majesty, your Spirit makes room for more hope and and the overflow of Joy for what God has promised you.

Friend, worship is what fills you up when you need it the most.

Your worship is your demonstration to God that your heart is receptive of all that He is about to bless you with regardless of what the situation currently looks or feels like. There is nothing else like it.

Worship reminds you that you can access God for yourself and on your own. You can call on to a God who never slumbers and He will answer you!

When worry becomes worship, the enemy trembles at the strength of your armor.

When worry becomes worship, your brokenness becomes a breakthrough.

When worry becomes worship, the worrier in you becomes a warrior because God pours out a refreshing anointment of His strength and power on you.

Yes, it’s easier said than done, but I urge you today to worry less and worship more. God is still in control. HE never once gave the control to your circumstance, you did. And now it’s time to take it back through worship.

May God Almighty send down a refreshing reminder of His promises to you as you walk or even crawl in faith today. I pray that you are filled with a renewed strength to worship more and worry less in Jesus name. Amen.