“Who Told You That You Were Naked?” (II)


“And he said, Who told you that thou wast naked?…”

Genesis 3:11

The thing that strikes me when re-reading the story of Adam and Eve, is that Eve knew what God said. She knew because it was one of her first responses to the serpent. Yet, she opened herself up to the enemy’s lies and believed what the enemy told her.

It’s the same phenomenon with the lost children of God today.

Young men and women, little boys and girls growing up in a world where there are being told by another who they are or who they ought to be, outside the word of God.

Young girls are being told that they are not pretty enough so they wear mounts of make-up that covers and hides their God-given beauty before they could really grasp the worth of God’s divine masterpiece. They add accessories to their bodies to match the assemble or appearance to change what God in His perfection created. They are being told by the lyrics of stars they worship, who to be, how to act, what to say, and how to think. These fragile young queens are being told that they need to reveal parts of their body to get attention, and to be promiscuous to seduce the right partner.

God’s daughters are being told by the world that they ought to pursue a man of great wealth rather than a man of God.

Young queen, who told you that your dress has to be that short? who told you that you need weave extensions? who told you that your face need to be made up? who told you that you are not worth waiting for? who told you that giving up your treasure early teaches you what you should know for the future? who told you?!

I see so many of God’s sons going down the path of destruction. They are being told by their beloved rap stars and athletes that their youth is to be spent laying with different women to attain the glory among man. They are told that as a man, waywardness and cold-hardheartedness is necessary.

Young king, who told you to disdain the life of integrity and responsibility? who told you that you belong in the midst of violence and dishonor? who told you that praise by man compares to the crown of glory? who told you that your lies will build a kingdom? who told you that you are unworthy? who told you that you were destined for failure? who told you that the love you sought is in the streets? who told you that you can only be safe in the company of thieves and murderers? who told you that you will never amount to greatness? who told you?!


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Nigeria author and speaker. Grace is a good enough reason to remain thankful!

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