“Who Told You That You Were Naked”? (END)


“And he said Who told you that thou wast naked?…”

Genesis 3:11

It is all a battle of identity.

We merely call it self-esteem in the naked human eye, but the realm of glory proclaims that is a battle of identity. When the enemy turns you against yourself, you don’t need the help of others to misuse, maltreat, and manipulate who you are. But the devil is a liar!

The Lord your God says in Isaiah 43 vs 1, “I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.”

If you were unsure before now, in the name of Jesus, may your soul receive the word of God today and may you know who and whose you are!

We know that the enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.

Any word that steals, kills, or destroys something in you is not of God, for He is merciful and oh how He loves you friend.

I urge you today to remember who you belong to. It is my hope that you are renewed today with God’s word and restored with what God and only God can tell you.

So when God says, “you are fearfully and wonderfully made,” and He will, “turn your mourning into dancing,” believe it.

When God says, “you are more than a conqueror,” embrace it.

When God says, “He put a jewel on thy forehead, and earrings in thine ears, and a beautiful crown upon thine head,” cherish it. Because these are truths. God is truth.

Friend, don’t you know that you are cherished in the eyes of your almighty Father?

He made you and knew you while you were in your mother’s womb. So, how can anyone else ever convince you or name you what God has not?

What does God tell you in his own word?

These are the messages you and I ought to cling to with assurance because the Lord’s way is perfect. God did not make a mistake when He created you. God is intentional towards you and He has promised that all things are working for your good and His glory.

I know we may have endured some bruises during this battle of identity, but the Great healer says to seek Him and we shall find healing.

Friend, if you are not sure about anything else, receive this – the Lord your God is forever faithful. He is yours and you are His.

No sin, circumstance, or person, both alive and dead, will ever take that away from you in Jesus name. Amen

“Who Told You That You Were Naked?” (III)


“And he said Who told you that thou wast naked?…”

Genesis 3:11

Once upon a time, I was often told I was ugly. Being the only African-born student in my grade set me apart for reasons I would come to be grateful for. But at the time, I believed what I was told by others, outside the word of my Father in heaven.

I was told that I was ugly because my hair was not done. I was told that I was poor because my father didn’t (and couldn’t afford to) buy me expensive name brand clothing. I was told that I was dumb because my Nigerian accent disallowed the articulation of proper grammar. I was told that I was not cool enough for anyone to pay attention to me or really befriend me. I was told to go back to my country.

I believed it. I believed all of it.

I remember vividly how lonely childhood was after my move to America. I remember how painful my development was because I believed what I was told. I remember the many changes I went through trying to align what I was told with what I vaguely remembered of God’s own word.

I recall the missteps, the stumbling, the many lives I tried to lead because of what I was told. But glory be to God for a past that would be used for His glory.

Friend, who told you?

Who told you that the smoking, the drinking, the partying, and careless living is the best life to live? And who told you that this road to nowhere that you have been on is where you deserve to be because of your misguided decisions from way back then? Who told you that it is okay to be abused? Who told you that abusing others would heal your pain? Who told you that stepping on others would help you reach the top? Who told you that hate would conquer pain? Who told you that you were fruitless? who told you?

We know that the enemy is the king of deceit. And he goes through great lengths even in subtle manners to tell us lies that oppose the will of God.

I mean look at how he deceived Eve to thinking that the very wrong that God instructed against, was the right thing to do on this particular day.

I wonder if that same manipulative devil is tempting you today, or has been tempting you for some time now, telling you lies and presenting you with illusions that draw you even nearer to sin.

I wonder if the group of friends that you have found yourself in, does not align with the word of God. I wonder if that condemning habit that you feel powerless over has conveyed messages that are not of God’s.

What have you been told friend? And who told you?


“Who Told You That You Were Naked?” (II)


“And he said, Who told you that thou wast naked?…”

Genesis 3:11

The thing that strikes me when re-reading the story of Adam and Eve, is that Eve knew what God said. She knew because it was one of her first responses to the serpent. Yet, she opened herself up to the enemy’s lies and believed what the enemy told her.

It’s the same phenomenon with the lost children of God today.

Young men and women, little boys and girls growing up in a world where there are being told by another who they are or who they ought to be, outside the word of God.

Young girls are being told that they are not pretty enough so they wear mounts of make-up that covers and hides their God-given beauty before they could really grasp the worth of God’s divine masterpiece. They add accessories to their bodies to match the assemble or appearance to change what God in His perfection created. They are being told by the lyrics of stars they worship, who to be, how to act, what to say, and how to think. These fragile young queens are being told that they need to reveal parts of their body to get attention, and to be promiscuous to seduce the right partner.

God’s daughters are being told by the world that they ought to pursue a man of great wealth rather than a man of God.

Young queen, who told you that your dress has to be that short? who told you that you need weave extensions? who told you that your face need to be made up? who told you that you are not worth waiting for? who told you that giving up your treasure early teaches you what you should know for the future? who told you?!

I see so many of God’s sons going down the path of destruction. They are being told by their beloved rap stars and athletes that their youth is to be spent laying with different women to attain the glory among man. They are told that as a man, waywardness and cold-hardheartedness is necessary.

Young king, who told you to disdain the life of integrity and responsibility? who told you that you belong in the midst of violence and dishonor? who told you that praise by man compares to the crown of glory? who told you that your lies will build a kingdom? who told you that you are unworthy? who told you that you were destined for failure? who told you that the love you sought is in the streets? who told you that you can only be safe in the company of thieves and murderers? who told you that you will never amount to greatness? who told you?!


You. Are. Coming. Out.

coming out

 “According to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt will I shew unto him marvellous things.”

Micah 7:15

This morning, God put a word in my spirit as I listened to Jonathan McReynolds’ Coming Out. From the soothing voice of the musician, to the passionate words of encouragement in the lyrics, I was compelled to share the spirit that coursed through me as I myself internalized the message I was receiving.

Friend, God says, “You Are Coming Out!”

You’ve been in this state of ‘getting by’ for so long that the enemy has started to convince you that this is where you belong, or this is where you’ll stay, unless.

But the devil is a liar!

I need you to understand today that the Lord your God is not lost on the struggles that have plagued your journey for some time now.

That job you wanted and felt so qualified for did not fall through. That opportunity you longed for skipped your doorstep. That relationship you put so much effort and heart into fell short. That person you trusted so much betrayed you. So you have been in this place. And you have stayed in this place.

Depression, fear, uncertainty, discouragement, sorrow, sadness, and hopelessness can no longer contain the spirit of God. You are coming out.

The spirit of the living God has declared today as your day to break out and break free of the chains of what felt like failure but was really fulfillment of God’s divine purpose for your life.

The Word proclaims to us that the Lord has set his people apart for his glory. Friend, don’t you know that depression cannot glorify God? Sadness cannot glorify God. Discontent cannot glorify God.

The Lord tells us in Psalm 50 vs 15 to call upon him in the day of trouble and He will deliver us for his glory!

Have you been calling on everyone else but God? And even if you have been calling on God, have you been listening to his response?

The Lord is not silent to the cries of his children. When it was time for the people of Isreal to leave Egypt, the Lord declared to Moses that it was time for Pharaoh to let God’s people go so they could serve GOD!

Friend, the Lord has declared to the chains in your life that is is time for them to let you go so you can serve and glorify HIM!

You. Are. Coming. Out. Because you are more than a conqueror in Jesus name!

I declare it in the name of Jesus, in the power of God, you will come out today out of this place and glorify the Lord your God for what He has done and has been doing. May strongholds be broken in the mighty name of Jesus. May you rise up and heed the call of glory of your Father in Jesus name. Amen.

“Be Still And Know That I Am God”

be still

“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46:10

Tomorrow will be my last day at my current job.

I find it amazing and amusing at the same time that I have had the same conversation in this last week with at least 8 of my co-workers in 8 different occasions.

So where you going…what will you be doing…why?”

I am truly astonished by the similar reactions of every single one of my curious peers when I tell them each the same thing, “I don’t know, God will soon reveal.”

And the look that comes as a response from them is the exact same thing – a little confusion mixed with “girl, you sure about this?” kind of look.

I respond with every fiber in me, “I just have to obey.”

Yes I know I have bills. Lots of them. Without a job…You can easily guess the rest. But I also know, that I know, that I know that my Father said it is time to go. Where to is yet to be revealed, thus, the stillness is commanded.

And I refuse to move unless HE says so.

They don’t know that it is taking all the faith I have and hoping to have to fall completely on God. They don’t know that there are moments I find myself questioning the practicality of my obedience. But then again, the journey is mine and mine alone. And I keep hearing the soothing voice of God tell me,

Soon they will know. Soon they will see ME work. Soon they will believe…You just trust ME.”

So in this time of stillness, I wonder friend if God is telling you the same thing.

I wonder if you are struggling with your obedience to God because of how things look, or how you think everyone around you will see it. I wonder if God is taking a stand in your life and asking you to fall completely on Him and erase the back-up plans.

Friend, have you considered that there is no other plan to have if God is already plan A? Do you still remember that HE is the Great I AM who never, ever fails?

I don’t know what adversity or opposition you are being dealt right now. I don’t know how uncertain today made you feel. But I know we serve a God who is able to do all things. I know we serve a God whose power separated day from night, a God who commanded the waves and waters to be still and they obeyed!

HE IS GOD! Do you hear me friend, HE. IS. GOD. And He still sits on his throne.

“Be still and know” that He is God and I pray that your situation will very soon cause exaltation for the Most High. God will be exalted because of your obedience in Jesus name. AMEN.