The Thirst Is Real Indeed – Part 2

living water

“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst: but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

John 4:14

Because she was walking by sight and not by faith, the woman questioned the possibilities of what Christ said to her. She wanted to know how possible it was that he that had no visible tools to draw water from the well, could promise her water.

She saw a man with nothing to bring forth what he just said. She failed to see God in Christ, who in His all-knowing power can do all things.

The Samaria woman thought she needed the water out of the well in front of her. She believed in the water she could see to supply her need and quench her thirst. Also, because she accepted the doctrine of society, she almost missed the powerful encounter with the Messiah.

 So I ‘ll ask you once again friend, are you the Samaria woman today?

Are you so blinded by your thirst for the water in life, that you cannot see Christ the water of life sitting right in front of you?

How many times have you carried your bucket to the well in the hopes to refill what is now empty?

How often do you run out of ‘water?’

Your ‘water’ could be love, energy, fulfillment, content, peace, faith, hope, strength, focus, encouragement. Yet, you keep going back to the well of life because it is what you see. You keep coming back to  draw out of the well of life because you always run out.

Can you now see just how real the thirst is?

So many of us are throwing out our bucket deep down into the dark well of life trying to draw out what we can because we know that there is a thirst in us that need to be quenched. We fail to see that the thirst we have can never ever be satiated by the water of this world.

We are unable to grasp that the thirst within us, is the thirst for Christ the living water, the One we need, the One whose love, grace, and mercy is more than enough.

We run from one well to another in life, be it a relationship, or a new drug, or a new habit, or a new hobby, or a new friend, or a new place. We are trying to fill something up within our spirits because we feel that void. But the Word reminds us that Christ Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Everything, all that we need is in Christ.

So I wonder if the Messiah has been sitting with you at the well, asking you to give him a drink because of the living water He wants to give you.

What is Christ asking you to give him today friend? What glory do you see right before you but fail to acknowledge out of uncertainty and society’s misguidance?

How empty is your cup? How thirsty are you? And will you trust your God to fill you up so you thirst no more?

My prayer for you today is that the Lord God of eternal life will lift up the veil that society has cast upon your eyes to see His glory. May your thirst be quenched today by the fulfilling word of the Most High God in Jesus name. And may you never again seek the well of man over Christ’s living water in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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Nigeria author and speaker. Grace is a good enough reason to remain thankful!

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