Your RE-source Is Not THE Source


“…A land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig…be careful that you do not forget the LORD…”

Deuteronomy 6:10-12

A message I heard from an insightful radio host recently, stayed in my spirit. I asked God to give me the wisdom to better share this word with others.

The radio personality said, “God is THE source, everything else is a RE-source.”

The host had further explained that there is a reason why it is called a RE-source. Any word you can think of that has ‘re’ in front of it explains what the root word means – do over, as if to say that it is not the beginning nor the original state.

So I thought deeper about it to in agreement. For example, these words – re-invent, re-do, re-compensate, re-cover, re-align, re-prioritize, all indicate and connote a state aside from the original.

When we were children, our young minds generally expected our parent or guardian to be the source of our needs. Our food, clothing, and shelter was provided by the adult in the home (for those of us who were fortunate enough to have that luxury).

I wonder if we knew as kids, that THE source was not the adult who took care of us, but our heavenly father. I wonder if now as adults, we still are yet to fathom that every single thing that we need or may want can only come from THE source.

God alone, and only God is THE source.

Your job, your family, your friends, your spouse, your partner, your opportunity, your ‘big-break’, your mentor, your investor, your degrees, and your education, are all RE-sources.

But it all begins with the One who first knew you when HE formed you in your mother’s womb.

Friend, how much trust and dependency have you place on all your RE-sources rather than THE source of it all?

Take a moment and consider all the time, effort, and even gratitude you openly give to all your resources. If you are anything like me, you sometimes get so caught up in the presence of the RE-source that you ignore the presence of THE source.

 God is THE source.

Your purpose comes from God. Your ambition, God. Your closest, most helpful, most prayerful, most compassionate friends, God. Your supportive family, God. Your influence in even the smallest capacity, God. Your strength, God. Your hope, God. Your money, God. Your wealth, God. Your home, God. Your promises, God. Your abilities, God. Your skills, God. Your talent, God. Even your trials and tribulations, God. Your LIFE, GOD!

God is THE SOURCE of all things. For HE alone made the heaven and the earth.

Friend, it’s all God!

Even when you think or feel like it’s all good, no. It’s all God.

So I want to urge you today to remember that GOD is THE source of all that you need and want in this life and even after this world passes. HE owns it all. HE created it all! So give HIM alone the glory, honor, and praise!

And the same attention ought to be given to the times when you feel your back against the wall because someone or some persons think they are higher than they really are. Remember, they are not the source of your happiness, joy, peace, or comfort, God is.

They might be a re-source, but God is THE only source. And if God be for you, who can be against you?

I pray that we become aware now more than ever that God and God alone, is THE source. May we never again succumb to the thought that anything or anyone can keep us away from the promise and greatness in us. May we live, flourish, and prosper in no other name, but in Jesus name, amen.

The Thirst Is Real Indeed – Part 2

living water

“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst: but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

John 4:14

Because she was walking by sight and not by faith, the woman questioned the possibilities of what Christ said to her. She wanted to know how possible it was that he that had no visible tools to draw water from the well, could promise her water.

She saw a man with nothing to bring forth what he just said. She failed to see God in Christ, who in His all-knowing power can do all things.

The Samaria woman thought she needed the water out of the well in front of her. She believed in the water she could see to supply her need and quench her thirst. Also, because she accepted the doctrine of society, she almost missed the powerful encounter with the Messiah.

 So I ‘ll ask you once again friend, are you the Samaria woman today?

Are you so blinded by your thirst for the water in life, that you cannot see Christ the water of life sitting right in front of you?

How many times have you carried your bucket to the well in the hopes to refill what is now empty?

How often do you run out of ‘water?’

Your ‘water’ could be love, energy, fulfillment, content, peace, faith, hope, strength, focus, encouragement. Yet, you keep going back to the well of life because it is what you see. You keep coming back to  draw out of the well of life because you always run out.

Can you now see just how real the thirst is?

So many of us are throwing out our bucket deep down into the dark well of life trying to draw out what we can because we know that there is a thirst in us that need to be quenched. We fail to see that the thirst we have can never ever be satiated by the water of this world.

We are unable to grasp that the thirst within us, is the thirst for Christ the living water, the One we need, the One whose love, grace, and mercy is more than enough.

We run from one well to another in life, be it a relationship, or a new drug, or a new habit, or a new hobby, or a new friend, or a new place. We are trying to fill something up within our spirits because we feel that void. But the Word reminds us that Christ Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Everything, all that we need is in Christ.

So I wonder if the Messiah has been sitting with you at the well, asking you to give him a drink because of the living water He wants to give you.

What is Christ asking you to give him today friend? What glory do you see right before you but fail to acknowledge out of uncertainty and society’s misguidance?

How empty is your cup? How thirsty are you? And will you trust your God to fill you up so you thirst no more?

My prayer for you today is that the Lord God of eternal life will lift up the veil that society has cast upon your eyes to see His glory. May your thirst be quenched today by the fulfilling word of the Most High God in Jesus name. And may you never again seek the well of man over Christ’s living water in the name of Jesus. Amen.

The Thirst Is Real Indeed – Part 1

living water

“For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground…”

Isaiah 44:3

 The thirst is real.”

I must admit that is one of the truest subliminal message in our generation today. The irony however, is that most of us who say it or hear it, do not consider how thirsty we all really are.

In common context, the phrase above is used to describe someone’s desperation for something and the obvious and shameless way they go about it. Thus, it serves as a negative connotation.

Nevertheless, the thirst is indeed real. And we are all indeed thirsty.

While we see so many people in the world, strive and display their thirst for money, popularity, and security, we forget that the real thirst lays beneath the surface.

The real thirst is a need for something that the world cannot give. The real thirst is a desire for protection that the world cannot guarantee. The real thirst is a yearning for comfort that the world does not have to offer us. The real thirst is a search for friendship that we cannot find in man. The real thirst is a longing for love that no man has to give. The real thirst is for guidance that can’t be found in the most intellectual archives of history.

Friend, the real thirst is the one for Christ, the living water.

If only you knew how fulfilling the living water of Christ was. If only you felt the abundance of overflow from drinking out of the fountain of salvation. If you could only see how full your well can be when you draw your water from the eternal well of Christ.

 When Jesus asked the woman at the well in Samaria to draw him some water, her response was not yes. Rather, she questioned his way and thought. She questioned how Jesus, who was a Jew, could ask her, a Samaritan to get him a drink. She questioned because society compelled her to, seeing as Jews had no dealings with Samaritans.

Jesus answered, “If thou knowest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked him, and he would have given thee living water.” (John 4 vs 10)

I wonder if you are currently in a place of misguidance like the Samaria woman.  CONTINUE HERE