Don’t Ask If. Ask Your Maker Why He Chose You


“For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.”

Psalm 107:9


What are you hungry for? What is your soul yearning for? Do you even know that you are hungry?

These are questions that often propel me to dig deeper as a servant of the most High, to search my spirit, and ask it to please remind me that He chose me. Because I know I never chose him, but mercy chose me. Mercy chose you too. You are not here by chance.

There is nothing ordinary about you. Nothing is simple about the make of you as a child of God. Our God is intentional in all that He does in His own perfect will. The maker of heaven and earth, the world, and all that dwells in it, created you in HIS own image for a reason.

It’s time to ask the spirit, “what is the reason for my being?”

Nothing or no one else can give the true answer to that but the Lord your God who “formed you in your mother’s womb.”

We spend a lot of time trying to figure out who we really are, what we are to do with our lives. We get into cliques and organizations all through different stages of our lives, identifying with this thing, and that, and the other. But I was sent to tell you, that you are chosen. And it is time to ask the Holy One who chose you, what exactly you have been chosen for.

The Lord your God has chosen you to be the one in whom His glory shines through. It is now time for you to seek him and ask him to show you your purpose.

Take a second and think of the other paths your life could have taken. How did you find this platform? what led you here? What moments of life have you particularly acknowledged along your journey in this world so far? why have they stood out to you? Have you been ignoring His voice this whole time? Or have you simply not been able to hear it? What has been pulling at your soul that you keep repressing?

You. You are chosen.

So the question is not whether or not he chose you, but rather why he chose you. Ask Him for your assignment.

Nothing, absolutely nothing is a coincidence. Absolutely nothing is a mistake because the creator of the universe, the Lord of Hosts still sits and reigns on his glorious throne and he has chosen you to be his child, his servant, his vessel, his friend, his messenger. You. God chose you. Your life is purposeful for the glory of your all-knowing maker.

Ask Him.

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Nigeria author and speaker. Grace is a good enough reason to remain thankful!

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