Your Yes Carries Weight!

“A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.” 

Proverbs 18:16

We all have great gifts. God has created all of creation with distinct gifts that is to bless the world, a gift that is to reflect the glory of God.

Did you know that your gift too is an expression of the One who created you in His image?

We live in a society where one’s gift is often used to gain fame or money or is used to negotiate personal pleasures and enjoyment. But could it be that your gift is supposed to do so much more?

Could it be that your gift is supposed to bring life in this world?

Could it be that your gift is supposed to ignite a shift in this world?

Could it be that your gift is supposed to kindle a fire within souls?

Could it be, that your gift, is so much more than its function?

Perhaps that is why we cannot give our yes so freely and without intuition. Be reminded today that your yes carries weight!

Because you have the power of the living God on the inside of you, because your lungs carry the breath of an Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, your yes carries weight!

What have you said Yes to lately? And Why?

Friend,  I dare you to ponder on your most recent agreements. I dare you to question the Yes that you have given everything that has so easily enticed you for pleasure sake.

If your Yes to God, stirred up Satan and his demons to wage war at you from all sides, if your Yes to God broke generational chains and disrupted hell’s plans, if your Yes alerted heaven that another warrior has heed the call for the kingdom, how can your Yes to anything else not carry so much weight?!

Friend, allow me to remind you today that your agreement means everything to God! Especially when it comes to your gifts.

There is a mission assigned to the gifts you carry. There is a place and time, a perfect place and time that is to reveal your gift for the glory of God and God only and I must tell you, that nothing else will do.

No matter how good it feels, if you have said yes with your gift to something or someone that is not glorifying the Gift-giver who has pre-ordained the gift to be brought inf front of great men, the Spirit of God is speaking to you.

It says look again before saying Yes.

I pray for you as I pray for me too on today. May the God of our gifts, realign our senses along with our hearts to bring our gifts before God so that He may bring us before great men for His glory in Jesus name. Amen.



His Will, His Way

 “God is the one who enables you both to want and to actually live out his good purposes.”

Philippians 2:13

Although uncomfortable by some things in this real of faith, I am humbled to be a witness to all that God is doing in me and all around me.

God is faithful.

I see many Christians today chasing after the will of God as though it were a goal that they themselves came up with.

I see unwise strategies and godless tactics being molded together to attain the will of God for our lives, but all to no avail.

It seems as though many of us want God’s will and promises, but we think we can get it our own way. In fact, some of us ascribe those thoughts and ideas to God even though we know that the Spirit of God in us oppose our ways.

I can personally attest that whatever God wills already has His way attached to it. His Will, His Way!

When God wants you to do something for His name and His purpose, He has already created His Way to align with His Will.

 I have heard it said often that, “God is a gentleman.”

As powerful and mighty as He is, we serve a gentle God who is merciful and loving toward us. God may permit your way because you have chosen to exercise the freewill He has given you, but God will not permit you to dishonor His Will.

His Will, His Way!

What God says will be, is already as He said, we are just yet to see it.

I find that we often try to place the Will of a timeless God in the confines of our own limited time here on earth. When God tell you to do something, He will always tell you How to do it. He may not show you “How” but He will tell you. God is particular about the How.

It is in this ‘How’ that you and I see the hand of God. It is in this ‘How’ that we come to revere His majesty. It is in this ‘How’ that we find intimacy with the Maker. It is in this ‘How’ that our faith is stretched to the capacity of the fulfillment of God’s promise.

So I urge you today to pay attention to ‘How’ you are living your life and going about getting to promise. I pray you take a moment to reflect on whether or not you are after His Will, His Way.

May the Lord of Hosts continue to lead us in His Way as we seek after His Will in Jesus name. Amen.

Your Life Is An Heavenly Investment

“You guided my conception and formed me in the womb.”

Job 10:10

I woke up today with a song in my Spirit. I woke up today with a heart opening to the mercy of a faithful God. I wish I could claim that this happens every day, but it does not.

I wish I could say this purpose-driven, grace-given, mercy-receiving heart of mine wakes up abandoned and surrendered to God’s will all the time, but it doesn’t. Yet, I strive.

It dawned on me this morning on the drive to work, that my life is heaven’s investment.

As I thought deeper on why some of us wake up feeling unfulfilled and unexpecting of greatness, I was reminded by the Spirit of God that it was due to the failure to remember that heaven deposited something in us when the Lord formed us in the womb.

I, much like you, am a living investment of heaven.

Often, we forget. We forget Whose we are, we forget that we are not our own, we forget that Christ was ransomed for us, to live a life of purpose, God’s purpose, a life of intentionality as purposed by the Creator. So we drift.

I wonder if like me, you too wake up with your own thoughts of how to invest time, effort, heart, and love, into everything and everyone, but God.

I wonder if like me, you forget that the grace to wake up each new day to behold new mercy, has nothing to do with luck, but everything to do with the investment of heaven inside you.

Friend, God deposited something greater than you inside you to manifest for His purpose. When He formed you in the darkness of the womb, in the seclusion from any other living being, when He alone breathe life inside you, a heavenly deposit was made in you.

Your life is not a random map of random places with random people because we serve an intentional God.

So you and I can no longer permit a random way of thinking or doing.

Destiny awaits you. Purpose awaits you. Manifestation awaits you. And this is the season to catch up to, to meet up with, and to deliver on Heaven’s investment.

For some of us, this is the season to catch up to destiny. For some, it is the time to meet up with purpose. And for the rest of us, it is the season to deliver on Heaven’s investment.

Now that you and I have been reminded, now that we are sure Whose investment gives us life, how about we begin living this life knowing that heaven is invested in us? How about we begin living life knowing that our life was given to bring forth that which God has deposited?

I pray for the both of us. I pray that our eyes are open to see the Heavenly hosts encamped about us, to begin to see according to heaven’s perspective. I pray that we begin to think with divine wisdom. I pray that we begin to walk and talk and BE that which HEAVEN declare that we are in Jesus name. Amen.

What Moves You?

“At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures.”

Titus 3:3

Each day, we are moved by one thing or another to get up each day and be in pursuit. We are all after something, chasing after something, longing for something, reaching for something.

For some, it’s a good job, a good marriage, a great project, a love for school, an exciting career, or even motherhood.

Friend, what moves you?

What gets you riled up? what lights up the fire under your feet to get moving an keep moving towards it?

If it is not a passion to pursue God’s purpose, I’m afraid you and I have a lot of repentance to do. A change is coming and it is nearer than we think.

If you are not moved by a passion for your Father’s business, that which HE purposed you for, then what are you passionate about? What have you been chasing relentlessly after and can’t stop?

I received a great word recently that proclaimed the necessity to put passion in its place.

During the sermon, the preacher emphasized greatly on the dangers of having the right passion in the wrong place. I wonder today about the many wrong places that  you and I have attempted to harbor our passion.

I lift my hands in humble adoration to God for giving me a burning passion to serve HIM with my life!

I am here to remind you that there is a limitation to the things of this world. So anything outside the word of God that currently serves as a passion, moving you aimlessly without purpose, will eventually die.

Or do you not remember that ONLY the WORD of God shall never die?

So why then is your passion without purpose? How then can your passion live forever if it is harbored on sinking sand? How will the fire burning inside of you for that thing, withstand its power if it is not invested in the all-powerful word of God?!!!

Will a flame ignited by the things of this world not perish in due time?

It is God who lives forever. It is the word of God that lives forever as it is written in Genesis,


If you are more passionate about adding fame that faith to your name, or about profit than purpose,  the placement of your passion is why you are enduring the trials that you are currently facing in the season of revival. 

It is my prayer for you and I, that our heavenly Father grant us a heart of repentance today. May we be enabled by the Spirit of God to change our minds about the passion of our hearts. May me surrender our passion today and seek God for re-direction, and may we be renewed with the right Spirit today to passionately heed the call to God’s glory in Jesus name. Amen.

Purpose Or Profit?

“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”

Exodus 9:16

“You need money to live life,” is a saying I hear too often.

I do not disagree that money is a great tool to have in this realm of our existence, but many of us seem to often forget that money is not wealth.

Friend,  what are you selling to pay for today? Do you ever consider if today’s profit will pay for Purpose? Can your profit afford the purpose that God has placed in you when HE gave you HIS breathe and HIS permission to be in this world?

I see so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ chasing after profit with that which the Lord has blessed them with. Too many of us seem to be chasing after profit with God’s gift than seeking after the purpose that the gift was created for.

I often wonder how many of us truly seek the Gift-giver, in directing us toward the purpose of the gifts HE has so graciously blessed us with before praying for the profit it brings.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be profitable in life. In fact, God wants us to bear fruits where we are planted.

But has your yearning for profit replaced that of purpose?

Too often we forget that God is not blind to every single of our circumstances. HE knows what we need and when we need it. HE has given us gifts, talents, and skills that are purposed to bring Him the glory and even grant us profit in the process.

However, if HE does not get the glory from the place of your profit, then how valuable is your profit? What is the true worth of that which is gained in a passing world?

Friend, I believe that this is a season of awakening and revival like no other, where you and I are called to humble ourselves before God and pray, seeking HIS face in all things, rather than the profit we have been distracted by.

We are called and even chosen for the sake of our purpose on earth, not profit. I mean consider this, why would a limitless God create you to work tirelessly only to gain something that death limits, profit. Profit is of this world. Purpose is an heavenly measure.

While profit is connected to earthly riches, purpose is confirmed by the wealth in heaven that await those that trust in the Lord and obey HIM.

So I urge you today to consider your ways as I too am considering mine. As you embark on the work with the gift, talent, or skill that God has blessed you with, will you be seeking profit? Or will you be chasing purpose?

Something tells me it can’t be both, for God is not a God of confusion. Have you forgotten that we cannot serve two masters.

The word says seek first the kingdom of God, so we cannot seek the kingdom and something else at the same time. One has to come first. It is time for you to decide which one.

In this season, I pray that we are humbled as we heed closer to the call of purpose and destiny. May we be given clarity over the intentions of our hearts and the wisdom to walk accordingly to that which purpose ordains. May we not stumble in confusion or frustration because we do not yet see the profit in the purpose. Rather, may we be given the grace to walk purposefully with God as HE leads us toward the fullness of His promises in Jesus name. Amen.


A Good Thing Or a God Thing – part II

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers… to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant…”

Deuteronomy 6:10-11

My job placement has to be a God thing! The finding of my husband has to be a God thing! The publication of my book has to be a God thing! The road to higher education for my counseling degree has to be a God thing! My home and peaceful settlement has to be a God thing! My friendships have to be a God thing! My ministry has to be a God thing!

It is very easy to accept good things because they are good. Who does not want a good thing? But have you ever considered waiting for, obeying for, praying for, trusting for, having faith for, the God thing?!

A God thing is a miracle! A God thing is an occurrence that you could provide no comprehensible explanation for! A God thing is what happens that you have no choice but to acclaim it to God! A God thing is what you quietly hope for but won’t see coming because God wanted to surprise you! A God thing is something so out of the ordinary, so spectacular, that it can only be through God! A God thing is the testimony you will never be quiet about! A God thing is what no man can take credit for!

Because of the majesty in a God thing, I am also admitting to the sacrificial facet of moving obediently according to the Word of God. There is indeed no compromise in the sacred place of awaiting a God thing. A God thing is what changes everything!

So friend, are you looking toward a good thing or a God thing?!

A God thing is what reminds you that although a problem, a conflict, a situation, a mishap, an issue, seems big, GOD HAS ALWAYS BEEN, GOD IS, AND GOD WILL ALWAYS BE BIGGER!

Take a look at the image above. In a sum, a plant is growing out of concrete. I am afraid that as familiar as we are with this occurrence, we have failed to recognize the God thing in such an occurrence! Plants do not ordinarily grow out of concrete. No farmer plants the seeds of these plants. No gardener waters these plants. Ever so often, these plants are stepped on, but yet they grow!

Friend, that is a God thing! These plants are endowed with enough cell power to squeeze through cracks and do what their Maker intended!

So yes, I will be unemployed in about 4 days, but my God do I feel on the verge of a God thing!

This is what Purpose is all about! I thank God Almighty for the purpose in me and in you! I thank God that there is a God thing ahead of you! I thank God that you and I are not distracted enough by the good things of life that we forget that there is a God thing in the Heavens above about to come down! By faith, courage, strength, and truth, you and I shall witness the God things to come in Jesus name. Amen.

A Good Thing Or a God Thing – part I

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers… to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant…”

Deuteronomy 6:10-11

 This is my last week at my place of employment.

I turned in my two-week notice of resignation about two weeks ago. Admittedly, it felt great! The day before that, when I felt the pressing on my spirit that it was time to be unemployed again, something immediately shifted into submission within me.

I thank God for wisdom.

When my spirit bowed down in alignment with God that day, I was made aware that it was time for another shift into yet another realm in my journey with the Lord.

I didn’t argue or give myself reasons because I knew it was time to do other things with my time, mind, and creativity. I knew even the trying conditions of my job were for God’s purpose. Those moments of inquiry at work made me dig even deeper into the Spirit.

Nothing is wasted, says the Lord.

I have pondered repeatedly in the passing days about the possible position of advancement that may be open yet again within this very company. This was the same position that God has distanced me from three times now.

I thought to myself that it surely would have been a good thing to be promoted to a higher rank after two years of experience with this company.

It surely would have been a good thing to no longer worry about a commission-based check, but rather a certain salaried check. It would have been a good thing to be looked upon for leadership and supervision by others. It would have been a good thing on my resume as well that I served in an official management role.

But it would not have felt like a God thing.

As I set one foot in front of the other in faith in the motions of Purpose, I am allowed the clarity of what it means to have a good thing and how it feels to witness a God thing.

Friend, I am confessing that I am now in such a place of great expectations from a great God, that I can’t allow myself room for a just a good thing. It has to be a God thing! FINISH READING HERE.

The God Of Infinite Chances

“For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again…”

Proverbs 24:16

Sometimes I wish it were as easy to obey God as it is to love Him. I love the Lord and I thank My Father for loving me first.

Friend, how fortunate are we to be serving a God of infinite chances?

I am amazed by how many times I have strayed and looked away from the One who saved me and gave me eternal life, the One who broke chains and strongholds and removed me from the pits of sin. HIS love remains.

God’s Love is as mighty and powerful as HE IS.

I want clarity. I want strength. I want a willing heart to obey. I want to honor my “Yes Lord.” I want peace. I want quiet. I want stability. But more than anything else, I want and need to fulfill Destiny!

God purposed you and I for a destiny when HE breathe life into us and formed us in the womb. And as we both know now, the road to destiny is never as clear as a blue print image. No, it is not clear, but it is certain because the Way-maker made it certain.

God has paved ways to our destiny that we cannot even begin to fathom with physical sight. It gets even harder to see or understand purpose when we stumble and hit the ground on our way to what God has called us to be.

There are countless, painful battles along the way. Sometimes we wage them against ourselves and fall even harder. We lose sight of hope. We stop drinking from the cup of faith and begin chowing down regret of past mishaps and wrong turns.

We disobey and venture deeper into the lustful arms of sin. We speak lies and deceit rather than love. We forsake God and question the HAND who has saved us countless times.

And still HE LOVES US time and time again because HE IS A GOD OF INFINITE CHANCES!

You and I can rest in the blessed assurance that God will never leave nor forsake us for we are HIS beloved.

If you are like me, looking back on your life, you will surely lose count of how God kept you over and over and over and over and over and over again. HIS love is SURE.

This time is no different.

Friend, it’s not over until God says it’s over. Destiny is still waiting on you to reach it. The heavenly hosts are still cheering you on. And the fact that you are reading this ought to be a confirmation that the Lord is still working, moving, and slaying demons to clear your path to the destiny HE ALONE has called you to.

You will surely get there by the grace of God.

May you be refilled today with strength, fearlessness, hope, and the faith from heaven to get back up and on your way towards the crown in Jesus name. Amen.

An Unknown Road To A Known Destiny

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us…”

2 Peter 3:9

As expected, the trials of a new environment are surfacing one after another and I feel the weariness begin to form in the pits of my stomach. But I thank God for a kind and comforting Holy Spirit who reminds me once again that all that can be shaken will indeed be shaken, but the word of God stands.

In a sum, I am tired.

I am tired of many things, weary and doubtful of a few others. But in humble adoration, still I praise HIM. Still I worship, and thank God for how Far HE alone has brought me thus far in this walk of faith.

Inevitably, stress and uncertainty during this journey of purpose threatens to weigh me down.

Physically, I feel drained and immobile, having not done no heavy lifting or arduous work. Creatively, I feel as though my vision to be productive and to peek into a near future has somehow been suspended as I have surrendered to the Lord.

Spiritually, I feel aware but challenged in faith.

I remember the words and promises of my Father to me and my loved ones, but current waves seem to challenge what I believe is the truth. But in hope, my faith stands. God is able to do just what HE said HE would do.

Admittedly, I have never hoped so greatly in the Lord as I do now. My expectancy for an unimaginable wondrous and glorious work, is greater than I have ever expected and I am truly overwhelmed by it.

In this place, I need God’s power to fall like I’ve never seen and I need help in my unbelief.

So as I pray and press on towards what is ahead, please pray for me as I pray for you. If you are anything like me, you don’t know how God will do it, but you trust that it is already done. You don’t know how God will lead you there, but you know you will get there. God is certain.

And in HIM do we hope.

May our hope never be put to shame. And may our faith be continually anchored in the mercy and grace of an All-knowing God in Jesus name. Amen.

Instincts Vs. Instruction

“Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life.”

Proverbs 4:13

I am grateful to serve a faithful God. HE gave me a word, made me a promise, and I so it is now.

I landed in California two days ago according to God’s instruction a few months back. The Lord told me not to worry about a place because He had already prepared a place for me.

I believed.

So as I press forward to heed the word of God and to seek His instructions yet again in this new place, I am compelled to share the importance of understanding the difference between instinct and instruction.

In December 2014, my instincts led me to consider moving up in Nordstrom, a company I had been with for a little over a year. Those instincts were justified by my eligibility for management training as prescribed by all three of my former managers in the company.

Instincts encouraged me to go for it, to begin preparation for it, to consider the many benefits of it…

God’s instruction said otherwise as Instruction directed me to leave the company entirely.

That was about eight months ago.

When I left Atlanta back in June for New York, God’s instruction said to call my former manager about working temporarily in my former position. I obeyed.

Consequently, in the span of my seven-week-stay in NY, I was positioned to walk with people placed in my path and to be a witness for all that God was doing in the lives of His children all around me.

As my departure to CA neared, instinct once again began to encourage me to consider moving up within the company as many other voices around me suggested and supported. Instruction again interrupted and reminded me of Purpose.

Friend, at times we are caught in a crossroad. At this place, it seems like instinct and Instruction are on opposing sides and we yearn for clarity. Sometimes, our instincts are puffed up and move out of alignment with Purpose. It is in this place, that you and I must remember the Word of God.

What was God’s word to you? What instruction came with that Word when you received it?

God is not man that HE should lie, nor is HE a God of confusion. So when confusion begins to take root, this is when you seek your heavenly Father the most. This is when you tap in to the Highest wisdom there is.

As compelled as we often feel to use what we know to make the ‘best decision,’ we must recall that the Proverbs chpt 3 vs 5 instruct us not to lean not on our own understanding but to trust the Lord.

When instinct fails to bring clarity, remember God’s instruction and seek HIS wisdom before taking another step.

I pray for us both today, that the Most High God grants us the heavenly clarity to move at the sound of His Voice and may HIS Word continue to give light to our steps in Jesus name. Amen.