

“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth , but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.”

Ephesians 4:29

There is nothing wrong with being outspoken. In fact, I believe we need outspoken people to speak truth and courage into our lives when we need to hear it the most. But being outspoken, and releasing corruption into the atmosphere are two separate things.

I would know, since I used to be ‘outspoken,’ then wisdom taught me to shut my mouth when my tongue feels loose in anger and foolishness.

I know now why wiser ones admonish the young by telling them not to say anything at all when they have nothing nice to say. I wonder if they too learned it from the Word above.

Often times, we are told to release and let go of pains, worries and stress. We tell each other to release the anger of the wrongs committed against us and to let it go.

Friend, I wonder if you and I can absorb a new message of release today.

What have you released today?

Have you released prayers, love, and faith, into the atmosphere? Have you released encouragement and compassion to those around you today? Have you released a need for another in more need than you? Have you released kindness? Have you released wisdom? Have you released peace? Have you released warmth? Have you released hope today?

In a new age where everyone is concerned about what is in it for them, it’s as though we are more inclined to hold on to all these things for ourselves because we feel like we could use all of it more than the next person.

But I urge you today to heed the voice of God and do what you are called to do as a follower of Christ. Release…

Release a helping hand, release a listening ear, release a message of hope to those around you and be a witness to how God turns things around through your release.

I wonder if an overflow of blessings from heaven on your behalf, is waiting to be activated by your own release. I wonder how much more the Spirit will pour into you as you pour into others.

May God grant us a willing heart to release good things for the sake of others in Jesus name. Amen.

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Nigeria author and speaker. Grace is a good enough reason to remain thankful!

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