Confidence In God – part 2

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.”

Hebrews 10:35

 Friend, Christ is our CONFIDENCE!

We can have CONFIDENCE in God because He gave us Christ! If we believe in Christ, if we believe that He is in us, then we believe that He that resurrected after death, that defied EVERY odds, that conquered every impossibility, that defied ALL limitations, HE, THAT CHRIST is in me and you!

This is our CONFIDENCE.

Our CONFIDENCE in God is the CONFIDENCE in us as believers.

 That is why man cannot take it away from us. That is why the situation cannot take it away from you. Your confidence is yours to give away or throw away. So what have you done with yours?

Better yet, how do we keep or take back our confidence if we have lost it?

The Word says to look back for a moment. Look back and remember where you were. Look back and recollect what God has brought you out of time and time again. Look back on the you that was when you did not know Christ. Look back and remember what grace and God’s power has enabled you to do to push through to this place you are in now.

Now ask yourself, do you not serve a faithful God who has been mighty to save over and over and over and over again?

Ask yourself, is HE not worthy to be praised even in your current predicament?

Friend, your CONFIDENCE in God is your reminder that HE that did it back then can and will do it again. He that got you out of that one will get you out of this one. HE that did this, can do that. HE that created the world can create a new opportunity, a new perspective, a new heart of worship, a new way!

Take the limits off of God! HE can do anything! We know that HE can because HE already did! Christ already came down! Heaven already appointed you for your calling and you need your CONFIDENCE in God to reach it.

I pray for you as I pray for me.

May your confidence begin to come back to you now! May your CONFIDENCE in God cause you to trample upon doubts and the enemy’s lies. And may your conscience be renewed in righteousness again in Jesus name. Amen.

Confidence In God – part 1

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.”

Hebrews 10:35

As a child, many of us were told to be confident in ourselves, to believe in ourselves and our ability to do anything we put our minds to.

Childhood naivete does not yet receive the fullness of those messages. Then we learn what faith is. We learn who Christ Is. We grow and learn who God Is. We become familiar with the Holy Spirit of God. We become confident in the knowing of our Father, the Creator.

Then life happens, so we lose confidence.

Friend, God said to get your confidence back! Not the confidence that relies on your abilities, your flesh, and your capacity, but the confidence in HIM!

Are you confident in God?

I know many of us believe in God and we believe that He can do anything, but are you CONFIDENT in God?

When the situation looks as bad as it does, and your heart is as broken as it is, and you are as confused as you are, are you CONFIDENT in God?

When the bills are more than the money, and the foes are more than friends, or the friends turn out to be the foes, are you CONFIDENT in God?

When the deal does not go through, and the relationship ends, and the lying voices come against you to tell you that you were never good enough, are you CONFIDENT in God?

I know all too well how easy it is to lose confidence in the gap between who you are and who you are called to be. I am in that gap now. That gap that separates what God promised and when the promise is in your hands.

But as the scripture above reads, we are not to throw away our confidence. We are not to give control of it to the current dilemma or even the past. Friend, do you know that your confidence is not in the hands of man, but inside of you???


Stop Forgetting That God Remembers

“Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you…”

Deuteronomy 4:23

When I was younger, there was an old African Hymn at my church that urged God to remember us in our ‘lack’ and to remember HIS promises to us. Although the hymn was often sung as worship, looking back now, I wonder if God chuckles at our prayers that seek HIM to remember us.

As if God could ever forget His own.

Friend, God remembers all. Aren’t we the ones who continue to forget His word? His promises? His commands?

Are we not the ones who fail to remember that we serve a God who never sleeps nor slumbers? A sower who knows where He has planted ever seed? A rainmaker who knows when to let the rain pour on the seeds He planted?

God is God! He remembers every single word you ever uttered since you learned to speak. He remembers every heartbreak you have endured since you learned to feel. He remembers every promise that He made to you, your mother, your grandmother, your great-grandparents, and even to their parents!

He is God – The Alpha and Omega!

Often times, we let our worries, our human mind, our human understanding, our human analysis get the best of us and we forget how Great our God is! We forget the miracles of old that we read in the Old Testament. We forget the miracles that fell for our eyes only when no one else was watching! We forget how amazing God is!

So we become bothered, we get discouraged, we let our thoughts overwhelm us, we let the events of today distract us from yesterday’s promises, and tomorrow’s harvest. Allow me to remind you that God still remembers! He never forgot and He never forgets!

We serve a good good Father. One whose mercy and grace is new every morning. I dare you to awaken your mind to the limitless possibilities of a limitless God! I dare you to remember how certain His word Is! I dare you to encourage yourself to keep believing for that miracle that the enemy wants you to forget because of what it looks like right now!

Friend, God remembers! In due season, in due time, His word will surely come to pass!

I pray for a reviving spirit to come over your mind today. May a refreshing wind from heaven overwhelm your soul today. May you be lifted up again, expecting again, believing again, remembering again, that the Lord your God is for you and has not forgotten you. Your seed is still right on time in Jesus name. Amen!

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The Work Of Your Hands – part II

“I will destroy all your idols and sacred pillars, so you will never again worship the work of your own hands.”

Micah 5:13

How often do we consider that the work that we do, the job we commit all your time to, and the creative expressions of our God-given visions, all belong to God?

It is easier to say that God is ruler over our lives than it is for us to give God rule over our lives. So again I ask, do all your works reflect God?

If you are a Christian actor, do you commit to acting in movies that edify other Christians or non-believers with messages about God’s truth?

Or like many God-fearing artists of today, do you wait to receive an award for your dramatic role in a violent or vulgar masterpiece that connotes nothing about God’s word or His kingdom, to ‘thank God’ for His mighty hand over your blossoming career.

Yes indeed, we are favored. We are graced time and time again with God’s favor and goodness when we gain opportunities to prosper. And I thank God for that. But when I see the number of Christians who acclaim their fame and success to God but do not speak words of God, sing words of God, project the image of God or perpetuate messages of God through the work of their own hands, I am paused.

Friend, can you see the work of your own hands? Because if you cannot see it, how then do you expect others to see it?

Are your endeavors led by the purpose of God inside of you?

That thing that you have your hand on, that project you are building your career on, that platform you are boldly claiming as your own, does it reflect Christ and His purpose in our life, in your heart?

Now more than ever, in this season of intentionality, in this realm of manifestation, in this year of breaking forth, we must pause and consider ALL the works of our hands because destiny cannot be formed by hands that lie.

I pray for you as I pray for me. May the Lord of Hosts renew our minds today. May God take over ALL things in our lives as we surrender yet again to His almighty hand. And may we again be re-aligned in all our ways for the sake of God’s purpose in Jesus name. Amen.

The Work Of Your Hands – part I

“I will destroy all your idols and sacred pillars, so you will never again worship the work of your own hands.”

Micah 5:13

 When people ask you, “what do you do?” …”who are you?”… “what are you about?”… “what kind of work do you do?”

What is your response? Are you able to answer all these questions with one response? If not, where is the separation? In other words, do you separate how you use God’s gifts from the ‘you’ that receives the gift?

Better yet, are you able to answer all these questions with just one response? If not, where is the separation?

How do you separate how you use God’s gifts from the ‘you’ that receives the gift? How do you put a distance between who you are in God and what you do in the name of God?

Are you the Christian who uses Heaven’s gifts to gain worldly treasures?

A while ago, my pastor commented on the wealth that he believed was in the church. He stated that it is almost unimaginable how rich the House of God would be if we all brought our wealth into the church. Surely, he was not merely referring tithes and offerings, but rather the wealthy gifts that God has given to us. My pastor was calling out the wealth that was in us, the wealth that was us.

Friend, how much of your ‘wealth’ do you give to the world but not to God? Your gift, your heart, your creativity, and your time, how much of it do you give to God? And why have you not given it all?

Often times, we don’t want to consider the many ways that we dishonor God when we use our gifts for our own desires. We try to ignore our misalignment when the work of our hands don’t reflect the Father. But God knows and you know.

Consider that if no one ever saw your face or knew your name, if the world had to testify to who you are by all the works of your hand, would it truly reflect God?

For example, are you a Christian actor or an actor who is Christian?

Are you a Christian doctor or a doctor who is Christian?

Are you a Christian artist or an artist who is Christian?

Are you a Christian teacher or a teacher who is Christian?

Friend, do you know the difference?  FINISH READING HERE

Do You Really Know God?

“You were shown these things so that you might know that the Lord is God.” 

Deuteronomy 4:35 

Sometime ago, I was sure I knew God. I was certain that my life as a preacher’s daughter, reflected the knowledge of God. I didn’t know then what I know now.

I thank God for HIS Spirit, the one that guides and directs us in all things according to the will of God.

It was not until after my baptism, that I realized that I never really knew my heavenly Father. I never knew God. I knew of Him, I talked of Him, I worshipped Him, but I never knew HIM.

Friend, do you really know your heavenly Father?

Or are you so blinded by your religious habits and ideologies that you have failed to see that you don’t really know THAT which you claim to serve and worship?

You go to church, but why?

You listen to praise and worship, why?

You pray every night before you sleep, why?

Why do you do all that you do in the name of God? Do you really understand your very own heart posture towards God as your heavenly Father? Or have you discarded the intimacy between you and God in place of worshiping a Being that you do not really know?

Do you know the voice of God? What does it sound like?

Can you feel the peace of God’s presence? What does it feel like?

Can you see the Hand of God in everything around you? What do you see?

Can you discern when your Father calls or speaks than when the enemy, a master of disguise, pretends to be your Father’s messenger?

Can you tell the language of God apart from the language of men?

Friend, do you really know God?

I urge you today to seek these deeper things because you and I are called to know.

Our heavenly Father has called us to know Him more and to seek the things of God more so we are able to stand firm against the evils of this world, trusting in the knowing of HE who created all things.

I pray that we are encouraged today to know our heavenly Father better than we did yesterday. May we be enabled by the Holy Spirit of God to walk closer to the call to higher knowledge and wisdom so that we may attain the prize of glory that we have been promised in Jesus name. Amen.

“God First”…Is HE Really? – part II

“But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Deuteronomy 4:29

Putting God first takes complete surrender. Putting Him first means putting your thoughts second to His for His ways are so much higher. The wisdom of the creator trumps everything we think we know. HE IS GOD!

Friend, can you imagine how different our lives would be if we actually did allow God His rightful place in our heart, mind, and soul? Can you imagine the transformation that would take place if we give God His due honor and let Him come FIRST?!

I rebuke that spirit that says it is impossible. I cast down that high thing that dares to question the possibility of God being first in our lives in Jesus name! I know that it can be done because the blood of Christ made it possible! We are not righteous by our own strength or might but by the grace offered to us on that sacred cross.

No it’s not easy. It won’t be easy, but it should not have to be easy before we obey. His will be done in Jesus name.

If it was impossible for us to love and obey God with everything we have and to put Him FIRST in everything, HE would not have commanded us to do so through His Word.

I urge you today to consider ALL your ways as I am considering mine too. May the Lord grant us the courage to discard our disobedience and to heed His word. May God help us to cast away all our doubts and fears so we may surrender completely and put him FIRST in all things in Jesus name. Amen.

“God First”…Is HE Really? – part I

“But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Deuteronomy 4:29

“God first.” That’s a saying I have uttered more times than I could ever count. It’s also a statement I have heard more than enough believers say as often as necessary. You are probably one who has said it too.

But Is God really first? Does God really come before any and everything else?

Do your thoughts, your words, your deeds, your attitudes, your behaviors, your friendships and alliances, your job, your career, your lifestyle, and all that encompass your individual air, all put God first?

Or does God just come first when you feel the world needs to hear a believer say, “God first?”

Do we even really know what it means?

Friend, if you are like me, you acknowledge that God wants to be in EVERYTHING we do. God wants to ALWAYS lead us EVERYWHERE we go. So why do we struggle to practice what we so boldly preach?

The word of God is indeed light to our path, but what light or illusion of light leads us when we are not actively living on the WORD that says to put God first?

Before the amazing grace that opened my sight to see the light through the eyes of the Savior, I too in an  absent mind professed that God was first. I professed that God was priority over everything else in my life. I know now that my words could not have been farther from the truth.

The truth was, I wanted God to be first. I also wanted to be in control of my life. I wanted God to always lead and for nothing or anyone to hinder my intimacy with our heavenly Father. I also wanted the alluring enjoyment of worldly pleasures that looked too good on the outside to ignore. I thank God for His grace and wisdom to surrender.


The Discipline In Discipleship – (II)

“Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me…”

Matthew 4:9

How can we ever gain the wisdom of an all-knowing Father who has called us to come higher to be closer to Him in worship and obedience, if we do not follow that which HE commands?

How can we profess loving God when we fail to love ourselves much less others?

How do we believe in the purity and holiness of God but pollute and defile our bodies, which HE claims as HIS temple?

Indeed many people can quote the scriptures. Some believers can recite full chapters of the Word. Some can even teach it in a sermon to others. But if none is seen following that which they preach, what good is the Word to the ones who are yet to believe?

It takes discipline to follow the Word of God, not just believe in it.

It takes discipline to stay faithful and in prayer even when, especially when, nothing looks the way it ought to according to the promises of God.

It takes discipline to speak life and love when strife and anger threaten to cause our tongues to sin.

It takes discipline to make time to spend with the Lord in intimacy and worship DAILY.

It takes discipline to pray for those who curse and mock us.

It takes discipline to stay in hope and press on toward the blessing when life’s troubles overwhelm our spirit.

It takes discipline to pick up the full armor of God along with our cross of purpose.

It takes discipline to ALWAYS live in truth by the word of God.

It takes discipline to keep our eyes on the Lord even when our minds stray in distraction to the issues around us.

Friend, there is discipline in discipleship.

I imagine that God is intentional in His demand for our discipline all through the book of Proverbs. Discipline retains wisdom. Discipline helps you stay quiet when rash words threaten to spill from you in impulsion.

Discipline teaches us to be patient and not allow our emotions the permission to take over every situation.

Discipline keeps you grounded in the walk of faith. Trust me, I am living it. And no, it was not always easy. But I thank God for a willing heart that surrenders obediently to the will of the One who called us to follow HIM.

I urge you today to take inventory and to consider your ways as a believer, as a child of God, and as one who has been called for the glory of God’s kingdom.

May God grant us the courage and the brave heart to not only believe Him for His word, but may we be enabled by the grace of heaven to follow God’s own word according to His will in Jesus name. Amen.

The Discipline In Discipleship – (I)

“Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me…”

Matthew 4:9

In my early youth, growing up under the wings of Nigerian believers was no easy habitation. Within this religious fold, I was forced to reconcile that there are indeed spirits of wickedness in high places who sought after the believer.

For a younger me, a believer had to live the life of battles. I didn’t know that the struggles we each face in our individual journey for the kingdom, has to do with the purpose of God to mold and polish us in preparation for the life of discipline we are called to live.

It is now that I understand that believing in God is only the first part. Thus many of us believe, but not enough of us believers actually follow.

When church scandals erupt from time to time, I am compelled to ask myself, how could a believer find themselves in such and such situation? How does it happen?

When I heed the call of God to come closer, HE first had to show me the errors of my own ways as a believer – I believed, but I did not follow. There was an evil inside me that gave me reason not to follow the word of God but still claim to be a believer that loves God and believes in His omnipotence.

I asked a close counterpart recently about the matter.

“Are you a believer?” He replied that he was.

I then asked if he was a follower. “I believe I am he said.”

I proceeded with asking him whether or not he thought both creeds fell under the same realm. I immediately observed the conflict arise through his disgruntled look.

For many believers, following the Word of God is equated to believing in God. But the clarity from a knowing Spirit says otherwise.

Friend, how true is our belief if we don’t follow the Word of the One we believe in?

It is here in a realm with the Lord like I’ve never been , that I am learning just what it means to know God and be a follower of Christ.

Friend, there is discipline in discipleship.

Think of an internship or a mentor-ship of any kind. In order to receive the full knowledge and understanding as an intern or mentee, one must follow closely in the steps of the one leading in the experience. It would not be enough to just hear the instruction or the knowledge offered. It is necessary to work in a hands-on environment to apply what is being learned.

It’s no different in this walk of faith with God. CONTINUE READING HERE.