Stop Polluting The Gift


“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.”

1 Corinthians 12:4

Gifts. We all have them.

I heard recently in a sermon, that the difference between talent and skill is this – unlike talent, which is the divine gift from the Creator, skill is the discipline one learns in life to fully manifest the full capacity of that talent.

In an age where many refuse to receive the free gift of salvation and the abounding blessings that come with it, the lines of talents and skills indeed become blurred.

Friend, you too are gifted. You too have been called to live a life that gives God all the glory and praise. You too have been anointed with a God-given gift that is for a divine purpose.

Do you know the capacity of your gift?

And have you asked God to reveal to you what HE endowed you with for His purpose?

If you are anything like me, chances are, you already know your gift(s) and you are very much aware of what it is that you alone have an unexplained candid ability to do well, even without trying.

Yet, the divine purpose of the gift sits untouched.

Friend, I am asking you today, are you using your gift outside the will of the Gift-giver? Are you so caught up in the praise and recognition of man that you have created an altar of self-actualization? Have you forgotten that the One who gave it, is the One who can determine what it is to be rightly used for?

I mean, let’s be honest, if that thing, place, endeavor, or project, was the divine fit for your gift, would it really make you feel as tired as you often do? would you be as joyless as you sometimes become? would you not have the peace of the Lord where HE places you to use your gift?

Friend, hear me when I say, the gift is not yours to mold, polish, present, or gain from.

Rather, your gift is God’s own mark THROUGH you in this world. HE is the Potter so let HIM mold your gift according to HIS will.

It is time to stop using what you know to advance your own selfish desires.

Yes, selfish.

I admit it myself, this was not a truth I embraced readily. But the truth of the matter is, if the gift is not glorifying the Gift-giver, then it is as though it is without value.

God knows what HE created you for. HE alone knows the power of His gift inside you. How then can anything or anyone outside God bless the use of the gift?!

Remember that wherever you go, your gift goes. So, where have you been? Where are you now? And have you been using your gift accordingly in those places?

Another year is nearing its end and the seasons are in place for your gift to be manifested. It is time to stop, listen, and obey. The world is waiting on your gift! Your gift and mine!

Friend, the time will come when the Almighty will ask, “son what did you do with what I gave you?” And on the Glorious Day, I pray for you, and I, that we too will hear, “well done, my faithful servant,” in Jesus name. Amen.

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Nigeria author and speaker. Grace is a good enough reason to remain thankful!

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