Instincts Vs. Instruction

“Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life.”

Proverbs 4:13

I am grateful to serve a faithful God. HE gave me a word, made me a promise, and I so it is now.

I landed in California two days ago according to God’s instruction a few months back. The Lord told me not to worry about a place because He had already prepared a place for me.

I believed.

So as I press forward to heed the word of God and to seek His instructions yet again in this new place, I am compelled to share the importance of understanding the difference between instinct and instruction.

In December 2014, my instincts led me to consider moving up in Nordstrom, a company I had been with for a little over a year. Those instincts were justified by my eligibility for management training as prescribed by all three of my former managers in the company.

Instincts encouraged me to go for it, to begin preparation for it, to consider the many benefits of it…

God’s instruction said otherwise as Instruction directed me to leave the company entirely.

That was about eight months ago.

When I left Atlanta back in June for New York, God’s instruction said to call my former manager about working temporarily in my former position. I obeyed.

Consequently, in the span of my seven-week-stay in NY, I was positioned to walk with people placed in my path and to be a witness for all that God was doing in the lives of His children all around me.

As my departure to CA neared, instinct once again began to encourage me to consider moving up within the company as many other voices around me suggested and supported. Instruction again interrupted and reminded me of Purpose.

Friend, at times we are caught in a crossroad. At this place, it seems like instinct and Instruction are on opposing sides and we yearn for clarity. Sometimes, our instincts are puffed up and move out of alignment with Purpose. It is in this place, that you and I must remember the Word of God.

What was God’s word to you? What instruction came with that Word when you received it?

God is not man that HE should lie, nor is HE a God of confusion. So when confusion begins to take root, this is when you seek your heavenly Father the most. This is when you tap in to the Highest wisdom there is.

As compelled as we often feel to use what we know to make the ‘best decision,’ we must recall that the Proverbs chpt 3 vs 5 instruct us not to lean not on our own understanding but to trust the Lord.

When instinct fails to bring clarity, remember God’s instruction and seek HIS wisdom before taking another step.

I pray for us both today, that the Most High God grants us the heavenly clarity to move at the sound of His Voice and may HIS Word continue to give light to our steps in Jesus name. Amen.

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Nigeria author and speaker. Grace is a good enough reason to remain thankful!

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