Purpose Detects Pollution II


“To answer before listening – that is folly and shame.”

Proverbs 18:13

Friend, how often do you answer to a voice inside without first listening?

How many times in the past have you been quick to heed the direction of something you did not fully listen to?

Yes, you heard the voice say, “do it…” but you did not fully listen to the other end of this very voice that says, “it is against God’s commandment…It is against your purpose…I will lead you astray…”

Purpose detects pollution.

I was amazed by the prove of God’s command through the lips of a young girl. I wondered if I was as obedient to the voice of purpose inside me at such a tended age. I wondered how many times I quickly answered the voices of pollution without listening to the voice of purpose that first detected the pollution.

Friend, have you protected your purpose from the pollution it has detected?

Or are you still freely residing in it out of disobedience or shame?

When I spoke privately with this young lady, I confessed to her that I was inspired by her awareness to the pollution to her purpose. I then asked her to consider deeply that perhaps the environment of friendships she currently resided in was a place that God is taking her away from to protect the purpose inside of her. I asked her to pray fervently for God’s direction and to not be afraid.

Admittedly as I spoke to her, my own words resonated with me as I began to consider the environments I currently resided in – the people I closely related to, my job, the shows I watched, the songs I listened to, and even the media platforms I exposed myself to.

How about you friend? Do you sense the pollution inside you and around you? Are you praying for purpose sake?

Or are you the pollution that purpose detects?

By the grace of God, who is the beginner and finisher of our race, every high thing or thought that wants to exalt itself above God’s purpose in your life in the form of one pollution or another, has become powerless by the blood of Jesus. May you live freely in God’s truth as you walk away from pollution and continue living on purpose in Jesus name. Amen.

Purpose Detects Pollution I


“Now my son, listen carefully and do what I tell you.”

Genesis 27:8

Before this place, this precious, sacred, place of solitude with God, I sat, talked, walked, and slept in pollution. My eyes were shut to the pollution around me because I had not yet detected the pollution inside me.

Before I go any further, I have to clarify on what it means to first be pollution and then reside in pollution.

To walk with God, is to walk in purpose, a divine purpose. Trusting God in your journey through life says that you believe HIM when HE told you that HE knew you and formed you in your mother’s womb. Purpose is the reason you are still alive. Purpose is God’s own intentionality towards HIS own, YOU.

However, being born into a world of sin complicates things at first, seeing that we are ‘innocent’ until life happens and we learn that indeed we were never innocent. Some one paid the price for us even before we were born. Thank God for HIS Son.

All too often, we easily point fingers at the external – the people, things, events all around us that is to blame for who we are, what we do, and the pollution we know we have become. Unknowing to us, the pollution in us created many of what is polluted around us.


I wonder if the Spirit of God at any time whispered something to you to alert you of the pollution that was growing way back then.

Friend, do you know that with purpose, comes pollution? Are you yet aware of the principalities of wickedness in high places whose sole purpose is to be a pollution to YOUR purpose?!!!

A lovely young lady recently voiced her personal struggle in one of our meetings at church. She needed advice on walking away or staying close to ‘friends’ she did not feel spiritually aligned with.

I was in awe at the voice of the Spirit that spoke clearly to this blossoming 14-year-old and the obedience that resided in her young heart.

Then it became much clearer to me. PURPOSE DETECTS POLLUTION!

It is no question that you and I are purposed by the One who created us, but I wonder if you can sense the pollution that your purpose has readily detected. FINISH READING HERE