The Last Leg – God Says Finish Strong (II)


“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross…”

Hebrews 12:2

This is it. The last leg of this particular race you’ve been running. And God says finish strong.

For me, it’s this job. For you, it may be a relationship, a school course, a particular program, or some project. Whatever it is you started in faith, God says you have to finish it.

Friend, this is not the time to give up, to stop hoping, or to give in to the weariness you feel on the inside or even physically.

There is a cheer section of spirits and heavenly hosts just for you! You have to finish strong!

Don’t you worry about who is not there with you right now, or what you think you left or missed along the way. If God had use for that person or thing to finish this course, they would be there. Trust your Maker.

No matter what it looks like, no matter what it feels like, your tiredness is a reminder that this is indeed the last leg of this particular course. For “Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard of all the plans I have for you,” says the Lord of Hosts.

Remember that nothing is coincident. Nothing in your life has just happened. Every position, every tear, every circumstance that has brought you here has been ordained by the Most High. Like the scripture above confirms, Christ Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, so please don’t think that God has missed anything in your life plan.

You are right where you are because the calling on your life required that you should be.

Friend, be faithful and obedient in your race. You can finish strong. Remember that all, not some, but all things are working together for your good because God loves you and He has called you His. HE is your strength and fortress. As long as you have God, your weariness will never overtake you because He will give you wings to soar like an eagle when the time is right. But you must first finish this course you are on.

It is the last leg friend, finish strong with faith!

My prayer for us today, is that God in his infinite wisdom will guide our footsteps as we run, walk, or even crawl (if we must) to get to the finish line that He has ordained for us. May the strength and courage of our Lord overtake us in our most weary moments in Jesus name. Amen.

The Last Leg – God Says Finish Strong (I)


“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy…”

Acts 20:24

About a month ago, I was ready to move up in the company I had been with for about a year. Although the commission-paid position had its more arduous days than not, I enjoyed the work I did. I enjoyed the daily interactions with my diverse clients. And best of all, my managers respected me enough to entrust me with many responsibilities – safe to say my work ethic was exemplary.

So when I relocated from NY after graduation to heed the voice of God, it made sense to stay with the company. In truth, the transition was not as smooth as I would have liked but God, at the right time, moved the right people to put me where I needed and wanted to be to make ends meet.

So when the opportunity peeked, I began to consider a path up the ladder since I had all the qualifications and my supervisors’ support. A plausible plan came about and I was set to pursue the road to management, (unless God said “no.”)

Just a couple of weeks before things were set in motion, God did say “No.”

The week after that, the “No,” was delivered even stronger as the spirit told me it was time to leave the company.

You can imagine my tremor at the thought of not having a plan, but I thank God that my trust in him has matured so much more than before. So, I asked the Lord to show me the way.

Here I am now, heading into my last week at my current position, and I am so very tired.

I came home from a long day at work yesterday night and the ache in my body was almost paralyzing. Perhaps it was the 40-minute drive to work and the the 40-minute drive home, or the slow pace of my 8-hour shift on my feet, or the nervousness going through me as I wait on God to show me what is next.

All I know is, I feel really worn out. I mean Lord! My body feels really overwhelmed!

Then the vision was made clear to me – I feel the weight of all my work because it is the last leg of this particular race. KEEP READING HERE