It’s Not Falling Apart, It’s Falling Into Place

“But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.”

1 Corinthians 14:40

The word in Proverbs chpt 20 vs 24 reminds us that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. In some translations, it states that the Lord directs the steps of a person. But what if the direction of God looks more confusing than the one that you are familiar with?

But then again, what if we are stuck looking at a new realm with old sight?

More and more this season, I have been faced with rising conflicts from within and the outside concerning the way in which I am to move according to word that God spoke to me a few months ago. Admittedly, I have fought harder than ever in this past year to see past blurry visions.

Many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord are in a season of tiredness. Many of them are tired of being still, tired of being patient, tired of believing and hoping for that which is near, but yet so far, tired of fighting the spiritual wars against the spirit of doubt, and many are just tired of being tired.

Where it seemed like one thing, it has turned out to be another. What looked like a promise from God has turned out to be yet another test of patience, and I see faith fighting.

And on the other hand, I see idols crashing down in front of God’s children. I see things being snatched out of the hands of those who have clung to the things of the world rather than our jealous God. Indeed, many things are falling apart because they need to be broken apart and broken through to make ways for the things of God!

Still I am compelled to remind you that it is not falling apart, but rather, falling into place.

Sacrifices are being made, heavy tears are being shed, and broken, confused hearts are being remolded yet again in this season of discipline, and I hear the Lord saying loud and clear, “Just Trust ME.”

Friend, do you hear your Father’s voice amidst all those other voices?

Can you hear the words of a faithful God, that says, “TRUST ME. I AM STILL ON THE THRONE. I CALLED YOU. I FORMED YOU. I KNOW YOU. …AND I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU.”

No I don’t know exactly what you are burdened by, but I do know the pain and anguish of seeing things fall apart in front of you, and fight to still believe that it is falling into place from the perspective of Heaven.

Heaven says that God is still in control. HE still reigns, and HE holds you in the palm of His mighty Hand! You serve a God of “suddenly,” ONE that has never failed, and is always on time.

HIS will be done in Jesus name!

Know that I am praying for you.

May your mind be renewed by this word in Jesus name. May your thoughts and whole being be overwhelmed by the goodness and promises of a faithful God. May you be giving the reassurance from above that it is not falling apart but falling to place as designed by the Most High God in Jesus name. Amen.

If It Was…

if it was

“…Then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials…”

2 Peter 2:9

Too often, we try to make sense of what was, the pain of our past, and even the present discomfort. We try to pinpoint where we went wrong in a decision that dug us into a deep hole. Grace pulls us out time and time again, but yet, we are left with scars and wounds we do not readily have the wisdom to interpret. So we carry them along the journey in Faith. I am here to tell you these truths,

If it was meant to kill you, you would have been dead,

If it was meant to break you, you would be broken,

If it was meant to crush you, you would be crushed,

If it was meant to take your hope, you would be hopeless,

If it was meant to harm you, you would have been harmed, (Being hurt and harmed are degrees away from being similar)

If it was meant to lock you up, you would be in that bondage,

If it was meant to keep you helpless, you would not have received help,

If the lies were meant to keep you bound, the truth would not have set you free,

If they were and are meant to be a part of your life, they would be and they will be,

If you were meant to fall and never get up, you would still be wallowing in your failures,

Friend, every single one of your painful moments, has held with it a greater purpose. Not one single tear has been left to hit the ground without reason. God has them all in His jar of mercy and grace.

We must learn to trust God in all trials.

Yes, when it rains, it pours because sometimes we need the healing rain of God to wash us clean again and heal our wounds, to purify our souls.

Through the turbulent times, let God be your seat belt. You will not hit the ground as long as you lean completely on God’s grace and fall on His Majesty.

I pray that God Almighty will grant us the wisdom and enlightenment to see in the higher spiritual realm of matters we do not understand so we are able to walk with Him in confidence. I declare in Jesus name that we will no longer give the enemy power over what is supposed to lift us up to another realm of capacity and purpose. We shall live and not die in Jesus name. Amen.

God Gives Even When He Takes Away (1)

give and take

“Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer.”

Proverbs 25:4

 Someone I know recently suffered a miscarriage. Though young like me, she desperately wanted the child. She was in her first trimester and had been enduring several painful and discomforting symptoms while pregnant, but she hoped for the best. God had different plans.

When I heard of her loss, I was shocked and hurt by the news because it came up abruptly in a conversation. With no coincidence, God had placed this young lady on my heart a few days before I heard the news. I was unsure then what prayer course was ahead, but now I knew.

My compassion for her loss went deeper than I expected. I was going to reach out to her the day before I heard the news, but decided against it afterwards. My prayer for her healing and restoration would have to do for now. This was about a week and a half ago.

Yesterday morning on my way to church, I heard a lady share a similar story of  loss over the radio. She and her husband found out about 18 weeks into her pregnancy that her unborn child had a rare condition and would not be alive for long after birth.

It was truly heartbreaking hearing her story of strength to take in such devastating news. But God was speaking through her to me.

The lady further proclaimed how the journey brought her family together. She chose to carry the child to term anyway, taking her unborn child to places it would not live to see, and counting on God’s love to bring them all through the pain ahead.

When she gave birth, she named her daughter River. River died about 45 minutes after she saw the world. This lady’s story tore at my heart in the five minutes she recounted her experience. However, the gratefulness she professed of how God gave her a courageous partner spoke louder than her pain. She gave God glory for what He gave her family through River. She thanked God for the faith that kept her standing through the heartache and ordeal since the moment they received the devastating news about River’s fate.

I can’t imagine the strength it takes to go through such a storm. But God… CONTINUE HERE

The Last Leg – God Says Finish Strong (II)


“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross…”

Hebrews 12:2

This is it. The last leg of this particular race you’ve been running. And God says finish strong.

For me, it’s this job. For you, it may be a relationship, a school course, a particular program, or some project. Whatever it is you started in faith, God says you have to finish it.

Friend, this is not the time to give up, to stop hoping, or to give in to the weariness you feel on the inside or even physically.

There is a cheer section of spirits and heavenly hosts just for you! You have to finish strong!

Don’t you worry about who is not there with you right now, or what you think you left or missed along the way. If God had use for that person or thing to finish this course, they would be there. Trust your Maker.

No matter what it looks like, no matter what it feels like, your tiredness is a reminder that this is indeed the last leg of this particular course. For “Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard of all the plans I have for you,” says the Lord of Hosts.

Remember that nothing is coincident. Nothing in your life has just happened. Every position, every tear, every circumstance that has brought you here has been ordained by the Most High. Like the scripture above confirms, Christ Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, so please don’t think that God has missed anything in your life plan.

You are right where you are because the calling on your life required that you should be.

Friend, be faithful and obedient in your race. You can finish strong. Remember that all, not some, but all things are working together for your good because God loves you and He has called you His. HE is your strength and fortress. As long as you have God, your weariness will never overtake you because He will give you wings to soar like an eagle when the time is right. But you must first finish this course you are on.

It is the last leg friend, finish strong with faith!

My prayer for us today, is that God in his infinite wisdom will guide our footsteps as we run, walk, or even crawl (if we must) to get to the finish line that He has ordained for us. May the strength and courage of our Lord overtake us in our most weary moments in Jesus name. Amen.