“Who Told You That You Were Naked”? (END)


“And he said Who told you that thou wast naked?…”

Genesis 3:11

It is all a battle of identity.

We merely call it self-esteem in the naked human eye, but the realm of glory proclaims that is a battle of identity. When the enemy turns you against yourself, you don’t need the help of others to misuse, maltreat, and manipulate who you are. But the devil is a liar!

The Lord your God says in Isaiah 43 vs 1, “I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.”

If you were unsure before now, in the name of Jesus, may your soul receive the word of God today and may you know who and whose you are!

We know that the enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.

Any word that steals, kills, or destroys something in you is not of God, for He is merciful and oh how He loves you friend.

I urge you today to remember who you belong to. It is my hope that you are renewed today with God’s word and restored with what God and only God can tell you.

So when God says, “you are fearfully and wonderfully made,” and He will, “turn your mourning into dancing,” believe it.

When God says, “you are more than a conqueror,” embrace it.

When God says, “He put a jewel on thy forehead, and earrings in thine ears, and a beautiful crown upon thine head,” cherish it. Because these are truths. God is truth.

Friend, don’t you know that you are cherished in the eyes of your almighty Father?

He made you and knew you while you were in your mother’s womb. So, how can anyone else ever convince you or name you what God has not?

What does God tell you in his own word?

These are the messages you and I ought to cling to with assurance because the Lord’s way is perfect. God did not make a mistake when He created you. God is intentional towards you and He has promised that all things are working for your good and His glory.

I know we may have endured some bruises during this battle of identity, but the Great healer says to seek Him and we shall find healing.

Friend, if you are not sure about anything else, receive this – the Lord your God is forever faithful. He is yours and you are His.

No sin, circumstance, or person, both alive and dead, will ever take that away from you in Jesus name. Amen

“Who Told You That You Were Naked?” (III)


“And he said Who told you that thou wast naked?…”

Genesis 3:11

Once upon a time, I was often told I was ugly. Being the only African-born student in my grade set me apart for reasons I would come to be grateful for. But at the time, I believed what I was told by others, outside the word of my Father in heaven.

I was told that I was ugly because my hair was not done. I was told that I was poor because my father didn’t (and couldn’t afford to) buy me expensive name brand clothing. I was told that I was dumb because my Nigerian accent disallowed the articulation of proper grammar. I was told that I was not cool enough for anyone to pay attention to me or really befriend me. I was told to go back to my country.

I believed it. I believed all of it.

I remember vividly how lonely childhood was after my move to America. I remember how painful my development was because I believed what I was told. I remember the many changes I went through trying to align what I was told with what I vaguely remembered of God’s own word.

I recall the missteps, the stumbling, the many lives I tried to lead because of what I was told. But glory be to God for a past that would be used for His glory.

Friend, who told you?

Who told you that the smoking, the drinking, the partying, and careless living is the best life to live? And who told you that this road to nowhere that you have been on is where you deserve to be because of your misguided decisions from way back then? Who told you that it is okay to be abused? Who told you that abusing others would heal your pain? Who told you that stepping on others would help you reach the top? Who told you that hate would conquer pain? Who told you that you were fruitless? who told you?

We know that the enemy is the king of deceit. And he goes through great lengths even in subtle manners to tell us lies that oppose the will of God.

I mean look at how he deceived Eve to thinking that the very wrong that God instructed against, was the right thing to do on this particular day.

I wonder if that same manipulative devil is tempting you today, or has been tempting you for some time now, telling you lies and presenting you with illusions that draw you even nearer to sin.

I wonder if the group of friends that you have found yourself in, does not align with the word of God. I wonder if that condemning habit that you feel powerless over has conveyed messages that are not of God’s.

What have you been told friend? And who told you?


“Who Told You That You Were Naked?” (I)

“And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked?…”

Genesis 3:11

I thank God for this particular word because I endured some of my most vulnerable times under the enemy’s deceit.

The very first sin, the separation of man and God, came about when Eve believed the word of another above God’s own word. And it’s amazing to me, how thousands of  years later, this very same misguidance and misjudgment, continue to separate God’s children from God.

If you are like me, you are familiar with the word of God through the bible or God’s chosen messengers all over the world. Even if you do not know exactly what God says, you know what He does not say.

It was so amazing to me when this word came to my Spirit.

So I’ll begin by asking you these questions.

Who told you that you were naked? Who told you that you were ugly? Who told you that you were not good enough? Who told you that you are unworthy? Who told you that you are Fatherless? Who told you that you were a loser? Who told you that you cannot make it? Who told you that you will not survive? Who told you that you will not achieve? Who told you that you will not succeed? Who told you that you are not forgiven? Who told you that you are alone? Who told you that you have no future? Who told you that you are less? Who told you that you are last? Who told you that you are damaged goods? Who told you that you are finished? Who told you that you had no purpose? Who told you that you are not wanted? Who told you that you are weak? Who told you that you are poor? Who told you that there is no more to life? Who told you that little was your portion? Who told you that you are a victim? Who told you that you were beneath Who told you?!

I see so many of us, acting on the notions of what someone or something told us, but not on what God says. So many of us, stagnant and complacent, worried and uncertain, hesitant and afraid, depressed and miserable, hurt and confused, dejected and abused, all because of what someone or some people told us.

Like Eve did, we believe in the deceitful voice of the enemy. We are beguiled by words that go against what our heavenly Father says.

Friend, let me remind you that God says, “You shall not labour in vain.”

God says, “I will make thee a great nation.”

God says, “you have right to the tree of life.”

God says, “you shall receive the crown of life.”

God is “your strength and power, your rock, your fortress, your deliverer, your shield, your refuge, your redeemer, your buckler, your defender, a present help in trouble, your high tower, and the horn of your salvation.”

God says, “wealth and riches will be in your house.”

God says, “your cup shall run over.”

God says, “He is with you.”

So, who told you what God didn’t?