Abort That Lying Seed!!! (2)

lying seed

“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.”

1 Peter 2

As seen above, there is work to be done. We have got some ‘ridding’ to do!

The Word tells you and I in Galatians chpt 5 vs 22-23, that,

the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.


 Friend, any voice inside you or around you that produces anything outside what is listed above, is a lying seed of the enemy!

That lying voice that tells you that you are not forgiven, that you are not good enough, that you will never be all that God wants you to be, that you are weak, that you are dumb or stupid, that you are your past, that your brokenness is forever, that you will always lack, that you will never win, IS A LYING SEED!


Do you know that these voices are slanderous to the child of God?!

That friend that often encourage you to satisfy your flesh against the warning of your inward spirit, that family member that makes you feel uncomfortable because you choose to live in God’s truth and not theirs, that partner that tells you to be disobedient in the name of ‘love,’ that job that tries to rob you of your happiness and joy, ARE ALL LYING SEEDS!


 The enemy knows that if he can plant these seeds and leave you to water them in your distraction or state of disillusion, that they will bear the fruits that oppose that of the living Spirit of God. But the faithful God that we serve told me to tell you, “ABORT THAT LYING SEED!”

You’d be surprised how hard the enemy works to confuse you with the lying seeds all around you. But you and I have been called by our name by God. We are friends of God. God’s favor for you and I permit us to see past the veil of this world, and into the powerful spiritual realm of victory.

But I must tell you, the abortions of these lying seeds will hurt. You will feel the pain and discomfort of having to separate yourself from things and people that have forcefully attached themselves to your spiritual womb.

But I promise you, God is working it all for your good and His glory. Discarding these lying seeds will shake what can be shaken in your life but God in His infinite mercy and overflowing anointing will renew and restore you to now begin nurturing the seeds of righteousness and truth.

Please remember that HE said HE will never leave nor forsake you. So I urge you today to lay yourself on God’s operating table and let Him abort those lying seeds. Surrender your will and let HIS be done.

May the comfort of God walk you to the throne of grace. May the strength of God keep you in the vulnerability of this season, and may you be encouraged today to abort the lying seeds of the enemy in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Abort That Lying Seed!!! (1)

lying seed

“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.”

1 Peter 2

I heard a great message from Bishop T.D. Jakes last week. During the message, he referenced the many seeds that become planted inside us on our way to destiny and in a thunderous command, he shouted, “ABORT THAT LYING SEED!”

That message stayed in my spirit for a day or so before the Lord poured more into me to share.

Just last night, I was compelled to have a much-needed talk with a sister in Christ in the wee hours of the night because she was struggling with the voices of doubt and insecurities in her mind as she is transitioning from a season of being still, into a new season of movement.

I felt the Lord stir up this message yet again.

As believers and followers of Christ, in this walk with God to receive our divine crown, there has been, there are, and there will be many battles to pass through, ALL of which take place in the spiritual realm.

In case you’ve forgotten friend, “we do not fight against flesh, but against principalities of wickedness in high places!”

That devil is after you because he has gotten a peek into the glory that you will soon inherit as an obedient child of the Most High God.

So he will continue to throw every dart and arrow he can find to try and distract or deceive you, but NEVER TO DEFEAT YOU, for victory is already yours in Jesus name!

See he has lined up seeds of deceit and distraction all around you and admittedly, some of them have managed to attach themselves to your spiritual womb.

Some of those seeds are disguised as friends, a demanding job, a family member, an intellectual mentor, or even the you that you used to be, but won’t let you forget.

But the devil is a liar! FINISH READING HERE.