Confidence In God – part 2

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.”

Hebrews 10:35

 Friend, Christ is our CONFIDENCE!

We can have CONFIDENCE in God because He gave us Christ! If we believe in Christ, if we believe that He is in us, then we believe that He that resurrected after death, that defied EVERY odds, that conquered every impossibility, that defied ALL limitations, HE, THAT CHRIST is in me and you!

This is our CONFIDENCE.

Our CONFIDENCE in God is the CONFIDENCE in us as believers.

 That is why man cannot take it away from us. That is why the situation cannot take it away from you. Your confidence is yours to give away or throw away. So what have you done with yours?

Better yet, how do we keep or take back our confidence if we have lost it?

The Word says to look back for a moment. Look back and remember where you were. Look back and recollect what God has brought you out of time and time again. Look back on the you that was when you did not know Christ. Look back and remember what grace and God’s power has enabled you to do to push through to this place you are in now.

Now ask yourself, do you not serve a faithful God who has been mighty to save over and over and over and over again?

Ask yourself, is HE not worthy to be praised even in your current predicament?

Friend, your CONFIDENCE in God is your reminder that HE that did it back then can and will do it again. He that got you out of that one will get you out of this one. HE that did this, can do that. HE that created the world can create a new opportunity, a new perspective, a new heart of worship, a new way!

Take the limits off of God! HE can do anything! We know that HE can because HE already did! Christ already came down! Heaven already appointed you for your calling and you need your CONFIDENCE in God to reach it.

I pray for you as I pray for me.

May your confidence begin to come back to you now! May your CONFIDENCE in God cause you to trample upon doubts and the enemy’s lies. And may your conscience be renewed in righteousness again in Jesus name. Amen.

Confidence In God – part 1

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.”

Hebrews 10:35

As a child, many of us were told to be confident in ourselves, to believe in ourselves and our ability to do anything we put our minds to.

Childhood naivete does not yet receive the fullness of those messages. Then we learn what faith is. We learn who Christ Is. We grow and learn who God Is. We become familiar with the Holy Spirit of God. We become confident in the knowing of our Father, the Creator.

Then life happens, so we lose confidence.

Friend, God said to get your confidence back! Not the confidence that relies on your abilities, your flesh, and your capacity, but the confidence in HIM!

Are you confident in God?

I know many of us believe in God and we believe that He can do anything, but are you CONFIDENT in God?

When the situation looks as bad as it does, and your heart is as broken as it is, and you are as confused as you are, are you CONFIDENT in God?

When the bills are more than the money, and the foes are more than friends, or the friends turn out to be the foes, are you CONFIDENT in God?

When the deal does not go through, and the relationship ends, and the lying voices come against you to tell you that you were never good enough, are you CONFIDENT in God?

I know all too well how easy it is to lose confidence in the gap between who you are and who you are called to be. I am in that gap now. That gap that separates what God promised and when the promise is in your hands.

But as the scripture above reads, we are not to throw away our confidence. We are not to give control of it to the current dilemma or even the past. Friend, do you know that your confidence is not in the hands of man, but inside of you???


Abort That Lying Seed!!! (2)

lying seed

“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.”

1 Peter 2

As seen above, there is work to be done. We have got some ‘ridding’ to do!

The Word tells you and I in Galatians chpt 5 vs 22-23, that,

the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.


 Friend, any voice inside you or around you that produces anything outside what is listed above, is a lying seed of the enemy!

That lying voice that tells you that you are not forgiven, that you are not good enough, that you will never be all that God wants you to be, that you are weak, that you are dumb or stupid, that you are your past, that your brokenness is forever, that you will always lack, that you will never win, IS A LYING SEED!


Do you know that these voices are slanderous to the child of God?!

That friend that often encourage you to satisfy your flesh against the warning of your inward spirit, that family member that makes you feel uncomfortable because you choose to live in God’s truth and not theirs, that partner that tells you to be disobedient in the name of ‘love,’ that job that tries to rob you of your happiness and joy, ARE ALL LYING SEEDS!


 The enemy knows that if he can plant these seeds and leave you to water them in your distraction or state of disillusion, that they will bear the fruits that oppose that of the living Spirit of God. But the faithful God that we serve told me to tell you, “ABORT THAT LYING SEED!”

You’d be surprised how hard the enemy works to confuse you with the lying seeds all around you. But you and I have been called by our name by God. We are friends of God. God’s favor for you and I permit us to see past the veil of this world, and into the powerful spiritual realm of victory.

But I must tell you, the abortions of these lying seeds will hurt. You will feel the pain and discomfort of having to separate yourself from things and people that have forcefully attached themselves to your spiritual womb.

But I promise you, God is working it all for your good and His glory. Discarding these lying seeds will shake what can be shaken in your life but God in His infinite mercy and overflowing anointing will renew and restore you to now begin nurturing the seeds of righteousness and truth.

Please remember that HE said HE will never leave nor forsake you. So I urge you today to lay yourself on God’s operating table and let Him abort those lying seeds. Surrender your will and let HIS be done.

May the comfort of God walk you to the throne of grace. May the strength of God keep you in the vulnerability of this season, and may you be encouraged today to abort the lying seeds of the enemy in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Abort That Lying Seed!!! (1)

lying seed

“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.”

1 Peter 2

I heard a great message from Bishop T.D. Jakes last week. During the message, he referenced the many seeds that become planted inside us on our way to destiny and in a thunderous command, he shouted, “ABORT THAT LYING SEED!”

That message stayed in my spirit for a day or so before the Lord poured more into me to share.

Just last night, I was compelled to have a much-needed talk with a sister in Christ in the wee hours of the night because she was struggling with the voices of doubt and insecurities in her mind as she is transitioning from a season of being still, into a new season of movement.

I felt the Lord stir up this message yet again.

As believers and followers of Christ, in this walk with God to receive our divine crown, there has been, there are, and there will be many battles to pass through, ALL of which take place in the spiritual realm.

In case you’ve forgotten friend, “we do not fight against flesh, but against principalities of wickedness in high places!”

That devil is after you because he has gotten a peek into the glory that you will soon inherit as an obedient child of the Most High God.

So he will continue to throw every dart and arrow he can find to try and distract or deceive you, but NEVER TO DEFEAT YOU, for victory is already yours in Jesus name!

See he has lined up seeds of deceit and distraction all around you and admittedly, some of them have managed to attach themselves to your spiritual womb.

Some of those seeds are disguised as friends, a demanding job, a family member, an intellectual mentor, or even the you that you used to be, but won’t let you forget.

But the devil is a liar! FINISH READING HERE.

Your Coat Of Many Colors – II

coat of colors

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:9

I believe that the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors was an enactment of God’s own love for His chosen ones. The distinction that comes before the

We are not all endowed similarly, but we have been endowed by the same God who has clothed you and I  in the coat that He saw fit for His purpose.

Yet, it seems the moment we touch ground in the world, everything and everyone around us try to clothe us in something other than the glory and distinction that the Most High God clothed us in when HE ALONE formed us in our mother’s womb.

You should know by now that absolutely nothing happens by chance, but by God’s perfect plan.

That cold shoulder you’ve received and not deserved, that betrayal that happened with the one you held the closest, that lie that seemingly almost ruined your name, those persons that would rather you change something about yourself to ‘fit in’ better with the group, those stares of disdain because of your accomplishments at work, all of that, is a result of the divine coat that your Almighty Father has placed on you!

If you are like me, you have endured a series of abuse, hate, dishonor, and deceit, some of which you have placed on yourself because you have been trying so hard to cover the coat in which Jehovah clothed you. You may have visited that place of misunderstanding and lies where you decided that your ‘coat of many colors,’ was too complex or even too heavy for you to keep on, so you have attempted to take it off. You have attempted to be something else aside from the royal child of the King of kings.

Do you not know that your coat is your very own essence, that God put together for HIS glory? And that your coat is a piece of greatness, God’s Own Greatness?

Do you not understand that the making of your distinct coat is to identify you as HIS chosen? To set you apart by His marking? For His purpose? In His Kingdom?!

Friend, God has clothed you in His majesty and mysteries for His own purpose and you never have to trade in your coat for one color because you feel misunderstood or hated.

The promise on your life, your purpose, your destiny, is far greater than even you know! It is too important to give up for anything or anyone. It is all woven in the coat that your Father in heaven has clothed you in.

So I urge you today to walk in your coat. Polish your coat. And most importantly, give thanks to God for your coat.

I pray today that you are encouraged by God to walk in the true calling of who HE ordained you to be. May the fresh anointing from heaven fall on you, unmask you, and bring you to a realm of clarity and truth to see the glory on your life. May you now live and prosper in that glory in Jesus name. Amen.

Your Coat Of Many Colors – I

coat of colors

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:9

Early this morning on the radio, I heard the heartfelt testimonies of two different men as it related to hearing the voice of God at their lowest moments in life.

Amazingly, the song the first man wrote as a cry of praise to God, came out of a place of darkness and misery where he was battling the lies that the enemy had fed him about his worth. The second man then testified to feeling the voice of God reach him the very first time he heard the first man’s song. He then wrote a song that channeled the truth of the first man’s song.

Redemption is as overwhelming to receive as it is beautiful to embrace.

I was greatly moved, not only by the power of God to love us beyond our sin and filth, but really by the battles that these two adult men faced within about who they were and their worthiness in the eyes of God.

Sin can make us feel so very far from God.

But we serve such a good, merciful, Father, that no sin can ever keep us far enough that His hands cannot reach out to comfort us when we need it the most.

As I heard both men’s songs of testimony, the voice of God resonated with me too.

Then I recalled a good word I recently heard from a powerful messenger of God regarding God’s love.

I was reminded that much like these men, I too, was created distinctively by divine hands and was clothed in majesty and glory because the One who created me saw me worthy enough to form me in His Own likeness.

Friend, you too have been clothed! FINISH READING HERE