The Climb Is Not In The Ladder, It’s In You


“Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.”

Deuteronomy 33:25

“Moving up the ladder,” is a well-known phrase in today’s world of strive and determination. But as a child of God, would you believe me if I told you that the climb is not in the ladder, but in you?

We were not all created to start our own businesses and be our own bosses, but every single one of God’s children has greatness coursing through their blood. God has given both you and I our own individual greatness in which we are to shine through to the world for the glory of our Father in heaven.

So how come the only way we often see to make it to the highest heights (that God has promised), is by climbing on an invisible man-made ladder, rank, or level?

Don’t you know that the greatness is not in the ladder but in you? What have you sacrificed to climb man’s ladder?

I mean what happens if the ladder breaks or malfunctions? what makes you so sure that the ladder can ever hold the weight of all that you are called to be?!

In other words, man’s promises and strategies have no stand against the certainty of God’s will. The saying in this context might only refer to a ladder, but as many of us know, there are many other ways that man will try to convince you to reach the height of success. The temptations are indeed many. Yet it is God who promises in Job chpt 8 vs 7 that,

Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.”

The Spirit says God is with you wherever you are, and wherever you go and He who put a great work in you shall surely fulfill it! God does not need anyone’s help for HE is God alone and HE alone is God!

So, is your trust in man and the ladder that man has built? Or is your trust in the Most High God who has given you the gift or talent in the first place?

I wonder how many of us are waiting in line to climb up a ladder to get to where we are going, not realizing that the climb is not in the ladder but in us.

If it is God’s will for you to walk to your great height of destiny, do you really need that ladder after all? And if God gives you the wings to soar to your great height of purpose, what is the use of that ladder?

Man cannot determine how far you will go and when you will get there. That power and glory belongs to the One God who created you for great things!

I pray for you and I that we may be encouraged by grace to trust in only One Master who has our destiny in the palm of his hands. May God grant us the patience, humility, understanding, and obedience to wait for HIS time and His way to get us to where we are going in Jesus name. Amen.