

“Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.”

Genesis 1:11

You have seeds inside you. You are a fruit-bearing seed. You are that which the Lord in His Omnipotence created.

God’s plan for us to be ‘fruitful and multiply,’ was made certain with the seeds that HE alone placed in us when He formed us in the womb. And because He is an ever-flowing Source of abundance in EVERYTHING, you must surely be fruitful.


If you look all around you, the towering trees and unending fields are the evidence of the countless seeds of God all over the world. He planted them, and by His word and power, they brought forth fruit and indeed multiplied.

Is it possible then that God would place seeds of power, truth, love, and greatness inside of you, but won’t let it grow?

Friend, your seeds await their bloom.

I wonder if you have aligned yourself with the Most High God to water the seeds of purpose inside you.

Don’t you know that the seeds of doubt, deceit, destruction, fear, uncertainty, and worry, are all seeds of life? Are you not aware that these are the weeds planted by the enemy in a futile aim to distract you from the seeds of grace inside of you?

The seeds of heaven are within you and no word from God will go forth void!

You were created to be fruitful. You and your house are meant to inherit the abundance of God from heaven. God’s intention towards you and I are to prosper so His Name may be glorified.

Friend, the seeds in you are like no other, for God perfectly placed them distinctively in you.

Why then are you yet to nurture your seeds? Why then have you allowed the enemy to pollute the place where your seeds are planted? Why then have you ignored the promise of God in those seeds? Why then are you not preparing for the harvest from God?!!!

How ironic is it that we water the seeds of malice, hate, gossip, and un-forgiveness so easily, but forget that there are seeds within us that all of creation are waiting to see bloom?!

Can you see the enemy at work here?!!!

Can you hear the voice of Heaven reminding you that there is a purpose to your life through the seeds of God in you?!

Friend, it is time to work on your garden, the place of germination inside you, the realm of fruitfulness and prosperity inside of you.

And it is my prayer today that the Lord of Hosts, who planted these seeds inside you, will clear out the weeds around your seeds. May God remove any person or thing in your life that is stifling the growth of your seeds. May the grace of God let out a downpour of divine water onto your seeds and may the unfailing Word of God be fulfilled for the world to see in Jesus name. Amen.