Hold On To Your Word! (2)


“Oh that ye would altogether hold your peace! and it shall be your wisdom.”

Job 13:5

One of the most vivid images portrayed in the bible, is when Moses came down from Mt. Sinai after communing tirelessly with God only to be faced with the horror of the children of Israel dancing naked around a god. Let’s recall that God did not only tell Moses the Word at the top of the mountain, HE wrote it down and literally GAVE MOSES THE WORD!

But what did Moses do when his anger was aroused?

Moses literally tossed GOD’S OWN WRITTEN WORD that were in his hands, and broke them to pieces out of agitation!

Moses literally threw the word away!

Granted, his anger was aroused toward the despicable act that was before him, but is that enough to throw away the word of God?.

If Moses, whom God honored enough to show HIMSELF to, fell short of wisdom in a moment of great fury and threw God’s word away, what are the chances you won’t or haven’t already thrown away God’s word out of your misunderstanding or displeasure of what is in front of you?

Friend, it takes great wisdom, faith, courage, humility, and patience to walk this walk with God.

I am sure there are strong circumstances arousing your discomfort, agitation, and even vulnerability. But I urge you to hold on to your word. Let no man, sin, or circumstance cause you to misplace God’s word to you. It is yours for a reason.

And although the season may still be ahead where your word will come to fruition, just remember that God is not man that HE should lie. If He gave you a word, it is already so in the realm of glory and it soon shall manifest in the realm you can touch as well. But You’ve got to hold on to your word like your life depended on it, because it does!

God did not make a mistake when HE revealed something only to you. He is God! And HE does not need your help or anyone else’s to be GOD!

Don’t you know that your purpose is tied to your word from God? Don’t you know that the significance of your word is in the secret place that is between you and God alone? So, why must the rest of the world share too soon in a glory that God has purposely placed with you? Is it not up to Him what He favors and how He favors? HE favored you enough to give you a word, hold on to it!

Remember that no word, not one single word out of the mouth of the living God, shall return to Him void. HIS will be done in Jesus name.

May the Lord forgive us for our carelessness, recklessness, and abandonment of His word to us. I pray that we are blessed with a new realm of wisdom from God to protect and honor the knowledge of the word that we have received. And may we sow great blessings from the seeds of wisdom as we hold on tighter to our word in Jesus name. Amen

Hold On To Your Word! (1)


“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”

Proverbs 4:7

One thing I love so very much about God, is His favoritism with each and every single one of His children. No, God’s favoritism is not the common ideal we know as picking one over another. Rather, the Lord favors each one of us according to His all-knowing wisdom.

Just as the Lord favors you with a great talent or skill, He favors me with the ability to love people that many others would deem unlovable. We are all Highly favored by a Father who knows all His children in depth and entirety. His great wisdom is truly perfect. Which is why we ought to pray fervently for that wisdom.

Yes, knowledge is power indeed, but it is also painful. And knowledge without wisdom is void of value. What good is what you know if you are incapable of applying it with wisdom?

Lord grant us wisdom.

Every one of us has received a word from God. It may have been 10 years ago or even 10 days ago, you know that you heard from God and HE gave you a word. But I wonder if you held on to that word or if you have tossed it aside along the way.

Have you held on to your Word from God?!

Trust me, I can relate to the agony of holding on to a word that is yet to come to fruition. I can relate to the misery and loneliness of holding on to a word so great, so unbelievable, so unimaginable, that everyone else sees you as crazy for still holding on to it.

Seems like everyone has an ounce of opinion as to what you should do about the word you received from God. Nevertheless, thoses ounces all out together, become a weight you burden yourself with to carry that you now mistake as a burden from the word God gave to you and you alone in the first place…So I dare you to ask yourself, “whose word is it again?”

Was the word not giving to you from the One who knows your tomorrow even before yesterday ended? Was the word not specifically given to you from your Father in Heaven? Was God not intentional when He saw fit to give you a word?!

So why are you looking for confirmation from everyone else who did not get the word from God?!

Why have you held your word so loosely in your hands and your heart that anyone can come and snatch it from you? Or worse, that you yourself can carelessly toss the word out of frustration, confusion, or foolishness? FINISH READING HERE