His Will, His Way

 “God is the one who enables you both to want and to actually live out his good purposes.”

Philippians 2:13

Although uncomfortable by some things in this real of faith, I am humbled to be a witness to all that God is doing in me and all around me.

God is faithful.

I see many Christians today chasing after the will of God as though it were a goal that they themselves came up with.

I see unwise strategies and godless tactics being molded together to attain the will of God for our lives, but all to no avail.

It seems as though many of us want God’s will and promises, but we think we can get it our own way. In fact, some of us ascribe those thoughts and ideas to God even though we know that the Spirit of God in us oppose our ways.

I can personally attest that whatever God wills already has His way attached to it. His Will, His Way!

When God wants you to do something for His name and His purpose, He has already created His Way to align with His Will.

 I have heard it said often that, “God is a gentleman.”

As powerful and mighty as He is, we serve a gentle God who is merciful and loving toward us. God may permit your way because you have chosen to exercise the freewill He has given you, but God will not permit you to dishonor His Will.

His Will, His Way!

What God says will be, is already as He said, we are just yet to see it.

I find that we often try to place the Will of a timeless God in the confines of our own limited time here on earth. When God tell you to do something, He will always tell you How to do it. He may not show you “How” but He will tell you. God is particular about the How.

It is in this ‘How’ that you and I see the hand of God. It is in this ‘How’ that we come to revere His majesty. It is in this ‘How’ that we find intimacy with the Maker. It is in this ‘How’ that our faith is stretched to the capacity of the fulfillment of God’s promise.

So I urge you today to pay attention to ‘How’ you are living your life and going about getting to promise. I pray you take a moment to reflect on whether or not you are after His Will, His Way.

May the Lord of Hosts continue to lead us in His Way as we seek after His Will in Jesus name. Amen.

The Discipline In Discipleship – (II)

“Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me…”

Matthew 4:9

How can we ever gain the wisdom of an all-knowing Father who has called us to come higher to be closer to Him in worship and obedience, if we do not follow that which HE commands?

How can we profess loving God when we fail to love ourselves much less others?

How do we believe in the purity and holiness of God but pollute and defile our bodies, which HE claims as HIS temple?

Indeed many people can quote the scriptures. Some believers can recite full chapters of the Word. Some can even teach it in a sermon to others. But if none is seen following that which they preach, what good is the Word to the ones who are yet to believe?

It takes discipline to follow the Word of God, not just believe in it.

It takes discipline to stay faithful and in prayer even when, especially when, nothing looks the way it ought to according to the promises of God.

It takes discipline to speak life and love when strife and anger threaten to cause our tongues to sin.

It takes discipline to make time to spend with the Lord in intimacy and worship DAILY.

It takes discipline to pray for those who curse and mock us.

It takes discipline to stay in hope and press on toward the blessing when life’s troubles overwhelm our spirit.

It takes discipline to pick up the full armor of God along with our cross of purpose.

It takes discipline to ALWAYS live in truth by the word of God.

It takes discipline to keep our eyes on the Lord even when our minds stray in distraction to the issues around us.

Friend, there is discipline in discipleship.

I imagine that God is intentional in His demand for our discipline all through the book of Proverbs. Discipline retains wisdom. Discipline helps you stay quiet when rash words threaten to spill from you in impulsion.

Discipline teaches us to be patient and not allow our emotions the permission to take over every situation.

Discipline keeps you grounded in the walk of faith. Trust me, I am living it. And no, it was not always easy. But I thank God for a willing heart that surrenders obediently to the will of the One who called us to follow HIM.

I urge you today to take inventory and to consider your ways as a believer, as a child of God, and as one who has been called for the glory of God’s kingdom.

May God grant us the courage and the brave heart to not only believe Him for His word, but may we be enabled by the grace of heaven to follow God’s own word according to His will in Jesus name. Amen.

The Discipline In Discipleship – (I)

“Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me…”

Matthew 4:9

In my early youth, growing up under the wings of Nigerian believers was no easy habitation. Within this religious fold, I was forced to reconcile that there are indeed spirits of wickedness in high places who sought after the believer.

For a younger me, a believer had to live the life of battles. I didn’t know that the struggles we each face in our individual journey for the kingdom, has to do with the purpose of God to mold and polish us in preparation for the life of discipline we are called to live.

It is now that I understand that believing in God is only the first part. Thus many of us believe, but not enough of us believers actually follow.

When church scandals erupt from time to time, I am compelled to ask myself, how could a believer find themselves in such and such situation? How does it happen?

When I heed the call of God to come closer, HE first had to show me the errors of my own ways as a believer – I believed, but I did not follow. There was an evil inside me that gave me reason not to follow the word of God but still claim to be a believer that loves God and believes in His omnipotence.

I asked a close counterpart recently about the matter.

“Are you a believer?” He replied that he was.

I then asked if he was a follower. “I believe I am he said.”

I proceeded with asking him whether or not he thought both creeds fell under the same realm. I immediately observed the conflict arise through his disgruntled look.

For many believers, following the Word of God is equated to believing in God. But the clarity from a knowing Spirit says otherwise.

Friend, how true is our belief if we don’t follow the Word of the One we believe in?

It is here in a realm with the Lord like I’ve never been , that I am learning just what it means to know God and be a follower of Christ.

Friend, there is discipline in discipleship.

Think of an internship or a mentor-ship of any kind. In order to receive the full knowledge and understanding as an intern or mentee, one must follow closely in the steps of the one leading in the experience. It would not be enough to just hear the instruction or the knowledge offered. It is necessary to work in a hands-on environment to apply what is being learned.

It’s no different in this walk of faith with God. CONTINUE READING HERE.

Thank Goodness For A Sound Mind

sound mind

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

The closer I walk with the Lord, the deeper the Spirit calls me. The deeper I go, the stranger I feel. Yet, I thank God for a sound mind.

I am arriving at the last leg of my stay in New York before my relocation to yet another place that the Lord has called me to. One week left to be exact.

And amidst the many transitions around and within, I feel a longing like no other for clarity. I seek God for clarity above all things. Amidst the shifting of realms inwardly and outwardly, I pray desperately for clarity. I pray to see what the Lord has set before me with the eyes of the Spirit and the eyes of the Spirit only.

I realize that what I’m truly yearning for is the ability to maintain a sound mind.

Friend, do you know that the enemy lurks, waiting for the opportunity to grab hold of your mind? Even if it’s for a quick minute?

From thoughts of doubts and desperation, to thoughts of confusion and calamity, the state of your mind is a target for the evil one.

A sound mind in God is not the same as a ‘sound’ mind of this world.

Take inventory. What exactly is the state of your mind?

Is your mind on the things of God? Is your mind set to seek the Most High God in ALL things? Do you have a disciplined mind? Is your mind quick to discard thoughts that do not align with The Word of God? Is your mind save enough for God to deposit His Holy Will?

Friend, how often do you lose your sound mind? How often does your focus shift from God’s will and drift to your own self-motivated and unwise desires?

Have you been so caught up in your goals and your ambitions lately that you have forgotten about that Amazing grace? Have you failed to remember that all that you are and all that you have is not by your might but by the grace of the Most High God?

I ask once again, how sound is your mind?

The enemy would like us to forget. That devil would rather we throw our hands up and become of the world rather than just in it. The deceitful one would rather you lose your sound mind and conform to the things of this world. But that devil is a liar!

Please be reminded today that you and I have been set apart by the Almighty God. You and I are a chosen generation who are to be the light of the world. We have been given the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

And by the grace of God, we will use that sound mind along with all else that we have been given to carry out the perfect Will of our Perfect God in Jesus name. Amen.

“O You Of Little Faith”

little faith

“Teach me your way, LORD, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart…”

Psalm 86:11

It’s been going on three months now since I heed God’s instructions to leave my job. In plain terms, I have been unemployed since January 15th. Yet, I have never hungered or thirst. There is life in my body and joy in my spirit. Glory be to God.

Indeed there are trying days. Truth be told, I strive each day to abide in God’s peace a little more than the day before. Thus, my best days are the days I feel most grounded in faith.

My most fruitful and productive days are those spent in the Word and the recollection that I serve a faithful God who will not leave me to be consumed by the worries of this world.

Friend, faith brings you to a realm like no other. We need faith like we need air to breathe for it is faith that  breathes new life and new hope into your lungs each day that moves us forward to victory.

Recall the story of the only other man aside from Jesus that ever walked on water. Yes, Peter. (See Matthew 14 vs 22-33)

The storm not only blinded some of the disciples to think their Master was a ghost, it shook the faith out of them. And even when they saw Christ walk on water, Peter alone was the one whose faith gave him a chance to walk on water too…but doubt then caused Peter to stumble.

It was not until peter literally took his eyes off of Christ and looked back to the others, that he then fell into the raging sea and had to be rescued by the Lord.

And what was the first thing Christ said?

“O ye of little faith…”

Friend I wonder today if like me, you feel yourself stumbling and even drowning because you have momentarily allowed your heart to be divided by doubts and uncertainty. I wonder if, just if we too can walk on water and mount greater thresholds when we keep pour eyes on the Most High God.

I wonder if our minds would lead our hands to assemble great things that can only be made possible by God in His majesty and faithfulness to us.

I mean, if Peter, who walked with Christ and saw for himself the many miracles that Christ brought to life, still stumbled in his faith, how much more susceptible are we to stumbling?

How many times have you felt your confidence slip away suddenly? How often do you feel less motivated to carry on and achieve the ambitions that God has placed inside of you? Ask yourself, “when did the shift come about?” “What was, and what is the measure of your faith?”

Are you even aware of the difference?

Your faith is not a destination, but a journey with God. It is not a place you reach and stop, for the Word states that we are destined to go from faith to faith and glory to glory in Jesus name.

The Spirit says the faith that got you here may not be enough for what will be tomorrow, but your willingness and confidence in your Father, to see the full glory of HIM who can do all things, will surely bring you to the height that HE intended for you.

As we are being crafted by the Potter, may HE continue to keep our hearts and remold us to be unshaken in our faith. May God help us to keep our eyes on HIM alone as we sail through worldly storms in Jesus name. Amen.

Hold On To Your Word! (2)


“Oh that ye would altogether hold your peace! and it shall be your wisdom.”

Job 13:5

One of the most vivid images portrayed in the bible, is when Moses came down from Mt. Sinai after communing tirelessly with God only to be faced with the horror of the children of Israel dancing naked around a god. Let’s recall that God did not only tell Moses the Word at the top of the mountain, HE wrote it down and literally GAVE MOSES THE WORD!

But what did Moses do when his anger was aroused?

Moses literally tossed GOD’S OWN WRITTEN WORD that were in his hands, and broke them to pieces out of agitation!

Moses literally threw the word away!

Granted, his anger was aroused toward the despicable act that was before him, but is that enough to throw away the word of God?.

If Moses, whom God honored enough to show HIMSELF to, fell short of wisdom in a moment of great fury and threw God’s word away, what are the chances you won’t or haven’t already thrown away God’s word out of your misunderstanding or displeasure of what is in front of you?

Friend, it takes great wisdom, faith, courage, humility, and patience to walk this walk with God.

I am sure there are strong circumstances arousing your discomfort, agitation, and even vulnerability. But I urge you to hold on to your word. Let no man, sin, or circumstance cause you to misplace God’s word to you. It is yours for a reason.

And although the season may still be ahead where your word will come to fruition, just remember that God is not man that HE should lie. If He gave you a word, it is already so in the realm of glory and it soon shall manifest in the realm you can touch as well. But You’ve got to hold on to your word like your life depended on it, because it does!

God did not make a mistake when HE revealed something only to you. He is God! And HE does not need your help or anyone else’s to be GOD!

Don’t you know that your purpose is tied to your word from God? Don’t you know that the significance of your word is in the secret place that is between you and God alone? So, why must the rest of the world share too soon in a glory that God has purposely placed with you? Is it not up to Him what He favors and how He favors? HE favored you enough to give you a word, hold on to it!

Remember that no word, not one single word out of the mouth of the living God, shall return to Him void. HIS will be done in Jesus name.

May the Lord forgive us for our carelessness, recklessness, and abandonment of His word to us. I pray that we are blessed with a new realm of wisdom from God to protect and honor the knowledge of the word that we have received. And may we sow great blessings from the seeds of wisdom as we hold on tighter to our word in Jesus name. Amen

Hold On To Your Word! (1)


“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”

Proverbs 4:7

One thing I love so very much about God, is His favoritism with each and every single one of His children. No, God’s favoritism is not the common ideal we know as picking one over another. Rather, the Lord favors each one of us according to His all-knowing wisdom.

Just as the Lord favors you with a great talent or skill, He favors me with the ability to love people that many others would deem unlovable. We are all Highly favored by a Father who knows all His children in depth and entirety. His great wisdom is truly perfect. Which is why we ought to pray fervently for that wisdom.

Yes, knowledge is power indeed, but it is also painful. And knowledge without wisdom is void of value. What good is what you know if you are incapable of applying it with wisdom?

Lord grant us wisdom.

Every one of us has received a word from God. It may have been 10 years ago or even 10 days ago, you know that you heard from God and HE gave you a word. But I wonder if you held on to that word or if you have tossed it aside along the way.

Have you held on to your Word from God?!

Trust me, I can relate to the agony of holding on to a word that is yet to come to fruition. I can relate to the misery and loneliness of holding on to a word so great, so unbelievable, so unimaginable, that everyone else sees you as crazy for still holding on to it.

Seems like everyone has an ounce of opinion as to what you should do about the word you received from God. Nevertheless, thoses ounces all out together, become a weight you burden yourself with to carry that you now mistake as a burden from the word God gave to you and you alone in the first place…So I dare you to ask yourself, “whose word is it again?”

Was the word not giving to you from the One who knows your tomorrow even before yesterday ended? Was the word not specifically given to you from your Father in Heaven? Was God not intentional when He saw fit to give you a word?!

So why are you looking for confirmation from everyone else who did not get the word from God?!

Why have you held your word so loosely in your hands and your heart that anyone can come and snatch it from you? Or worse, that you yourself can carelessly toss the word out of frustration, confusion, or foolishness? FINISH READING HERE