It’s Not Falling Apart, It’s Falling Into Place

“But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.”

1 Corinthians 14:40

The word in Proverbs chpt 20 vs 24 reminds us that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. In some translations, it states that the Lord directs the steps of a person. But what if the direction of God looks more confusing than the one that you are familiar with?

But then again, what if we are stuck looking at a new realm with old sight?

More and more this season, I have been faced with rising conflicts from within and the outside concerning the way in which I am to move according to word that God spoke to me a few months ago. Admittedly, I have fought harder than ever in this past year to see past blurry visions.

Many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord are in a season of tiredness. Many of them are tired of being still, tired of being patient, tired of believing and hoping for that which is near, but yet so far, tired of fighting the spiritual wars against the spirit of doubt, and many are just tired of being tired.

Where it seemed like one thing, it has turned out to be another. What looked like a promise from God has turned out to be yet another test of patience, and I see faith fighting.

And on the other hand, I see idols crashing down in front of God’s children. I see things being snatched out of the hands of those who have clung to the things of the world rather than our jealous God. Indeed, many things are falling apart because they need to be broken apart and broken through to make ways for the things of God!

Still I am compelled to remind you that it is not falling apart, but rather, falling into place.

Sacrifices are being made, heavy tears are being shed, and broken, confused hearts are being remolded yet again in this season of discipline, and I hear the Lord saying loud and clear, “Just Trust ME.”

Friend, do you hear your Father’s voice amidst all those other voices?

Can you hear the words of a faithful God, that says, “TRUST ME. I AM STILL ON THE THRONE. I CALLED YOU. I FORMED YOU. I KNOW YOU. …AND I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU.”

No I don’t know exactly what you are burdened by, but I do know the pain and anguish of seeing things fall apart in front of you, and fight to still believe that it is falling into place from the perspective of Heaven.

Heaven says that God is still in control. HE still reigns, and HE holds you in the palm of His mighty Hand! You serve a God of “suddenly,” ONE that has never failed, and is always on time.

HIS will be done in Jesus name!

Know that I am praying for you.

May your mind be renewed by this word in Jesus name. May your thoughts and whole being be overwhelmed by the goodness and promises of a faithful God. May you be giving the reassurance from above that it is not falling apart but falling to place as designed by the Most High God in Jesus name. Amen.

Your Alignment With A Down-grader Of God – Part 3


“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM…”

Exodus 3:14

Friend, how many people do you know in your life, even in your spiritual environment, that has the belief in something greater, but are not convinced that it is God?!

The Spirit says it is time for you to assess your alignment.

Who has God placed in your path? Who has God shown you is in need of prayer and intercession to see God for themselves?

Don’t you know that everyone who falls in place as you walk in alignment, is also part of what you have been assigned to do?

In the past, (even as I ignorantly malnourished my spirit by feeding my flesh) it was so easy for me to dismiss someone whose spirit did not reflect mine. But I thank God for a maturity in calling and new wisdom on every new height in the journey.

That person or persons whose perception of God does not match yours, has been placed in your path for a reason. I urge you today to seek God for the answer as you discover your alignment with those who down-grade His power and Being.

Perhaps their destination begins with you. Perhaps a new journey within your divine purpose begins with them. Ask God. But whatever you do, do not dismiss them. Do not miss God by falling on your own knowledge alone.

Consider that this person or force that downgrades God is motivated by powers that they are not aware of but you are. It says in Ephesians chpt 6 vs 12 that,

we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

 God did not create His children with a spirit that down-grades His power, so this person you have come across was not born with this purpose-opposing decree. You and I know how hard the enemy will work to instill lies into the heart of a child of God.

This is why it is so important that you understand the placement of such forces along your journey.

I know that in the brief moment of the encounter yesterday, I didn’t care where I was or what my knowledge was, I was moved by the Spirit of God to continue the conversation with the young lady and to look past the words out of her mouth but into the longing inside her soul. She wanted to believe in what was greater. She wanted to hear God speak. Something within her made her believe in what she believes in. And if she was confident in her belief, she would have been able to tell me what exactly she meant by “Higher power.”

How many others have you encountered? Do you know that you will still encounter many more?

I pray for you and me. I pray that the LORD of hosts, who has called us for His glory and Majesty, will fill us with new wisdom, new confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose to recognize what HE alone has placed in our paths. May He also grant us the patience and humility to speak of Him to others as they too draw nearer to their individual calling in Jesus name. Amen.

Your Alignment With A Down-grader Of God – Part 2


“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM…”

Exodus 3:14

Admittedly, my day ended yesterday without me giving another thought to the conversation. But thank goodness for a persistent Spirit of God.

It was not until this morning that the Spirit revealed to me that indeed the brief interaction with the young lady was a part of my alignment with God in this journey of purpose.

All through high school and college, I have met so many of God’s children whose identity has somehow been shuffled in the unfolding chaos and mysteries of life. We’ve got the atheists, the devil worshipers, the churches of Satan, the churches of Scientology, the believers in a greater power, but not God.

Billions of God’s own creation, instigated by the enemy and separated by belief and the lack of, and the ills of man-made religion. My prayers remain fervent for them and I believe that in due time, our heavenly father will reveal to them who HE is.

In the past, I have disregarded the existence of these ideals and those who held it because I felt the need to protect what I held on to no matter what internal struggles I dealt with daily to hold on to it still. Thus, I made certain to keep a safe distance from those whose spirits were against my Spirit.

God was, is, and will always be God! There is Only One God! There is no other GOD!

Yesterday’s interaction with the young lady was a revelation that brought back into memory, the many lost souls in my world that are waiting for God to speak or show up. They are waiting for a miracle, something outside the ordinary to become aware of the existence and eternal Being of the one and only Creator of heaven and earth!

And do you know it takes just one? It takes just one interaction, one revelation, one life-altering-mind-consuming moment for God to make His presence known to whom He chooses?! His will be done in Jesus name!

I mean sometimes I come to a place of momentary envy when I consider the intimate interactions that God had with His chosen ones in the old testament.

I AM THE LORD,” resonates all through the old testament!

And here we are over 2000 years later, and there are still many wondering, “Is HE really?” “Does HE exist?” “who is HE?”

I wonder if you know anyone like that in your life.

Friend, are you aware of your alignment with the down-graders of the Most High God? FINISH READING HERE

Your Alignment With A Down-grader Of God – Part 1


“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM…”

Exodus 3:14

Everyday I stand in awe of the diversity there is in the make of God’s children. The believer and the non-believers. The worshipers and non-worshipers. The club-goers and non-club-goers. The drinkers and non-drinkers. The sexually promiscuous, sexually inactive and the virgins. The preacher and the non-preachers.

Yet, we are all sinners saved by grace and mercy.

Yesterday, I entered the place of my old job seeking someone in particular but God placed someone else in my path, so a very brief conversation took place. The young lady and I are not too familiar with one another. She didn’t even recognize me enough to recall my name at first.

I was like, ‘I know her,’ she said to me with laughter.

I asked about the friend I had hoped to see when I came, and was informed that she had gone home for the day. I then added that I had not spoken to my friend in quite some time since we had planned an outing to a gospel concert a few weeks ago.

Oh you both do the Christian church thing,” she stated.

church thing? I take it you don’t believe then?” I responded.

Then the following words came out of her mouth…

I mean I used to talk to God and He never talked back so I don’t talk to Him anymore,” she said nonchalantly, adding a dismissive wave.

Oh. So what do you now talk to?” I asked.

She said, “I mean I believe in a Upper power and Being but not God.”

The Spirit did not let the conversation end without speaking through me to tell her that whether she knew it or not, liked it or now, actively believed or not, what she believed in was GOD. Although she may have spoken out of playfulness when she said perhaps I can talk to Him for her, it resonated with me.

You getting too deep girl right now girl,” was the last response she gave in a tired voice, as another dismissive wave came about.

As we parted ways, I assured her that I would definitely talk to God for her. CONTINUE READING HERE