Vision – PART II


“Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha…”

2 Kings 6:17

InĀ 2 Kings chpt 6, we are introduced to a story where vision was needed to win the battle. And if we diligently ingest God’s Word, we would see all through the Bible that more often than not, vision is a necessary weapon to win.

In this particular instance, an enemy of the children of Isreal, sent armies to capture Elisha and his servant. When the servant got up in the morning, he was immediately filled with great fright and confusion, seeingĀ that the horses and chariots of the enemy had surrounded the city.

The servant, even with eyes wide open, did not yet have the vision to see. His state of sight was affected by what he saw in the physical realm, which then disrupted his lack of awareness. In his state of sight, he stopped being aware of the All-knowing, All-powerful God.

Then a confident, faithful, prayerful Elisha said,

“Don’t be afraid…those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

The servant saw but yet had no vision…

Until the Lord opened his eyes as prayed by Elisha. It was not until the Lord granted the servant vision. It was not until the Lord unveiled his spiritual sight to see that there was a mighty God, with an army of angels that surrounded them.

The location was the same. The day was the same. The circumstance was the same. But now, vision was present.

Friend I wonder today if you are filled with worry, uncertainty, confusion, anger, pain, or fear about what you see, rather than what you are supposed to envision.

I wonder if we were all born blind but with our eyes open. I wonder if God’s own perfect wisdom has been long awaiting our knowledge of what we physically see in front of us, to catch up with what the Lord knows is ahead of us.

Is it possible that you see, but lack vision?

How amazing would it be to envision the true glory and might of God as we make our way into our everyday battles of life? How confident would we also be to proclaim to others that the One who is with us, is so much greater than the one who is against us? That victory is already ours!

May God almighty renew our state of sight today, and empower us with the vision to see what only HE can show us as we walk in the full armor of HIM who created heaven and earth. May we now begin to walk, talk, and be in confidence in the might of our heavenly Father. May we now press on to what is ahead of us in complete faith in a God who has never and will never fail. May our state of sight be renewed an restored each new day in Jesus name. Amen.

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Nigeria author and speaker. Grace is a good enough reason to remain thankful!

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