The Work Of Your Hands – part II

“I will destroy all your idols and sacred pillars, so you will never again worship the work of your own hands.”

Micah 5:13

How often do we consider that the work that we do, the job we commit all your time to, and the creative expressions of our God-given visions, all belong to God?

It is easier to say that God is ruler over our lives than it is for us to give God rule over our lives. So again I ask, do all your works reflect God?

If you are a Christian actor, do you commit to acting in movies that edify other Christians or non-believers with messages about God’s truth?

Or like many God-fearing artists of today, do you wait to receive an award for your dramatic role in a violent or vulgar masterpiece that connotes nothing about God’s word or His kingdom, to ‘thank God’ for His mighty hand over your blossoming career.

Yes indeed, we are favored. We are graced time and time again with God’s favor and goodness when we gain opportunities to prosper. And I thank God for that. But when I see the number of Christians who acclaim their fame and success to God but do not speak words of God, sing words of God, project the image of God or perpetuate messages of God through the work of their own hands, I am paused.

Friend, can you see the work of your own hands? Because if you cannot see it, how then do you expect others to see it?

Are your endeavors led by the purpose of God inside of you?

That thing that you have your hand on, that project you are building your career on, that platform you are boldly claiming as your own, does it reflect Christ and His purpose in our life, in your heart?

Now more than ever, in this season of intentionality, in this realm of manifestation, in this year of breaking forth, we must pause and consider ALL the works of our hands because destiny cannot be formed by hands that lie.

I pray for you as I pray for me. May the Lord of Hosts renew our minds today. May God take over ALL things in our lives as we surrender yet again to His almighty hand. And may we again be re-aligned in all our ways for the sake of God’s purpose in Jesus name. Amen.

The Work Of Your Hands – part I

“I will destroy all your idols and sacred pillars, so you will never again worship the work of your own hands.”

Micah 5:13

 When people ask you, “what do you do?” …”who are you?”… “what are you about?”… “what kind of work do you do?”

What is your response? Are you able to answer all these questions with one response? If not, where is the separation? In other words, do you separate how you use God’s gifts from the ‘you’ that receives the gift?

Better yet, are you able to answer all these questions with just one response? If not, where is the separation?

How do you separate how you use God’s gifts from the ‘you’ that receives the gift? How do you put a distance between who you are in God and what you do in the name of God?

Are you the Christian who uses Heaven’s gifts to gain worldly treasures?

A while ago, my pastor commented on the wealth that he believed was in the church. He stated that it is almost unimaginable how rich the House of God would be if we all brought our wealth into the church. Surely, he was not merely referring tithes and offerings, but rather the wealthy gifts that God has given to us. My pastor was calling out the wealth that was in us, the wealth that was us.

Friend, how much of your ‘wealth’ do you give to the world but not to God? Your gift, your heart, your creativity, and your time, how much of it do you give to God? And why have you not given it all?

Often times, we don’t want to consider the many ways that we dishonor God when we use our gifts for our own desires. We try to ignore our misalignment when the work of our hands don’t reflect the Father. But God knows and you know.

Consider that if no one ever saw your face or knew your name, if the world had to testify to who you are by all the works of your hand, would it truly reflect God?

For example, are you a Christian actor or an actor who is Christian?

Are you a Christian doctor or a doctor who is Christian?

Are you a Christian artist or an artist who is Christian?

Are you a Christian teacher or a teacher who is Christian?

Friend, do you know the difference?  FINISH READING HERE