The Work Of Your Hands – part II

“I will destroy all your idols and sacred pillars, so you will never again worship the work of your own hands.”

Micah 5:13

How often do we consider that the work that we do, the job we commit all your time to, and the creative expressions of our God-given visions, all belong to God?

It is easier to say that God is ruler over our lives than it is for us to give God rule over our lives. So again I ask, do all your works reflect God?

If you are a Christian actor, do you commit to acting in movies that edify other Christians or non-believers with messages about God’s truth?

Or like many God-fearing artists of today, do you wait to receive an award for your dramatic role in a violent or vulgar masterpiece that connotes nothing about God’s word or His kingdom, to ‘thank God’ for His mighty hand over your blossoming career.

Yes indeed, we are favored. We are graced time and time again with God’s favor and goodness when we gain opportunities to prosper. And I thank God for that. But when I see the number of Christians who acclaim their fame and success to God but do not speak words of God, sing words of God, project the image of God or perpetuate messages of God through the work of their own hands, I am paused.

Friend, can you see the work of your own hands? Because if you cannot see it, how then do you expect others to see it?

Are your endeavors led by the purpose of God inside of you?

That thing that you have your hand on, that project you are building your career on, that platform you are boldly claiming as your own, does it reflect Christ and His purpose in our life, in your heart?

Now more than ever, in this season of intentionality, in this realm of manifestation, in this year of breaking forth, we must pause and consider ALL the works of our hands because destiny cannot be formed by hands that lie.

I pray for you as I pray for me. May the Lord of Hosts renew our minds today. May God take over ALL things in our lives as we surrender yet again to His almighty hand. And may we again be re-aligned in all our ways for the sake of God’s purpose in Jesus name. Amen.

The Work Of Your Hands – part I

“I will destroy all your idols and sacred pillars, so you will never again worship the work of your own hands.”

Micah 5:13

 When people ask you, “what do you do?” …”who are you?”… “what are you about?”… “what kind of work do you do?”

What is your response? Are you able to answer all these questions with one response? If not, where is the separation? In other words, do you separate how you use God’s gifts from the ‘you’ that receives the gift?

Better yet, are you able to answer all these questions with just one response? If not, where is the separation?

How do you separate how you use God’s gifts from the ‘you’ that receives the gift? How do you put a distance between who you are in God and what you do in the name of God?

Are you the Christian who uses Heaven’s gifts to gain worldly treasures?

A while ago, my pastor commented on the wealth that he believed was in the church. He stated that it is almost unimaginable how rich the House of God would be if we all brought our wealth into the church. Surely, he was not merely referring tithes and offerings, but rather the wealthy gifts that God has given to us. My pastor was calling out the wealth that was in us, the wealth that was us.

Friend, how much of your ‘wealth’ do you give to the world but not to God? Your gift, your heart, your creativity, and your time, how much of it do you give to God? And why have you not given it all?

Often times, we don’t want to consider the many ways that we dishonor God when we use our gifts for our own desires. We try to ignore our misalignment when the work of our hands don’t reflect the Father. But God knows and you know.

Consider that if no one ever saw your face or knew your name, if the world had to testify to who you are by all the works of your hand, would it truly reflect God?

For example, are you a Christian actor or an actor who is Christian?

Are you a Christian doctor or a doctor who is Christian?

Are you a Christian artist or an artist who is Christian?

Are you a Christian teacher or a teacher who is Christian?

Friend, do you know the difference?  FINISH READING HERE

The Greatness In You Is Greater Than You – Part 3


“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

3 John 1:4

Your life and purpose are part of God’s Great intention. In fact, your life alone is God’s purpose.

Wherever you are in your journey right now, whatever it is that you have been striving endlessly to accomplish, have you considered that the greatness you sought is so little in comparison to the greatness that the Great One intended when HE FORMED YOU IN YOUR MOTHER’S WOMB?

 I can’t begin to imagine how hard you have pursued that dream that seems to elude you no matter what. But I can relate to chasing something that seems so big in our eyes, but truly is beyond small in the Great eyes of God Almighty.

There is a greatness in you, and it is called purpose, which brings me to the conclusion of this blessed word.

Bottom line, if what you are doing, or what you are thinking about doing, only benefits you, then that which you are thinking of is not the greatness that is in you.

I urge you, I pray for you, to take a moment and recall what you are doing with your life. Consider your relationships, your friendships, your alliances, your business dealings, your intimate relations, your academic career, ALL your ways, your acquaintances, your bonds, both loose and strong, ask yourself, “what am I doing here?” “What am I really doing here?” “What has been, is, and will be the purpose in this thing?”

Because in case you have forgotten, “He is the One that was, is , and is to come,” and the greatness that has been harbored inside of you is parallel to all that God is.

If you’re questioning your purpose, your calling, or the Will of God, the Spirit has given me one answer for you – you must serve. Because if you are not serving, you are not giving, and if you are not giving, then you are merely taking, which is robbery in the eyes of God.

Have you been serving? How have you given lately? To what degree have you served others even when you are the one leading or carrying them?

Do you know that serving one another was a command by God? Do you know that serving each other is serving God because it points to Him and the goodness of His Holy Spirit to bind us in love and servitude?

Lord, grant us the heart to serve.

Often times, the only worship that we are familiar with is singing, and giving praise. But do  you know that serving others as you align with God’s purpose, is also part of your worship?

In your heart lies your worship, and in your worship lies your inevitable purpose to serve the name above all names. There is no question about how Great He is that is in you, as there is no doubt that the greatness inside of you is greater than You. God is greater than all of your circumstances and all your self-centered pursuits. His Will be done in Jesus name.

May the Lord grant us both the awareness to awaken the purpose that HE has placed in the core of our being and may the presence of this truth in us, work together for our good and His everlasting glory in Jesus name. Amen.

The Greatness In You Is Greater Than You – Part 2


“But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”

Matthew 6:23

How wonderful is it that there is a purpose for every living breathing child of God?!

How merciful is grace that as undeserving as we are, God sees you and I worthy enough to finish what He started even before He placed us in our mother’s womb? How amazing is the gift of greatness from a great God to His children?

Recently, someone dear to my heart asked me, “Tobi, what do you think I can do?”

This person is one of the most dedicated, hardworking individual I know. She is graceful, grateful, and generous. She never complains about the weight she readily carries for others as she strives to be the best mother, daughter, wife, and leader possible.

My heart leaped for joy over her inquiry to me because I know that the Spirit has brought her to a place where awareness is awakened. So, as I silently thanked the Spirit on her behalf, I answered, “You are asking the right question, but asking the wrong person.”


The point of the whole matter is, this young lady has arrived at a realm of understanding that the greatness that God Himself placed inside of her, is knocking and it is time for that door to open. She knows that in the depths of her soul, is a calling that is greater than she is, a calling that surpasses getting a paycheck to sustain herself, her family, and those who depend on her from time to time for financial support. She knows that there is more to her BECOMING.

Friend, allow me to re-assure you today that though your actual purpose may be different, the existence of it, that great calling on your life, is the same as it is for every single one of God’s children.

Consider the scripture above. Even Christ proclaimed the greatness of what is inside you, and this was before He got on the cross! Christ was reminding us, that if the light in us (which is yet another confirmation of the presence of God inside of you) was for evil, even the magnitude of such darkness would be great! That is the magnitude of God’s power in you – an unsearchable greatness! FINISH READING HERE

The Greatness In You Is Greater Than You – Part 1


“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”

Matthew 23:11

The greatest man that ever lived was a servant! Remember him? His name was Jesus. The greatness of our Savior began with His being the son of man and of the Holy Spirit, but ended with Him being the servant who died to grant the world salvation.

Now if anyone disagrees, I say show me another man who was crucified, died, was buried, and rose again!.

There is only One.

How ironic is it that the greatest leaders are those who serve their followers? Pastors intercede for church members, civil right leaders give encouragement to their followers, presidents serve (are supposed to at least) the greater needs of the society, and the list goes on.

And if there was ever a doubt to be had about such an ideal, allow me to remind you of that time that Jesus, the Messiah, the King of kings, the Great Healer, the Shining Star, the bright and morning Sun, yes, that Jesus.

Remember the time He washed the feet of His disciples?! Not one of them, not the one He loved most (Peter), but all of their feet. In all His grandeur and greatness, Jesus served those that followed Him by washing their feet. And then in the greater context of His Salvation mission, Jesus inevitably served you and I by dying on the cross to put sin to death on behalf of God’s children.

It is no coincidence that Jesus referred to us as His own brethren.

Can you think of any greater service than giving up your life, and carrying the burdens of sinners to the grave, then rising again to give them new life? And not once asking for anything in return?!!! Jesus served. Hence, His greatness is forever glorified in all the earth and heavens.

Friend, have you at all given any thought to the greatness in you?

I wonder today if you are like me and have been feeling the pull to a greater call beyond what you are doing and what your convictions are based on your present circumstances.

The Word declares that,

Great is He who lives in me,”

So how can you expect for anything you do to be anything less than that which is in you? CONTINUE READING HERE


say yes

“And his inward affection is more abundant toward you, whilst he remembereth the obedience of you all…”

2 Corinthians 7:15

It all began when God said, “YES.”

It’s your turn.

You have been ignoring a message inside of you, a message that is evident all around you. The farther you try to take steps away from the inevitable, the closer you walk right into it. God has given you a word, a dream, a goal, an assignment. I don’t know how long ago it was given, but it is time to say “yes.”

You said ‘yes’ to that job because you are convinced that the paychecks is what pays your bills. You said ‘yes’ to that companionship because you think the closeness to just anyone fills the void. You said ‘yes’ to that car because you think you cannot get to where you ought to be, or where you are going without it. You said ‘yes’ to that house because you feel you would be without a bed to lay your head without it.

But you are hesitant to say “yes,” to the call of the Creator of all these things?!

Now whether or not all your ‘yesses’ have been motivated by the Spirit, or whether your agreement with all these things have yielded the results you wanted, is not the point. You said ‘yes,’ to the life you thought you were to live and to the things that the world has convinced you that you needed.

But if I may, has all these worldly treasures and disillusioned security brought you eternal peace? Have they given you new life? Have they given you new joy, new strength, new hope, and faith? Have they blessed you and given you comfort? Have they guarded and guided you with truth and mercy?

Have they given you wisdom and confidence? Have they been kind to you? Have they been comforting? Have they healed you? Are they forgiving? Go ahead, I dare you, examine your benefits from all that you have said ‘yes,’ to that has not been in alignment with the will of God for your life!

God is ALWAYS merciful, truthful, and full of wisdom.

Can you really compare dwelling in HIS house to dwelling in the place the world has convinced you is your home?

Friend, it is time to say “YES,” to the Alpha and Omega. I’m urging you today to agree and come in alignment with the Great healer and the merciful giver.

The fact that you are here reading this is a testament to how close you are to the beginning of a new “YES,” to the right agreement, and the perfect surrender.

My prayer for you is that every object or subject in your life that has enticed you away from agreement with God, will come to its knees today and bow at the power of the Most High God. May you begin to gain clarity and newness as you arrive at the place of surrender to HIS Will in Jesus name. Amen.

Running From The Pursuit


“The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.”

Proverbs 28:1

What are you running from? And where in the world are you running to?!

That is the question propelled by the Spirit today.

It’s ironic how much conviction is in the scripture above. Anyone who has ever seen a restless man, always running from here to there, and then to another place, understands what is means to be pursued by something or to be the one in pursuit of something.

This is the restless generation. I wonder if we’ll ever stop to realize that what we are running from, is exactly what we need to save us from what we are running towards. We are running restlessly from the pursuit. The pursuit of God.

How can the GOD of all creations be pursuing anyone?! Shouldn’t we be the one pursuing HIM?!

As undeserving as you may think or know you are, God still loves you. HE wants to catch you before you fall. Before that wide road you are running blindly towards, becomes a dead-end and encloses with you in it, God wants to wrap you in HIS loving arms and guide you to the road that leads to your divine purpose.

Is that so horrible?

Proverbs 13 vs 21 states,

Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repayed.

If you are like me, you know how scary the thought of giving your all to God is. Not one part of you would be left for the world to consume. It would all belong to HIM. Funny enough, HE created you. you belong to God anyway.

Your mind, body, soul, in abandon for your Maker to do with it as HE sees fit! WHAT ELSE WOULD SCARE YOU INTO RUNNING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION?!

You would probably have to give up the dating, and the ‘hook-ups,’ the drunkenness, the wild life, the bad attitude, the pride, the gossip, the flashy lifestyle, the running mouth, and the attitude! And that would only be the easiest of what you have to surrender.

For some, it will be the very plush cars, homes, good-paying job, and the steady pay-checks!

Did these things not cost you something? Do they not cost something to keep?

But the Spirit is already been paid for in full. God placed it in you to mark what’s HIS. Do you not realize that the spirit is God’s own connection to what belongs to HIM? As long as you have the spirit of God in you, HE will always pursue you to come back home into His all-knowing wisdom and comfort.

Friend, you need to realize today that your surrender is your freedom!

I pray for you. May the Spirit halt your running today. May you stop and listen to the voice calling after you, the only voice whose words will never deceive you. May you heed the call to amazing grace today in Jesus name. Amen.

Your Perfection Is Not Required, Your Presence Is


“Glory and honour are in his presence; strength and gladness are in his place.”

1 Chronicles 16:27

I don’t really do the church thing,” says many believers.

So what exactly do you do? Where do you go to call on God, not to ask for a favor, or to get out of a mess you made, but where do you go to be in the presence of the Most High?

I’m not talking about becoming a ‘church folk,’ like they say, I am calling you to be counted in the presence of the One who made you. When was the last time you truly went before God?

It’s easy to recite the memorized words of a bible passage or to turn on a sermon online to hear the word. But are you present with God?! Or have you kept the King of kings waiting until you are good and ready to give Him some of your time?

I am often in awe as to how liberated we feel when we don’t have any pressing matters on our hands. I am amazed as to how ignorant we often become of the grace we have to not only breathe, but to breathe in freedom through salvation.

It seems we are eager to be present everywhere else to be seen, but shy away from the presence of God.

The funny thing is that the Lord sees you in your filth, in your most secret places, in your humble ways, and even in your evil thoughts. God is merciful enough to always be present with us as the loving Father He is. But are you present with God?!

When you make it to that bible study once in a while, are you really present with God?

When you make it to church once a month because ‘work won’t allow’ otherwise, are you really present with God?

When you drag yourself to that weekly prayer meeting to get some blessing, are you really present with God?

…And to you who feels as though your perfection or purity is necessary before you set foot in the House of the LORD, I pray over your thoughts today that all strongholds of lies, shame, and conviction be broken in the name of JESUS!

Friend, your perfection is not required, your presence is.

You have to be present, not perfect to see the glory of God and I am here to let you know that your absence has not counted you out. God has not crossed your name off. Nor has HE kicked you out of His merciful sight. But know that the Lord your God knows that you are not in His presence. Your Father knows that one of His children is yet to make it. And He is waiting on YOU still…

Come as you are,” says the Lord.

HE  that makes all things new will surely renew and restore you in every way in Jesus name. Amen.