A Good Thing Or a God Thing – part I

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers… to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant…”

Deuteronomy 6:10-11

 This is my last week at my place of employment.

I turned in my two-week notice of resignation about two weeks ago. Admittedly, it felt great! The day before that, when I felt the pressing on my spirit that it was time to be unemployed again, something immediately shifted into submission within me.

I thank God for wisdom.

When my spirit bowed down in alignment with God that day, I was made aware that it was time for another shift into yet another realm in my journey with the Lord.

I didn’t argue or give myself reasons because I knew it was time to do other things with my time, mind, and creativity. I knew even the trying conditions of my job were for God’s purpose. Those moments of inquiry at work made me dig even deeper into the Spirit.

Nothing is wasted, says the Lord.

I have pondered repeatedly in the passing days about the possible position of advancement that may be open yet again within this very company. This was the same position that God has distanced me from three times now.

I thought to myself that it surely would have been a good thing to be promoted to a higher rank after two years of experience with this company.

It surely would have been a good thing to no longer worry about a commission-based check, but rather a certain salaried check. It would have been a good thing to be looked upon for leadership and supervision by others. It would have been a good thing on my resume as well that I served in an official management role.

But it would not have felt like a God thing.

As I set one foot in front of the other in faith in the motions of Purpose, I am allowed the clarity of what it means to have a good thing and how it feels to witness a God thing.

Friend, I am confessing that I am now in such a place of great expectations from a great God, that I can’t allow myself room for a just a good thing. It has to be a God thing! FINISH READING HERE.

The God Of Infinite Chances

“For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again…”

Proverbs 24:16

Sometimes I wish it were as easy to obey God as it is to love Him. I love the Lord and I thank My Father for loving me first.

Friend, how fortunate are we to be serving a God of infinite chances?

I am amazed by how many times I have strayed and looked away from the One who saved me and gave me eternal life, the One who broke chains and strongholds and removed me from the pits of sin. HIS love remains.

God’s Love is as mighty and powerful as HE IS.

I want clarity. I want strength. I want a willing heart to obey. I want to honor my “Yes Lord.” I want peace. I want quiet. I want stability. But more than anything else, I want and need to fulfill Destiny!

God purposed you and I for a destiny when HE breathe life into us and formed us in the womb. And as we both know now, the road to destiny is never as clear as a blue print image. No, it is not clear, but it is certain because the Way-maker made it certain.

God has paved ways to our destiny that we cannot even begin to fathom with physical sight. It gets even harder to see or understand purpose when we stumble and hit the ground on our way to what God has called us to be.

There are countless, painful battles along the way. Sometimes we wage them against ourselves and fall even harder. We lose sight of hope. We stop drinking from the cup of faith and begin chowing down regret of past mishaps and wrong turns.

We disobey and venture deeper into the lustful arms of sin. We speak lies and deceit rather than love. We forsake God and question the HAND who has saved us countless times.

And still HE LOVES US time and time again because HE IS A GOD OF INFINITE CHANCES!

You and I can rest in the blessed assurance that God will never leave nor forsake us for we are HIS beloved.

If you are like me, looking back on your life, you will surely lose count of how God kept you over and over and over and over and over and over again. HIS love is SURE.

This time is no different.

Friend, it’s not over until God says it’s over. Destiny is still waiting on you to reach it. The heavenly hosts are still cheering you on. And the fact that you are reading this ought to be a confirmation that the Lord is still working, moving, and slaying demons to clear your path to the destiny HE ALONE has called you to.

You will surely get there by the grace of God.

May you be refilled today with strength, fearlessness, hope, and the faith from heaven to get back up and on your way towards the crown in Jesus name. Amen.

An Unknown Road To A Known Destiny

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us…”

2 Peter 3:9

As expected, the trials of a new environment are surfacing one after another and I feel the weariness begin to form in the pits of my stomach. But I thank God for a kind and comforting Holy Spirit who reminds me once again that all that can be shaken will indeed be shaken, but the word of God stands.

In a sum, I am tired.

I am tired of many things, weary and doubtful of a few others. But in humble adoration, still I praise HIM. Still I worship, and thank God for how Far HE alone has brought me thus far in this walk of faith.

Inevitably, stress and uncertainty during this journey of purpose threatens to weigh me down.

Physically, I feel drained and immobile, having not done no heavy lifting or arduous work. Creatively, I feel as though my vision to be productive and to peek into a near future has somehow been suspended as I have surrendered to the Lord.

Spiritually, I feel aware but challenged in faith.

I remember the words and promises of my Father to me and my loved ones, but current waves seem to challenge what I believe is the truth. But in hope, my faith stands. God is able to do just what HE said HE would do.

Admittedly, I have never hoped so greatly in the Lord as I do now. My expectancy for an unimaginable wondrous and glorious work, is greater than I have ever expected and I am truly overwhelmed by it.

In this place, I need God’s power to fall like I’ve never seen and I need help in my unbelief.

So as I pray and press on towards what is ahead, please pray for me as I pray for you. If you are anything like me, you don’t know how God will do it, but you trust that it is already done. You don’t know how God will lead you there, but you know you will get there. God is certain.

And in HIM do we hope.

May our hope never be put to shame. And may our faith be continually anchored in the mercy and grace of an All-knowing God in Jesus name. Amen.

Purpose Detects Pollution II


“To answer before listening – that is folly and shame.”

Proverbs 18:13

Friend, how often do you answer to a voice inside without first listening?

How many times in the past have you been quick to heed the direction of something you did not fully listen to?

Yes, you heard the voice say, “do it…” but you did not fully listen to the other end of this very voice that says, “it is against God’s commandment…It is against your purpose…I will lead you astray…”

Purpose detects pollution.

I was amazed by the prove of God’s command through the lips of a young girl. I wondered if I was as obedient to the voice of purpose inside me at such a tended age. I wondered how many times I quickly answered the voices of pollution without listening to the voice of purpose that first detected the pollution.

Friend, have you protected your purpose from the pollution it has detected?

Or are you still freely residing in it out of disobedience or shame?

When I spoke privately with this young lady, I confessed to her that I was inspired by her awareness to the pollution to her purpose. I then asked her to consider deeply that perhaps the environment of friendships she currently resided in was a place that God is taking her away from to protect the purpose inside of her. I asked her to pray fervently for God’s direction and to not be afraid.

Admittedly as I spoke to her, my own words resonated with me as I began to consider the environments I currently resided in – the people I closely related to, my job, the shows I watched, the songs I listened to, and even the media platforms I exposed myself to.

How about you friend? Do you sense the pollution inside you and around you? Are you praying for purpose sake?

Or are you the pollution that purpose detects?

By the grace of God, who is the beginner and finisher of our race, every high thing or thought that wants to exalt itself above God’s purpose in your life in the form of one pollution or another, has become powerless by the blood of Jesus. May you live freely in God’s truth as you walk away from pollution and continue living on purpose in Jesus name. Amen.

Purpose Detects Pollution I


“Now my son, listen carefully and do what I tell you.”

Genesis 27:8

Before this place, this precious, sacred, place of solitude with God, I sat, talked, walked, and slept in pollution. My eyes were shut to the pollution around me because I had not yet detected the pollution inside me.

Before I go any further, I have to clarify on what it means to first be pollution and then reside in pollution.

To walk with God, is to walk in purpose, a divine purpose. Trusting God in your journey through life says that you believe HIM when HE told you that HE knew you and formed you in your mother’s womb. Purpose is the reason you are still alive. Purpose is God’s own intentionality towards HIS own, YOU.

However, being born into a world of sin complicates things at first, seeing that we are ‘innocent’ until life happens and we learn that indeed we were never innocent. Some one paid the price for us even before we were born. Thank God for HIS Son.

All too often, we easily point fingers at the external – the people, things, events all around us that is to blame for who we are, what we do, and the pollution we know we have become. Unknowing to us, the pollution in us created many of what is polluted around us.


I wonder if the Spirit of God at any time whispered something to you to alert you of the pollution that was growing way back then.

Friend, do you know that with purpose, comes pollution? Are you yet aware of the principalities of wickedness in high places whose sole purpose is to be a pollution to YOUR purpose?!!!

A lovely young lady recently voiced her personal struggle in one of our meetings at church. She needed advice on walking away or staying close to ‘friends’ she did not feel spiritually aligned with.

I was in awe at the voice of the Spirit that spoke clearly to this blossoming 14-year-old and the obedience that resided in her young heart.

Then it became much clearer to me. PURPOSE DETECTS POLLUTION!

It is no question that you and I are purposed by the One who created us, but I wonder if you can sense the pollution that your purpose has readily detected. FINISH READING HERE




Your Stage Is Set (ii)


“Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel, and will plant them,and they shall dwell in their place, and shall be moved no more…”

1 Chronicles 17:9

I was reminded not too long ago by the Spirit that sometimes, we have to go back to crawling in faith before we can be suited to walk fearlessly in faith.

And I may not know the state of your affairs today, or how tired you really are from limping one day to the next to get to where you  are going, but the Lord your God asked me to remind you today to remember the greatness of the One you serve.

You can wipe away your tears, or let them fall till there is none left, but God says joy is coming, and your faith will not be put to shame.

God did not need your help to place that unique greatness inside of you. He planted it there for a reason and it shall not wither and die by His grace.

There are no auditions or scripts needed to fill your divine place that God has set for you. So stop changing costumes everyday pretending to be what you are not to get to your stage.

He will fill your mouth with the words to utter, so stop practicing the language of the world to speak the wisdom of heaven.

He will gather your thoughts and grant you the wisdom for that next dimension. So stop borrowing ideas from lesser minds of man that try to compete with the Higher ways and thoughts of the El shaddai!

He will pour out new strength and power in your bones to awaken your body and spirit to continue your way to your stage. So stop running aimlessly seeking something that only the Lord of hosts can pour out from heaven.

God’s will be done!

And when you lose focus of that, close your eyes and ask again to see the wonders of the spiritual realm.

There, God will show you a glimpse of the world sitting, waiting anxiously for your arrival on your set stage. You will see your enemies scrambling because the lights of glory all around your stage are blinding to the eyes of wickedness. You will see that there is an open door leading to a stage light, centered by grace and mercy, and all you will have to do when the time comes, is to walk on your divine stage.

God is not man that HE should lie.

I pray that God continues to counsel you through each level of the passage to destiny. May God continue to lead you with His footsteps in your pathway and His merciful hands linked to yours, guiding you through that path in Jesus name. Amen.

Your Stage Is Set (i)


“And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them, to pluck them, and to break down, and to throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict, so will I watch over them, to build, and to plant, saith the LORD.”

Jeremiah 31:28

For many of us, every day is a hustle. For many of us, every day is a battle. For many of us, every day is a struggle. For many of us, every day is a new problem. For many of us, everyday is a continuance of yesterday’s hustle, battle, struggle, and problem.

But God sent me to tell you that all of which you are combating today, to get to tomorrow, is only a passage to get to your stage which He has set for you.

Friend, your stage is already set!

The Almighty builder has built your own unique stage from nothing with His great hands. The Rain-maker has shifted the horizons and placed the sun in its position to shine on the day you wake up to walk on that very stage.

If you haven’t already, take a moment to read (or re-read) the scripture above. What a powerful word!

I was told to remind you today that God has always been, still is, and will always be in control. The King of all kings still sits on His Glorious throne, watching over you.

‘THE GREAT I AM,’ is still the only one with the power to pluck the bad seeds you have sewn through blindness and disobedience. HE is the great One that has broken down the strongholds and chains of the enemy over your life. HE has thrown down the mighty self-fulfilling pride that you didn’t even know you possessed. HE has destroyed the plots that has been intended to harm and destroy you.

In the same token,

The God who knows your beginning and your end and has promised to fill your house with wealth and riches, says HE has afflicted you so you can grow in your faith for His deliverance. HE says He is building you and has planted you where you are so when the time comes for your curtains to open, and the world to see the glory of God through you, you will be right on the stage that has already been predestined for you even before you were born! CONTINUE HERE.