The Discipline In Discipleship – (II)

“Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me…”

Matthew 4:9

How can we ever gain the wisdom of an all-knowing Father who has called us to come higher to be closer to Him in worship and obedience, if we do not follow that which HE commands?

How can we profess loving God when we fail to love ourselves much less others?

How do we believe in the purity and holiness of God but pollute and defile our bodies, which HE claims as HIS temple?

Indeed many people can quote the scriptures. Some believers can recite full chapters of the Word. Some can even teach it in a sermon to others. But if none is seen following that which they preach, what good is the Word to the ones who are yet to believe?

It takes discipline to follow the Word of God, not just believe in it.

It takes discipline to stay faithful and in prayer even when, especially when, nothing looks the way it ought to according to the promises of God.

It takes discipline to speak life and love when strife and anger threaten to cause our tongues to sin.

It takes discipline to make time to spend with the Lord in intimacy and worship DAILY.

It takes discipline to pray for those who curse and mock us.

It takes discipline to stay in hope and press on toward the blessing when life’s troubles overwhelm our spirit.

It takes discipline to pick up the full armor of God along with our cross of purpose.

It takes discipline to ALWAYS live in truth by the word of God.

It takes discipline to keep our eyes on the Lord even when our minds stray in distraction to the issues around us.

Friend, there is discipline in discipleship.

I imagine that God is intentional in His demand for our discipline all through the book of Proverbs. Discipline retains wisdom. Discipline helps you stay quiet when rash words threaten to spill from you in impulsion.

Discipline teaches us to be patient and not allow our emotions the permission to take over every situation.

Discipline keeps you grounded in the walk of faith. Trust me, I am living it. And no, it was not always easy. But I thank God for a willing heart that surrenders obediently to the will of the One who called us to follow HIM.

I urge you today to take inventory and to consider your ways as a believer, as a child of God, and as one who has been called for the glory of God’s kingdom.

May God grant us the courage and the brave heart to not only believe Him for His word, but may we be enabled by the grace of heaven to follow God’s own word according to His will in Jesus name. Amen.

The Discipline In Discipleship – (I)

“Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me…”

Matthew 4:9

In my early youth, growing up under the wings of Nigerian believers was no easy habitation. Within this religious fold, I was forced to reconcile that there are indeed spirits of wickedness in high places who sought after the believer.

For a younger me, a believer had to live the life of battles. I didn’t know that the struggles we each face in our individual journey for the kingdom, has to do with the purpose of God to mold and polish us in preparation for the life of discipline we are called to live.

It is now that I understand that believing in God is only the first part. Thus many of us believe, but not enough of us believers actually follow.

When church scandals erupt from time to time, I am compelled to ask myself, how could a believer find themselves in such and such situation? How does it happen?

When I heed the call of God to come closer, HE first had to show me the errors of my own ways as a believer – I believed, but I did not follow. There was an evil inside me that gave me reason not to follow the word of God but still claim to be a believer that loves God and believes in His omnipotence.

I asked a close counterpart recently about the matter.

“Are you a believer?” He replied that he was.

I then asked if he was a follower. “I believe I am he said.”

I proceeded with asking him whether or not he thought both creeds fell under the same realm. I immediately observed the conflict arise through his disgruntled look.

For many believers, following the Word of God is equated to believing in God. But the clarity from a knowing Spirit says otherwise.

Friend, how true is our belief if we don’t follow the Word of the One we believe in?

It is here in a realm with the Lord like I’ve never been , that I am learning just what it means to know God and be a follower of Christ.

Friend, there is discipline in discipleship.

Think of an internship or a mentor-ship of any kind. In order to receive the full knowledge and understanding as an intern or mentee, one must follow closely in the steps of the one leading in the experience. It would not be enough to just hear the instruction or the knowledge offered. It is necessary to work in a hands-on environment to apply what is being learned.

It’s no different in this walk of faith with God. CONTINUE READING HERE.