Living With A Redeemed Heart

“In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.”

Exodus 15:13

It is easier to love God than it is to be a Christian.

I once thought that being a Christian started and ended with loving the Lord. I know now that those that are called by the Most High are called to love others as well. As stated by Christ, these are the greatest commandments.

So how come religion and being religious always trumps sustaining a redeemed heart and spirit?

I know that since I received the grace of the Lord through baptism, I have been overwhelmed by the awe of mercy. A heart of redemption reminds me that HE saved even a wretch like me and called me to be used for His purpose.

My redeemed heart is uplifted each day by the sweet- tasting, everlasting word of our Father in heaven.

Like I said, it’s easy to love the One who gave me His Only Son, the One who died for me to set me free from the strongholds of this passing world, the One who formed me and called me by my name. Loving the Lord is easy to do because I can never forget that HE made something out of nothing.

But whenever a person or thing challenges my ability to love others, I am forced to remember that being a Christian has more to do with living with a redeemed heart than having a religious life.

Religiosity portrays an ordered life of rituals in the name of the Lord. Religion demands that you separate those you sinfully judge from yourself, failing to reach out and touch the hearts of the broken and lost.

Friend, religion is not redemption.

Christ did not die on the cross simply for us to show up for church services or pretentiously be in one accord with our brothers and sisters in the Lord in face value. The Lord looks at our heart.

The heart of the redeemed also lives in oneness with the Lord in private, not just in public. It is not about what people see, but what the Lord sees. Truth is, the glory of the Lord should never be stifled by closed doors, nor should it be publicly displayed as a just a show to others. If we recall, Christ rebuked the priests back then for this sin against God.

A redeemed heart reverences God in truth and humble adoration.

Friend, living redeemed is what being a Christian is truly about. Thus, the heart of the redeemed mandates the love of others and forgiveness of others as God loved and forgave us.

Even God knows that it isn’t easy. That is why we were given the Holy Spirit. That is why we are encouraged to abide in Christ who is love. HE was sent out of God’s love for you and me. HE was sacrificed for love. HE was also resurrected for love.

I believe that it is when we cling to these truths, that we are able to live with a redeemed heart, forsaking all other ways of life and following the guidance of God to His Holy dwelling. Then our lives can become a true reflection of what God has done on the inside, for the outside world to see.

In prayer, I am striving with you to live redeemed as God called us, I pray today for a renewal of mind and right spirit.  May we encouraged and strengthened by the Lord to live with a redeemed heart in Jesus name. Amen.


Give Back What You Have Received, It’s Not Yours!

 broken chains

“Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”

Proverbs 30:5

The Word says, “If you believe it, you shall receive it…”

And as expected, when we hear a good word from the Lord, no one has to remind us to receive it indeed.

But how many declarations outside the word of God have you believed, then received?

Too often we adhere to the advice of even those closest to us and what we receive is far from the truth and promises of the Most High God.

Yes, the troubles of life are inevitable.

However, the peace and joy of God amidst these trials and troubles, are also promises given to us by a faithful Father. As flawless and perfect as God’s Word is for us and to us, we find fault in a just God through the eyes of others.

If you are like me, you cannot count the times you have turned left AND right away from the Word of God and sought man’s wisdom, BUT you certainly remember the misery, discomfort, and confusion that you found repeatedly at the end of each road of disobedience and ignorance.

WE ALL want peace instead of the chaos we harbor within. We all want love instead of hate. We all want laughter and joy instead of  sorrow. Yet, we hold on to that which we have received that brings about the opposite of what we truly want and what God wants for us!

Is it possible that you do not know the difference between what you have received that is not yours, and what is yours but are yet to receive? Is it at all likely that you have been holding on to one while trying to attain the other?

Don’t you know that light and darkness cannot dwell in the same place? Did Christ not surrender His life to be the eternal Light over darkness?!

Then it is time to give back what you have received! The lies, deceit, and pain you have received. The darkness you have received and harbored inside. You have got to give it back because there is no room for it in a CHILD OF GOD!


Just like the enemy cannot keep what He tried to take away from you back then, just like the haters could not keep your name in the mud because God restored you, you too must give back the anger, chaos, and hate that you have willingly received outside of God’s command.

Give it Back!

Give back the fear!

Give back the weariness!

Give back the uncertainty!

Give back the low self-esteem!

Give back the sorrow!

Give back the depression!

Give back the sickness!

Give back the pain!

Give back the desperation!

Give back the sadness!

Give back the cold heart!

Give back the toxic mindset!

Give back the abuse!

Give it all back! Those spirits do not belong to you for you are an anointed child of the Most High HOLY God. HIS thoughts for you are NOT TO HARM YOU but TO PROSPER YOU AND GIVE YOU HOPE!

As Pastor Joel Osteen would say, “Do you receive it today?!”

Friend, may you receive hope and prosperity today in Jesus name. May you receive forgiveness and mercy today in Jesus name. May you receive the abounding Love of a good God today in Jesus name. And may your faith be renewed and restored altogether for the glory of God in Jesus name. Amen!


If It Was…

if it was

“…Then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials…”

2 Peter 2:9

Too often, we try to make sense of what was, the pain of our past, and even the present discomfort. We try to pinpoint where we went wrong in a decision that dug us into a deep hole. Grace pulls us out time and time again, but yet, we are left with scars and wounds we do not readily have the wisdom to interpret. So we carry them along the journey in Faith. I am here to tell you these truths,

If it was meant to kill you, you would have been dead,

If it was meant to break you, you would be broken,

If it was meant to crush you, you would be crushed,

If it was meant to take your hope, you would be hopeless,

If it was meant to harm you, you would have been harmed, (Being hurt and harmed are degrees away from being similar)

If it was meant to lock you up, you would be in that bondage,

If it was meant to keep you helpless, you would not have received help,

If the lies were meant to keep you bound, the truth would not have set you free,

If they were and are meant to be a part of your life, they would be and they will be,

If you were meant to fall and never get up, you would still be wallowing in your failures,

Friend, every single one of your painful moments, has held with it a greater purpose. Not one single tear has been left to hit the ground without reason. God has them all in His jar of mercy and grace.

We must learn to trust God in all trials.

Yes, when it rains, it pours because sometimes we need the healing rain of God to wash us clean again and heal our wounds, to purify our souls.

Through the turbulent times, let God be your seat belt. You will not hit the ground as long as you lean completely on God’s grace and fall on His Majesty.

I pray that God Almighty will grant us the wisdom and enlightenment to see in the higher spiritual realm of matters we do not understand so we are able to walk with Him in confidence. I declare in Jesus name that we will no longer give the enemy power over what is supposed to lift us up to another realm of capacity and purpose. We shall live and not die in Jesus name. Amen.