Thank Goodness For A Sound Mind

sound mind

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

The closer I walk with the Lord, the deeper the Spirit calls me. The deeper I go, the stranger I feel. Yet, I thank God for a sound mind.

I am arriving at the last leg of my stay in New York before my relocation to yet another place that the Lord has called me to. One week left to be exact.

And amidst the many transitions around and within, I feel a longing like no other for clarity. I seek God for clarity above all things. Amidst the shifting of realms inwardly and outwardly, I pray desperately for clarity. I pray to see what the Lord has set before me with the eyes of the Spirit and the eyes of the Spirit only.

I realize that what I’m truly yearning for is the ability to maintain a sound mind.

Friend, do you know that the enemy lurks, waiting for the opportunity to grab hold of your mind? Even if it’s for a quick minute?

From thoughts of doubts and desperation, to thoughts of confusion and calamity, the state of your mind is a target for the evil one.

A sound mind in God is not the same as a ‘sound’ mind of this world.

Take inventory. What exactly is the state of your mind?

Is your mind on the things of God? Is your mind set to seek the Most High God in ALL things? Do you have a disciplined mind? Is your mind quick to discard thoughts that do not align with The Word of God? Is your mind save enough for God to deposit His Holy Will?

Friend, how often do you lose your sound mind? How often does your focus shift from God’s will and drift to your own self-motivated and unwise desires?

Have you been so caught up in your goals and your ambitions lately that you have forgotten about that Amazing grace? Have you failed to remember that all that you are and all that you have is not by your might but by the grace of the Most High God?

I ask once again, how sound is your mind?

The enemy would like us to forget. That devil would rather we throw our hands up and become of the world rather than just in it. The deceitful one would rather you lose your sound mind and conform to the things of this world. But that devil is a liar!

Please be reminded today that you and I have been set apart by the Almighty God. You and I are a chosen generation who are to be the light of the world. We have been given the Spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

And by the grace of God, we will use that sound mind along with all else that we have been given to carry out the perfect Will of our Perfect God in Jesus name. Amen.

It’s Not What You See, It’s What God Shows You


“All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, not the ear filled with hearing.”

Ecclesiastes 1:8

Not too long ago, I had a candid and abrupt conversation about Jesus with a co-worker of mine. She is on her way to converting to Islam, seeing as her partner of almost a year, is Islam as well. I recall that the conversation was initiated when she made a comment I had never ever, ever, heard in my life before.

She said,

I don’t believe that Jesus is God or in the trilogy of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe that Jesus was a highly-favored prophet like Abraham who was endowed with special powers to do the work of God.

She continued with conviction, “I don’t believe Jesus died. (I know…WHAAATTTTTT???!!!!) “I don’t believe Jesus died…I believe that God made it appear as though the person that was on the cross was Jesus. As in, the people who beat, hung, nailed, and killed Christ, only saw what God wanted them to see and believe. But Jesus did not die. He did go to heaven though the spirit and he is coming back.”

I thank God almighty for the wisdom and patience to keep my mouth shut and let the spirit speak in moments as confusing as these.

I was truly astounded. I was in awe. I was immobile for a few seconds, both out of shock and intrigue. She believed what she was saying to be the truth and she insists on her spirituality and how much she loved Jesus – but as a prophet.

Although the conversation progressed and I dug deeper into her perspective as to why she believed the creed she stated to me, one aspect of her reasoning that stood out to me, was the idea that God is the only One powerful enough to show us what we see.

Your eyes may be 20/20, but yet you do not see. We see what God reveals. We see by obeying the instructions of God, so we do not walk by sight alone.

Often times, we know that what we see is not what it appears to be. We are convicted by something within, that what is in front of us, is really not what is. Thank goodness for God’s spirit. Yet, we cannot ignore what is seen.

We see stars become idols when celebs are worshiped and praised for the most outrageous things. We see this, but we know that our world holds more than that. We know that there are masses of God’s children all over the world giving praise and honor to the One who it all belongs to.

We see injustice divide our nation more and more with news on cop brutality and government conspiracy. We see this, but we know that the problem is not skin color, but rather, hate and pride in the heart of man.

I wonder if you are at a place today where you are not convicted by sight alone. As stated above in scripture, your eyes nor ears are content with what you see and hear alone. You need more that sight to understand.

Friend, I dare you to ask the Lord your God to show you what you should see. I challenge you to seek clarity from the All-knowing God. Without clarity, we are sure to stumble. Without clarity, there is no spiritual discernment for what is God’s, and what only looks like God.

Our generation is starving for clarity and now more than ever is when we ought to cry out to the Lord, “Show us your glory Father!” “Open the eyes of our spirits Lord!”

It begins with me and you.

My prayer today is that the Eternal Rock of Ages, will dilute our reality with visions from up above. May God in His great omniscience, open the heavens and give us light in darkness to see beyond what is in front of us and prepare for what is ahead in Jesus name. Amen.