Seek Ye First…(Part 1)

seek ye first

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?…Really think about it. These are moments of truth.

What is the first thing you do when you get to work? Who do you first check in with?

What is the first thing you do when you return home?…remember your answers carefully because we are about to examine what it is you really seek first. And I am sure the truth will shock you, as it did me.

If  all three of your answers were anything other than you ‘seeking first the kingdom’, then friend, we both have some work to do.

Let’s really think and talk about it.

When you arise in the morning, do you not know that it was grace that kept life in your lungs and health in your body to rise to see the new mercy of a new day? Is it not so you can seek the kingdom yet another day?

When you get to your place of work, do you not know that God is indeed the ruler of all things? have you not been placed there by God to glorify Him for the position He alone has granted you? Could there not have been another in your place? Is it not so you can seek the kingdom through your words and deeds while He fulfills your needs by keeping your place at your job?

And when you return home safely in your abode, do you not know that it was still grace that kept you under God’s watchful eye, protecting your steps and movements throughout your day’s journeys? Is it not so you can seek the kingdom in thanksgiving for the completion of yet another day?

Bottom-line, if grace and mercy in God’s kingdom agenda did not have you in it, why else would you be alive when you could have been long gone or worse, alive, but living as though you were dead?

I wonder how much burdens we’d be giving up in return for fullness of strength and faith if we sought God’s kingdom first rather than worldly treasures.

If we sought the kingdom rather than our own thrown of power, if we first sought the kingdom, how different would our walk in purpose be? How easy would life be if we were capable of truly believing God for what HE already promised us as His children?

If we could completely trust our Maker, the Author and Finisher of our life’s race, that all things, not some, but all the things we seek will surely be added to us, how joyous and fulfilling would our journey be?

I mean, consider all the effort you and I put into sustaining our friendships and our social settings. Consider all the time we put into going into events and fulfilling work-mandated obligations. What do we really seek when we do these things?

Do we daily seek love, wisdom, compassion, harmony, truth, justice, forgiveness, and kindness? Or do we seek a paycheck and companionship to last us enough till the next best thing comes around?

Yet, we complain and wonder why we are not basking in the riches and wealth that the Word promise us.

I mean, God is not man that HE should lie. Are we not the ones who are yet to commit to living in complete truth? CONTINUE READING HERE.

Tomorrow Is Unseen. Give Today Its Glory

today's glory

 “That I may see the good of thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation, that I may glory with thine inheritance.”

Psalm 106:5

It is almost impossible to wake up on a Monday morning without making plans for the whole week! And for many, even the whole month! And others, a whole year is already mapped out!

An obsessed planner like me knows exactly what I mean when I say tomorrow begins today…But does it really?

Surely, planning is effective in attaining the goals we set before ourselves. But have we become so wrapped up in the plans of tomorrow that we rob today of its glory?

I often pray to God to allow me the glorious sight of His presence each day. I yearn to see God somehow someway as my day begins. And if I can’t see God, I long to hear Him, to feel Him as I take every step in the day. I mean how often do we go about the day hoping that God shows up by letting our own ambitions turn out successful?

This state of mind indeed transits into our worrisome habits.

Admittedly, certain circumstances will compel you to worry about tomorrow when today has only begun. We worry about the due dates of our upcoming bills. We worry about installment payment plans when the check is barely enough to pay our offering, feed our families, and dare to save a spare change for the unexpected.

We worry if we’ll ever have enough to truly live in comfort.

Friend, don’t you know that comfort is found when you give God praise? Don’t you know that peace of mind is granted when you keep your eyes on the most high God?

No one knows what tomorrow holds. We only have our ideas of what we hope it will bring.

So I urge you today to give today the praise it is due.

Praise God for the favor on your life to see a new day with new mercy. Praise God for the favor of health and well being. Praise God for the honor to bow at His feet at any given moment to lay your heaviest burdens down. Praise God that He is a friend like no other who is always near. Praise God that the tears of yesterday are now today’s testimony and today’s tests and trials are all testimonies in the making! These are all of today’s glory!

We ought not to wait till tomorrow, till that big break comes, till that miracle happens, till that bonus comes. Praise God today!

Praise God today because He lives and still sits on the throne. Praise God today for his enduring mercy. Praise God because HE is GOD!

May God fill our mouths, hearts, and mind with nothing but praise, today, tomorrow, and forever more in Jesus name. Amen.

Altar Of Excuses


“Teach us what we shall say unto him; for we cannot order our speech by reason of darkness.”

Job 37:19

I have always believed that as long as there is breath, there ought to be praise. In the blessed words of  Psalm 150 vs 6,

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.”

Have you praised God today?

I am sure many of us thank God absent-mindedly when we find that parking spot we were hoping and silently praying for, or when a news of discomfort turns around, or when we encounter a near-harmful situation but walk out of it untouched and unscathed. We say ‘thank God.’

For many years I personally thought that thanking God in those random times for his unconditional favors, should suffice for praising Him who gave us new life and salvation from the wrath of sin and death.

Admittedly, I was misguided.

Have you ever been misguided? Do you feel misguided even now?

Friend, I urge you to seek guidance from the One who is aware of the dreams you only thought  you’ve lost and the hope you’ve been fighting tooth and nail to keep.

There are so many reasons, well excuses really, that we come up with that keeps a distance between us and the full glory of God.

Whether it be the “lack of trust in churches,” or “the lack of trust in preachers,” or the belief that “religion is a business,” or “the fact that the bible has been revised,” or “there are many religions,” or “I don’t believe you need to go to church to worship,” or “I have a busy life,” or simply, “I don’t know what to believe in anymore,” an altar of excuses have been built.

And that altar is worshiped daily as we try to navigate our way through life as though we orchestrated our life’s plan and God is just a powerful witness who is called on to intervene from time to time.

Lord help me, I’m still counting mine. What are your excuses? Or what is your great excuse?

Is your faith, hope, strength, and courage as good as they will ever get? Is your worship as powerful as it can ever be?

Have you committed to God? Your mind, your body, your soul, all of your heart?! Or are you saving some of it for a world that is only but a vapor?

What altar have you built overtime, adding more and more reasons daily to keep you from getting closer to God? Or do you really believe that you are close enough to your Maker? Have you received all of your blessings from the King of kings? Is your cup running over yet? Or are you settling for the cup half full?

How tall and mighty does the altar have to be before you realize it is even there?!…

May the altar of excuses shatter by the powerful name of God. May the Spirit use our own hands to tear down that altar piece by piece, brick by brick, layer by layer, in Jesus name.

I pray over our spirits today, yours and mine, that the Lord renew our minds, hearts, and souls like never before to yearn and thirst for Him alone. May God fill our mouths with praise, our hands with strength to lift His name up, and our thoughts with the wisdom of his divine counsel. May God’s altar of grace and mercy be the only one we worship in Jesus name. Amen.

Crawling In Faith


“If I say, “My foot slips,” Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up.”

Psalm 94:18

It is a beautiful and amazing experience for anyone who has ever watched a child crawl for the first, second, third, or fiftieth time. There is much to be said about the glow and excitement in the eyes of a toddler and those watching. There is hope that the crawl will inevitably become a walk. There is joy in such growth.

But the thing about growing up whether under the guidance of God’s word or not, we often forget that we are still children in the eyes of our heavenly father.

See we often tell ourselves to ‘walk by faith and not by sight,’ because to watch a grown person crawl is not always a blissful sight.

Whenever we crawl, it is usually caused by distress or agony of some sort.

Nevertheless, I am plagued by a question today. Why are we so eager to walk in faith but refuse to crawl first in faith?

We have all become so accustomed to the idea of walking in faith, that we have forgotten that crawling in faith should come first.

Could it be that we struggle in our walk in faith because we don’t want to crawl first? Could it be that the decrees of tradition and generation to walk first in faith, has hindered our ability to crawl first in the sight of our merciful Father?

How ironic is it that you are already in position to bow, kneel, and worship when crawling? Is that not what it takes to then build the strength to get up one foot at a time to then begin to walk in our faith?

How do you crawl in faith?

If you are like me, you are in a place, in desperate need of God’s counsel. You are in a vulnerable state of mind, body, or spirit, where you refuse to move unless you see the footsteps of God lightening the path before you.

Friend, in this place, right here. Right where you are. In your desolation. In your solitude. In your frustration. In your discomfort. In your tears. In your confusion. In your waiting. In your mess. In your filth. In your weakness. In your sadness. In your fear. In your uncertainty. In your revelation. In your battle. In your struggle. In your silence. In your cry. THIS IS WHERE YOU CRAWL!

You crawl in faith by looking to your Almighty Father in heaven, seeking him even in the midst of what seems like total dysfunction and chaos in you and all around you. You call on the Name that is greater than all other names.

You utter the words, “Jesus.” You bow your head and say, “Abba Father.”

Your prayer begins with giving honor to the One who can do ALL things for HE created ALL things.

And even if you don’t have the words to say it, let God into your heart, and crawl faithfully in silence to the Father whose arms are always open to embrace you for a job well done even if you don’t know it yet.

I pray today that our Father who art in heaven, whose Will be done on earth as it is in heaven, will give you this day your daily bread, and forgive you your trespasses as you first learn to crawl in faith before you can walk in it, in Jesus name. Amen.

You Have A Job, But What Is Your Assignment?


“Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began…”

2 Timothy 1:9

With each passing day, I am granted the grace to know more and more just how intentional our God is. Though His great intentions are not readily revealed to those who watch and wait on His glory, God remains intentional in ALL of His creations.

Friend, that includes YOU!

You ever just wonder, ‘why me?’

Why is the homeless man without a home or food to eat instead of you? Why is the young woman battling terminal cancer instead of you? Why are your peers left desolate in a lost world instead of you? Why did you not lose your head back when that anger was stirred inside you? Why did you not remain in that state of depression? Why have YOU made it this far in life without dying?!

God preserved your life for HIS purpose. God preserved you for His own assignment for your life, the one He alone created even before, “the world began.”

I mean, take a moment to imagine, what could have been, what should have been, had it not been for grace to carry you through all your life?

The times you could have been in the right place at the worst time. The time you could have made the wrong turn. The time you could have shut a door of opportunity trusting in your understanding alone.

Your own works have not preserved you, the LORD your God did it. And that is because there is an assignment on your life!

The devil could not have you because there is a calling on your being! God created you and Christ paid the price for this calling!

So you may have the wonderful job, the prominent title, today’s security, but are you working on your assignment?

Do you really know who to report to when the day begins and when the day ends?

There will always be jobs, vacant positions requesting your very own credentials on paper, but there is only One divine assignment with your name on it, and the Spirit is asking you today, why has the assignment remained untouched?

Friend, who or what has been keeping you away from your assignment?…May those strongholds be broken today in Jesus name!

As always, we are convinced that we are waiting on God to bless an empty position, when it’s God waiting on us to come in alignment with Him by asking for our assignment as an obedient servant ought to.

Remember the Word of God. Is everything not supposed to work for your good? Are wealth and riches not promised to be in your house? Will your cup not overflow with blessings from heaven?

These are all part of God’s intentions toward you when He created you for His assignment, for only the Creator knows what He had in mind for the created.

 God is not man that He should lie.”

But how can promises follow a good work when the assignment has not yet been moved or worked on by the one it is assigned to?

As you read this, may the heavenly hosts restore your will to heed the call of the Lord your God. May God Almighty in His mercy and grace reveal to you what no one else can. And may you live to fulfill your predestined assignment in Jesus name. Amen