An Unknown Road To A Known Destiny

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us…”

2 Peter 3:9

As expected, the trials of a new environment are surfacing one after another and I feel the weariness begin to form in the pits of my stomach. But I thank God for a kind and comforting Holy Spirit who reminds me once again that all that can be shaken will indeed be shaken, but the word of God stands.

In a sum, I am tired.

I am tired of many things, weary and doubtful of a few others. But in humble adoration, still I praise HIM. Still I worship, and thank God for how Far HE alone has brought me thus far in this walk of faith.

Inevitably, stress and uncertainty during this journey of purpose threatens to weigh me down.

Physically, I feel drained and immobile, having not done no heavy lifting or arduous work. Creatively, I feel as though my vision to be productive and to peek into a near future has somehow been suspended as I have surrendered to the Lord.

Spiritually, I feel aware but challenged in faith.

I remember the words and promises of my Father to me and my loved ones, but current waves seem to challenge what I believe is the truth. But in hope, my faith stands. God is able to do just what HE said HE would do.

Admittedly, I have never hoped so greatly in the Lord as I do now. My expectancy for an unimaginable wondrous and glorious work, is greater than I have ever expected and I am truly overwhelmed by it.

In this place, I need God’s power to fall like I’ve never seen and I need help in my unbelief.

So as I pray and press on towards what is ahead, please pray for me as I pray for you. If you are anything like me, you don’t know how God will do it, but you trust that it is already done. You don’t know how God will lead you there, but you know you will get there. God is certain.

And in HIM do we hope.

May our hope never be put to shame. And may our faith be continually anchored in the mercy and grace of an All-knowing God in Jesus name. Amen.

Give Back What You Have Received, It’s Not Yours!

 broken chains

“Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”

Proverbs 30:5

The Word says, “If you believe it, you shall receive it…”

And as expected, when we hear a good word from the Lord, no one has to remind us to receive it indeed.

But how many declarations outside the word of God have you believed, then received?

Too often we adhere to the advice of even those closest to us and what we receive is far from the truth and promises of the Most High God.

Yes, the troubles of life are inevitable.

However, the peace and joy of God amidst these trials and troubles, are also promises given to us by a faithful Father. As flawless and perfect as God’s Word is for us and to us, we find fault in a just God through the eyes of others.

If you are like me, you cannot count the times you have turned left AND right away from the Word of God and sought man’s wisdom, BUT you certainly remember the misery, discomfort, and confusion that you found repeatedly at the end of each road of disobedience and ignorance.

WE ALL want peace instead of the chaos we harbor within. We all want love instead of hate. We all want laughter and joy instead of  sorrow. Yet, we hold on to that which we have received that brings about the opposite of what we truly want and what God wants for us!

Is it possible that you do not know the difference between what you have received that is not yours, and what is yours but are yet to receive? Is it at all likely that you have been holding on to one while trying to attain the other?

Don’t you know that light and darkness cannot dwell in the same place? Did Christ not surrender His life to be the eternal Light over darkness?!

Then it is time to give back what you have received! The lies, deceit, and pain you have received. The darkness you have received and harbored inside. You have got to give it back because there is no room for it in a CHILD OF GOD!


Just like the enemy cannot keep what He tried to take away from you back then, just like the haters could not keep your name in the mud because God restored you, you too must give back the anger, chaos, and hate that you have willingly received outside of God’s command.

Give it Back!

Give back the fear!

Give back the weariness!

Give back the uncertainty!

Give back the low self-esteem!

Give back the sorrow!

Give back the depression!

Give back the sickness!

Give back the pain!

Give back the desperation!

Give back the sadness!

Give back the cold heart!

Give back the toxic mindset!

Give back the abuse!

Give it all back! Those spirits do not belong to you for you are an anointed child of the Most High HOLY God. HIS thoughts for you are NOT TO HARM YOU but TO PROSPER YOU AND GIVE YOU HOPE!

As Pastor Joel Osteen would say, “Do you receive it today?!”

Friend, may you receive hope and prosperity today in Jesus name. May you receive forgiveness and mercy today in Jesus name. May you receive the abounding Love of a good God today in Jesus name. And may your faith be renewed and restored altogether for the glory of God in Jesus name. Amen!




“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth , but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.”

Ephesians 4:29

There is nothing wrong with being outspoken. In fact, I believe we need outspoken people to speak truth and courage into our lives when we need to hear it the most. But being outspoken, and releasing corruption into the atmosphere are two separate things.

I would know, since I used to be ‘outspoken,’ then wisdom taught me to shut my mouth when my tongue feels loose in anger and foolishness.

I know now why wiser ones admonish the young by telling them not to say anything at all when they have nothing nice to say. I wonder if they too learned it from the Word above.

Often times, we are told to release and let go of pains, worries and stress. We tell each other to release the anger of the wrongs committed against us and to let it go.

Friend, I wonder if you and I can absorb a new message of release today.

What have you released today?

Have you released prayers, love, and faith, into the atmosphere? Have you released encouragement and compassion to those around you today? Have you released a need for another in more need than you? Have you released kindness? Have you released wisdom? Have you released peace? Have you released warmth? Have you released hope today?

In a new age where everyone is concerned about what is in it for them, it’s as though we are more inclined to hold on to all these things for ourselves because we feel like we could use all of it more than the next person.

But I urge you today to heed the voice of God and do what you are called to do as a follower of Christ. Release…

Release a helping hand, release a listening ear, release a message of hope to those around you and be a witness to how God turns things around through your release.

I wonder if an overflow of blessings from heaven on your behalf, is waiting to be activated by your own release. I wonder how much more the Spirit will pour into you as you pour into others.

May God grant us a willing heart to release good things for the sake of others in Jesus name. Amen.

Seek Ye First…(Part 1)

seek ye first

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?…Really think about it. These are moments of truth.

What is the first thing you do when you get to work? Who do you first check in with?

What is the first thing you do when you return home?…remember your answers carefully because we are about to examine what it is you really seek first. And I am sure the truth will shock you, as it did me.

If  all three of your answers were anything other than you ‘seeking first the kingdom’, then friend, we both have some work to do.

Let’s really think and talk about it.

When you arise in the morning, do you not know that it was grace that kept life in your lungs and health in your body to rise to see the new mercy of a new day? Is it not so you can seek the kingdom yet another day?

When you get to your place of work, do you not know that God is indeed the ruler of all things? have you not been placed there by God to glorify Him for the position He alone has granted you? Could there not have been another in your place? Is it not so you can seek the kingdom through your words and deeds while He fulfills your needs by keeping your place at your job?

And when you return home safely in your abode, do you not know that it was still grace that kept you under God’s watchful eye, protecting your steps and movements throughout your day’s journeys? Is it not so you can seek the kingdom in thanksgiving for the completion of yet another day?

Bottom-line, if grace and mercy in God’s kingdom agenda did not have you in it, why else would you be alive when you could have been long gone or worse, alive, but living as though you were dead?

I wonder how much burdens we’d be giving up in return for fullness of strength and faith if we sought God’s kingdom first rather than worldly treasures.

If we sought the kingdom rather than our own thrown of power, if we first sought the kingdom, how different would our walk in purpose be? How easy would life be if we were capable of truly believing God for what HE already promised us as His children?

If we could completely trust our Maker, the Author and Finisher of our life’s race, that all things, not some, but all the things we seek will surely be added to us, how joyous and fulfilling would our journey be?

I mean, consider all the effort you and I put into sustaining our friendships and our social settings. Consider all the time we put into going into events and fulfilling work-mandated obligations. What do we really seek when we do these things?

Do we daily seek love, wisdom, compassion, harmony, truth, justice, forgiveness, and kindness? Or do we seek a paycheck and companionship to last us enough till the next best thing comes around?

Yet, we complain and wonder why we are not basking in the riches and wealth that the Word promise us.

I mean, God is not man that HE should lie. Are we not the ones who are yet to commit to living in complete truth? CONTINUE READING HERE.

Seek Ye First…(Part 2)

seek ye first

 “Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified.”

Psalm 40:16

We seek the success among peers. We seek leadership and influence. We seek fruitfulness and productivity. We seek loyalty in our friendships and families. We seek money, nice cars, and homes. We seek fame and popularity. We seek titles and acclaimed positions. We seek peace and happiness. We seek validation from a world that turns its back on the Word.

And truth be told, there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with wanting the best of everything. We ought to want the best, for ‘Great is He that lives in you.’ God did not create us with greatness so we can settle for small things or small places. It is HIS will to enlarge our territory so HE can get the glory.

But He does command that we seek first HIS kingdom above all things.

You and I have a grace that money, gold or silver could never buy. The blood of Christ purchased grace. Is there a supplement for the blood of Christ?

Friend, don’t you know that you could never buy your way into the kingdom?!

There is nothing, absolutely nothing that you need that the Lord your God would ever withhold from you. So why are you so convicted by empty wants that you fail to glorify God by seeking everything else first before the kingdom?


Friend, what do you seek with your life today? What have you been searching helplessly for with your own knowledge and not God’s wisdom? And where does the search for God’s kingdom fit in?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first in that intimate relationship?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first in that job?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first on that project?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first in that end you are relentlessly chasing?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first in that friendship?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first on that road you’re confidently passing through?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first in your marriage?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first when you raise your children, your nephew, your niece, your cousin?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first in you family relations?

Are you seeking God’s kingdom first in your dreams and ambitions?

Everything. Everything must glorify your Maker and His divine plan. There is no way around God’s purpose. HE IS THE ‘I AM THAT I AM.”  You cannot leave anything out and claim that you are truly seeking the kingdom first.

Believe me, I know it is hard, and feels even gruesome at times, to drop everything else and look to God. To stop all ways of former living, and seek the kingdom in total surrender to the One who strengthens us.

I am praying fervently for you, for your purpose and mine. You are important to the kingdom. And I speak truth into your life today, that the Lord of Hosts who has gracefully endowed you and me, will redirect your steps, rearrange your steps, and confirm your will into His, to seek first the kingdom in Jesus name. Amen.