Purpose Or Profit?

“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”

Exodus 9:16

“You need money to live life,” is a saying I hear too often.

I do not disagree that money is a great tool to have in this realm of our existence, but many of us seem to often forget that money is not wealth.

Friend,  what are you selling to pay for today? Do you ever consider if today’s profit will pay for Purpose? Can your profit afford the purpose that God has placed in you when HE gave you HIS breathe and HIS permission to be in this world?

I see so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ chasing after profit with that which the Lord has blessed them with. Too many of us seem to be chasing after profit with God’s gift than seeking after the purpose that the gift was created for.

I often wonder how many of us truly seek the Gift-giver, in directing us toward the purpose of the gifts HE has so graciously blessed us with before praying for the profit it brings.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be profitable in life. In fact, God wants us to bear fruits where we are planted.

But has your yearning for profit replaced that of purpose?

Too often we forget that God is not blind to every single of our circumstances. HE knows what we need and when we need it. HE has given us gifts, talents, and skills that are purposed to bring Him the glory and even grant us profit in the process.

However, if HE does not get the glory from the place of your profit, then how valuable is your profit? What is the true worth of that which is gained in a passing world?

Friend, I believe that this is a season of awakening and revival like no other, where you and I are called to humble ourselves before God and pray, seeking HIS face in all things, rather than the profit we have been distracted by.

We are called and even chosen for the sake of our purpose on earth, not profit. I mean consider this, why would a limitless God create you to work tirelessly only to gain something that death limits, profit. Profit is of this world. Purpose is an heavenly measure.

While profit is connected to earthly riches, purpose is confirmed by the wealth in heaven that await those that trust in the Lord and obey HIM.

So I urge you today to consider your ways as I too am considering mine. As you embark on the work with the gift, talent, or skill that God has blessed you with, will you be seeking profit? Or will you be chasing purpose?

Something tells me it can’t be both, for God is not a God of confusion. Have you forgotten that we cannot serve two masters.

The word says seek first the kingdom of God, so we cannot seek the kingdom and something else at the same time. One has to come first. It is time for you to decide which one.

In this season, I pray that we are humbled as we heed closer to the call of purpose and destiny. May we be given clarity over the intentions of our hearts and the wisdom to walk accordingly to that which purpose ordains. May we not stumble in confusion or frustration because we do not yet see the profit in the purpose. Rather, may we be given the grace to walk purposefully with God as HE leads us toward the fullness of His promises in Jesus name. Amen.


Living With A Redeemed Heart

“In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.”

Exodus 15:13

It is easier to love God than it is to be a Christian.

I once thought that being a Christian started and ended with loving the Lord. I know now that those that are called by the Most High are called to love others as well. As stated by Christ, these are the greatest commandments.

So how come religion and being religious always trumps sustaining a redeemed heart and spirit?

I know that since I received the grace of the Lord through baptism, I have been overwhelmed by the awe of mercy. A heart of redemption reminds me that HE saved even a wretch like me and called me to be used for His purpose.

My redeemed heart is uplifted each day by the sweet- tasting, everlasting word of our Father in heaven.

Like I said, it’s easy to love the One who gave me His Only Son, the One who died for me to set me free from the strongholds of this passing world, the One who formed me and called me by my name. Loving the Lord is easy to do because I can never forget that HE made something out of nothing.

But whenever a person or thing challenges my ability to love others, I am forced to remember that being a Christian has more to do with living with a redeemed heart than having a religious life.

Religiosity portrays an ordered life of rituals in the name of the Lord. Religion demands that you separate those you sinfully judge from yourself, failing to reach out and touch the hearts of the broken and lost.

Friend, religion is not redemption.

Christ did not die on the cross simply for us to show up for church services or pretentiously be in one accord with our brothers and sisters in the Lord in face value. The Lord looks at our heart.

The heart of the redeemed also lives in oneness with the Lord in private, not just in public. It is not about what people see, but what the Lord sees. Truth is, the glory of the Lord should never be stifled by closed doors, nor should it be publicly displayed as a just a show to others. If we recall, Christ rebuked the priests back then for this sin against God.

A redeemed heart reverences God in truth and humble adoration.

Friend, living redeemed is what being a Christian is truly about. Thus, the heart of the redeemed mandates the love of others and forgiveness of others as God loved and forgave us.

Even God knows that it isn’t easy. That is why we were given the Holy Spirit. That is why we are encouraged to abide in Christ who is love. HE was sent out of God’s love for you and me. HE was sacrificed for love. HE was also resurrected for love.

I believe that it is when we cling to these truths, that we are able to live with a redeemed heart, forsaking all other ways of life and following the guidance of God to His Holy dwelling. Then our lives can become a true reflection of what God has done on the inside, for the outside world to see.

In prayer, I am striving with you to live redeemed as God called us, I pray today for a renewal of mind and right spirit.  May we encouraged and strengthened by the Lord to live with a redeemed heart in Jesus name. Amen.


“God First”…Is HE Really? – part II

“But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Deuteronomy 4:29

Putting God first takes complete surrender. Putting Him first means putting your thoughts second to His for His ways are so much higher. The wisdom of the creator trumps everything we think we know. HE IS GOD!

Friend, can you imagine how different our lives would be if we actually did allow God His rightful place in our heart, mind, and soul? Can you imagine the transformation that would take place if we give God His due honor and let Him come FIRST?!

I rebuke that spirit that says it is impossible. I cast down that high thing that dares to question the possibility of God being first in our lives in Jesus name! I know that it can be done because the blood of Christ made it possible! We are not righteous by our own strength or might but by the grace offered to us on that sacred cross.

No it’s not easy. It won’t be easy, but it should not have to be easy before we obey. His will be done in Jesus name.

If it was impossible for us to love and obey God with everything we have and to put Him FIRST in everything, HE would not have commanded us to do so through His Word.

I urge you today to consider ALL your ways as I am considering mine too. May the Lord grant us the courage to discard our disobedience and to heed His word. May God help us to cast away all our doubts and fears so we may surrender completely and put him FIRST in all things in Jesus name. Amen.

“God First”…Is HE Really? – part I

“But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”

Deuteronomy 4:29

“God first.” That’s a saying I have uttered more times than I could ever count. It’s also a statement I have heard more than enough believers say as often as necessary. You are probably one who has said it too.

But Is God really first? Does God really come before any and everything else?

Do your thoughts, your words, your deeds, your attitudes, your behaviors, your friendships and alliances, your job, your career, your lifestyle, and all that encompass your individual air, all put God first?

Or does God just come first when you feel the world needs to hear a believer say, “God first?”

Do we even really know what it means?

Friend, if you are like me, you acknowledge that God wants to be in EVERYTHING we do. God wants to ALWAYS lead us EVERYWHERE we go. So why do we struggle to practice what we so boldly preach?

The word of God is indeed light to our path, but what light or illusion of light leads us when we are not actively living on the WORD that says to put God first?

Before the amazing grace that opened my sight to see the light through the eyes of the Savior, I too in an  absent mind professed that God was first. I professed that God was priority over everything else in my life. I know now that my words could not have been farther from the truth.

The truth was, I wanted God to be first. I also wanted to be in control of my life. I wanted God to always lead and for nothing or anyone to hinder my intimacy with our heavenly Father. I also wanted the alluring enjoyment of worldly pleasures that looked too good on the outside to ignore. I thank God for His grace and wisdom to surrender.


When Stars Become Idols

“You shall have no other gods before Me… For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God”

Exodus 20:3-5

At 12 and 13, the wisdom of discernment is often not cemented by the teachings of your youth in the House of God.

I remember the young craze for my favorite idol on American Idol. Then it was just a show about singing hopefuls who longed to be stars, and eventually with the help of voters became stars.

What never occurred to me was how these aspiring musicians did receive worship and honor by the millions of audiences all over the world. They indeed were American idols.

I wonder if like me, with what you know now of the Lord, if that idea in itself, as entertaining, and supposedly harmless as it seemed, introduced an awe and reverence for something or someone else aside from God Almighty. Or is that ‘too extreme’ to consider?

Fast forward to over a decade later, the historical show may have seen its last season, but the legacy of stars being worshipped did not begin with American Idol, thus it didn’t end when the show ended either.

Before, a person was highlighted for achieving something significant, reaching a milestone in their career, or doing something heroic. Now, a star or rising star is often worshipped by the magazines and social media for irrelevant public stunts or who they are copulating with and romancing.

Everywhere you look, there is a celebrity being worshipped, hailed, and celebrated for simply breathing. The Kardashians may be the most popular reality TV stars our generation has ever seen just for being.

Friend, when did stars become idols in our eyes?

Or does it not relate to you?

I for one remember a season not too long ago when the Lord called me to be in solitude and showed me the errors of my mind.

“All hail Queen Bee!” “Long lives the King of Pop!” Yes, I loved MJ and Beyonce. I was in company with friends who greatly favored popular musicians like them. Every album had to be downloaded, whether I enjoyed the songs or not, it wasn’t about the music, it was about the star! I blogged about them, I researched about them, and even aspired to be like them.

At one point, it was my job in a social media internship to know everything new that was happening with today’s ‘celebrities’!

Do you know how much time, effort, and dedication goes into the gossip columns and celebrity news that you long to hear about each day?!!!

When friend, did that star, that thing, that job, become your idol?

I have witnessed many close to me follow the journey of one successful person after another, misplacing the inspiration they feel with a form of idolatry they don’t even realize. Somehow along the line of appreciating talent and skill in man, we forget to guard that place where we love GOD with all of our heart, all of our mind, and all of our soul.

I believe it’s time for us to take inventory and consider our ways. I mean, a true introspection that leads to discovery.

What or whom have you been worshiping rather than God?

What or whom has been occupying your mind and heart in place of your Most High Father who calls you His beloved?

Yes, ideas and goals can be the idols too. Yes, that relationship or friendship can be the idol too.

Forgive us O Lord for not loving you as we should. Forgive us O Lord for not honoring you as we should. Forgive us O Lord for putting anything and anyone before You over and over again. Father please forgive us. Show us the error of our ways Lord. May the Lord open our eyes today, and our hearts be renewed with the right Spirit. May we begin to walk in truth and give all the honor and adoration to WHOM it belongs in Jesus name. AMEN.


The Discipline In Discipleship – (II)

“Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me…”

Matthew 4:9

How can we ever gain the wisdom of an all-knowing Father who has called us to come higher to be closer to Him in worship and obedience, if we do not follow that which HE commands?

How can we profess loving God when we fail to love ourselves much less others?

How do we believe in the purity and holiness of God but pollute and defile our bodies, which HE claims as HIS temple?

Indeed many people can quote the scriptures. Some believers can recite full chapters of the Word. Some can even teach it in a sermon to others. But if none is seen following that which they preach, what good is the Word to the ones who are yet to believe?

It takes discipline to follow the Word of God, not just believe in it.

It takes discipline to stay faithful and in prayer even when, especially when, nothing looks the way it ought to according to the promises of God.

It takes discipline to speak life and love when strife and anger threaten to cause our tongues to sin.

It takes discipline to make time to spend with the Lord in intimacy and worship DAILY.

It takes discipline to pray for those who curse and mock us.

It takes discipline to stay in hope and press on toward the blessing when life’s troubles overwhelm our spirit.

It takes discipline to pick up the full armor of God along with our cross of purpose.

It takes discipline to ALWAYS live in truth by the word of God.

It takes discipline to keep our eyes on the Lord even when our minds stray in distraction to the issues around us.

Friend, there is discipline in discipleship.

I imagine that God is intentional in His demand for our discipline all through the book of Proverbs. Discipline retains wisdom. Discipline helps you stay quiet when rash words threaten to spill from you in impulsion.

Discipline teaches us to be patient and not allow our emotions the permission to take over every situation.

Discipline keeps you grounded in the walk of faith. Trust me, I am living it. And no, it was not always easy. But I thank God for a willing heart that surrenders obediently to the will of the One who called us to follow HIM.

I urge you today to take inventory and to consider your ways as a believer, as a child of God, and as one who has been called for the glory of God’s kingdom.

May God grant us the courage and the brave heart to not only believe Him for His word, but may we be enabled by the grace of heaven to follow God’s own word according to His will in Jesus name. Amen.

The Discipline In Discipleship – (I)

“Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me…”

Matthew 4:9

In my early youth, growing up under the wings of Nigerian believers was no easy habitation. Within this religious fold, I was forced to reconcile that there are indeed spirits of wickedness in high places who sought after the believer.

For a younger me, a believer had to live the life of battles. I didn’t know that the struggles we each face in our individual journey for the kingdom, has to do with the purpose of God to mold and polish us in preparation for the life of discipline we are called to live.

It is now that I understand that believing in God is only the first part. Thus many of us believe, but not enough of us believers actually follow.

When church scandals erupt from time to time, I am compelled to ask myself, how could a believer find themselves in such and such situation? How does it happen?

When I heed the call of God to come closer, HE first had to show me the errors of my own ways as a believer – I believed, but I did not follow. There was an evil inside me that gave me reason not to follow the word of God but still claim to be a believer that loves God and believes in His omnipotence.

I asked a close counterpart recently about the matter.

“Are you a believer?” He replied that he was.

I then asked if he was a follower. “I believe I am he said.”

I proceeded with asking him whether or not he thought both creeds fell under the same realm. I immediately observed the conflict arise through his disgruntled look.

For many believers, following the Word of God is equated to believing in God. But the clarity from a knowing Spirit says otherwise.

Friend, how true is our belief if we don’t follow the Word of the One we believe in?

It is here in a realm with the Lord like I’ve never been , that I am learning just what it means to know God and be a follower of Christ.

Friend, there is discipline in discipleship.

Think of an internship or a mentor-ship of any kind. In order to receive the full knowledge and understanding as an intern or mentee, one must follow closely in the steps of the one leading in the experience. It would not be enough to just hear the instruction or the knowledge offered. It is necessary to work in a hands-on environment to apply what is being learned.

It’s no different in this walk of faith with God. CONTINUE READING HERE.

A Good Thing Or a God Thing – part II

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers… to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant…”

Deuteronomy 6:10-11

My job placement has to be a God thing! The finding of my husband has to be a God thing! The publication of my book has to be a God thing! The road to higher education for my counseling degree has to be a God thing! My home and peaceful settlement has to be a God thing! My friendships have to be a God thing! My ministry has to be a God thing!

It is very easy to accept good things because they are good. Who does not want a good thing? But have you ever considered waiting for, obeying for, praying for, trusting for, having faith for, the God thing?!

A God thing is a miracle! A God thing is an occurrence that you could provide no comprehensible explanation for! A God thing is what happens that you have no choice but to acclaim it to God! A God thing is what you quietly hope for but won’t see coming because God wanted to surprise you! A God thing is something so out of the ordinary, so spectacular, that it can only be through God! A God thing is the testimony you will never be quiet about! A God thing is what no man can take credit for!

Because of the majesty in a God thing, I am also admitting to the sacrificial facet of moving obediently according to the Word of God. There is indeed no compromise in the sacred place of awaiting a God thing. A God thing is what changes everything!

So friend, are you looking toward a good thing or a God thing?!

A God thing is what reminds you that although a problem, a conflict, a situation, a mishap, an issue, seems big, GOD HAS ALWAYS BEEN, GOD IS, AND GOD WILL ALWAYS BE BIGGER!

Take a look at the image above. In a sum, a plant is growing out of concrete. I am afraid that as familiar as we are with this occurrence, we have failed to recognize the God thing in such an occurrence! Plants do not ordinarily grow out of concrete. No farmer plants the seeds of these plants. No gardener waters these plants. Ever so often, these plants are stepped on, but yet they grow!

Friend, that is a God thing! These plants are endowed with enough cell power to squeeze through cracks and do what their Maker intended!

So yes, I will be unemployed in about 4 days, but my God do I feel on the verge of a God thing!

This is what Purpose is all about! I thank God Almighty for the purpose in me and in you! I thank God that there is a God thing ahead of you! I thank God that you and I are not distracted enough by the good things of life that we forget that there is a God thing in the Heavens above about to come down! By faith, courage, strength, and truth, you and I shall witness the God things to come in Jesus name. Amen.

A Good Thing Or a God Thing – part I

“When the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers… to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant…”

Deuteronomy 6:10-11

 This is my last week at my place of employment.

I turned in my two-week notice of resignation about two weeks ago. Admittedly, it felt great! The day before that, when I felt the pressing on my spirit that it was time to be unemployed again, something immediately shifted into submission within me.

I thank God for wisdom.

When my spirit bowed down in alignment with God that day, I was made aware that it was time for another shift into yet another realm in my journey with the Lord.

I didn’t argue or give myself reasons because I knew it was time to do other things with my time, mind, and creativity. I knew even the trying conditions of my job were for God’s purpose. Those moments of inquiry at work made me dig even deeper into the Spirit.

Nothing is wasted, says the Lord.

I have pondered repeatedly in the passing days about the possible position of advancement that may be open yet again within this very company. This was the same position that God has distanced me from three times now.

I thought to myself that it surely would have been a good thing to be promoted to a higher rank after two years of experience with this company.

It surely would have been a good thing to no longer worry about a commission-based check, but rather a certain salaried check. It would have been a good thing to be looked upon for leadership and supervision by others. It would have been a good thing on my resume as well that I served in an official management role.

But it would not have felt like a God thing.

As I set one foot in front of the other in faith in the motions of Purpose, I am allowed the clarity of what it means to have a good thing and how it feels to witness a God thing.

Friend, I am confessing that I am now in such a place of great expectations from a great God, that I can’t allow myself room for a just a good thing. It has to be a God thing! FINISH READING HERE.

Sight In The Storm

“And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”

Matthew 7:25

Stormy and windy weather cause me to stop and glorify the Maker of heaven and earth for His Power and Majesty over all things. Even the might of natural disasters are a thing of wonder for me. God is so Great!

If you are anything like me, many storms have come and gone, and some even brewing right now alongside your path to destiny. Some are going to make their way right in front of you. Perhaps you feel as though you are yet to catch a breath from the last storm, or you are still rebuilding what is left from the ruins, I am here to remind you that there is sight in the storm.

There is something to see in the storm. There is a glory to behold in the storm. There is a testament to testify in the storm.

Friend, has the storm blinded you?

In Matthew 14 vs 22, there is an account of the disciples being blinded by a mighty storm while traveling in their boat. Amidst the storm, Jesus walked on water towards them. It was their Master walking toward them,  yet they feared. They were afraid because of what they thought they saw. They thought Jesus was a ghost!

And even after Christ told them that it was HE who was walking on water, that it was HE who was performing a miracle in their sight, that it was HE appearing before them in this storm, they still needed more proof.

Peter, whose faith dared to test the power of God then asked Jesus if he also could walk on water. Christ called Peter and he did walk on water.

It was Peter who dared to behold the glory of God in the storm, realizing through faith that although the storm can be blinding, there is something greater happening amidst the storm.

Friend, God is the same as HE was back then.

If you are in a storm, know that there is something wonderful going on in the storm. There is a greater glory happening right in front of you and around you. God is trying to show you something, tell you something, and give you something.

So, what is the measure of your faith?

Can you dare to believe in the greater Hand of God while in the storm? Can you dare to see by faith and not by sight to behold the glory that IS?

The storm is not meant to break you, but to break you through the wall of limitation you have built around a limitless God. Your faith is being stretched by the storm(s) you are facing. Your sight in the storm is to see God. You are supposed to witness His wonder in a storm.

So I praise God today for your storm. I thank Him for what HE is doing through you and for you in this stormy season, for it is good and prosperous. All that can be shaken will be shaken in the storm, but because you stand on the eternal Rock of Ages, you shall remain standing after the storm in Jesus name. Amen.